Dec 6, 2024 | Plus Dealer Incentives for 2025
NCBVA President Kyle York, Plans for 2025
Dear Members of the National Concrete Burial Vault Association,
I hope this message finds you well as we approach the end of 2024. As we wrap up the year, I encourage you to focus on the details that truly add value to our business—be it your vehicles, equipment, concrete, or, most importantly, your employees. Remember, we are only as strong as our team. By prioritizing their well-being, we empower them to represent the best of our organization.
The NCBVA Board of Directors is excited about the new initiatives we are planning for our association. Please take some time to review our newsletter below, where you’ll find important updates, including dealer incentives, membership pricing, and proposed bylaw changes.
We value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts on how we can strengthen our association. With 2025 on track to be an excellent year for the NCBVA, I hope it brings great success for your business as well.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and dedication!
Warm regards,
Kyle York
President, National Concrete Burial Vault Association
Membership Invoices Distributed This Week
Our membership invoices were distributed electronically through QuickBooks this week to dealers, vendors, partners, and plants. Our pricing structure for 2025 changed slightly from a two-level pricing tier to a four-level pricing tier to best align each organization with their production. The price list is below:
- Single-Site Membership: $600
- Double-Site Membership: $1100
- Multi-Site Membership (3+): $1500
- Mega-Site Membership (10+): $2000
- Dealer Membership: $2000
- Vendors, Suppliers, & Partners: $600
More than one site?
We’ve estimated the quantity for sites and distribution centers based on our best judgment, colleague input, and/or your website, so if anything looks off, just let us know and we'll update the invoice right away and resend a corrected one. Although we've noted manufacturing sites and distribution centers in our database, the pricing tiers above are based on manufacturing sites, while the optional legal contingency fund (more below) is specific to rooftops and includes both manufacturing sites and distribution centers/warehouses.
Legal Contingency Fund - Optional
So what is the legal contingency fund? This is something new as well for the 2025 price list and is optional. We are recommending $75 per rooftop towards the legal contingency fund that will only be used for legal-related expenses for NCBVA. These funds will specifically be denoted and earmarked accordingly. Your invoice will be updated to match your payment if there is any variance.
As you may be aware, we retain Poul Lemasters as our legal counsel. Previous legal guidance was advantageous to the NCBVA and the industry as a whole, across every dealer line, when facing:
- COVID -- graveside recommendations + employee vaccinations/health choices
- Plastic Vault - reversed mandate by a cemetery in GA prohibiting concrete vaults, deterring others from following suit
- Crane Rule - certification reversal, saving at least $3500/year per site for training no longer required
- Concrete versus plastic - legal & certified testing documenting plastic vaults had strength of less than 5000 PSI.
Pricing Structure
Although our membership pricing has remained the same since 2018, the single-site tier, for example, increased from $450 to $600. All three dealers -- Doric, Trigard, and Wilbert -- continue to support NCBVA and offer incentives for the plants in their network to encourage participation and membership. More information may be found below.
Member Benefits
- 3 articles/year on a trending legal topic
- 3 Q&A conference calls with NCBVA legal counsel
- Ready-to-use legal templates such as:
- the disinterment legal form
- the social media policy sample
- the employee handbook including a write-up of the 10 key elements
- the job application form
- the EAP (Emergency Action Plan)
- Inclusion in online active-member directory
- Access to NCBVA plant certification program with a concrete specialist
- Quarterly email updates on industry news and education
- Unified voice of the industry to address industry regulations
- Permission to utilize NCBVA membership logo and decals for trucks, email signatures, signage, and other marketing materials.
- Opportunity to sponsor newsletters, emails, or social media posts across our network
Dealer Incentives 2025
NEW! Vendor Promo Package
We appreciate our vendor partners and the suppliers that have been long-time supporters of NCBVA. This year, we added an option to enhance that membership for an additional $300. The add-on promo package includes:
- company logo on the NCBVA website
- individual social media post
- shout out with your logo in at least one newsletter to the entire NCBVA database
Vendor invoices include this add on as an optional line item. Your invoice will be updated to match your payment if there is any variance.
- The NCBVA represents groups that provide 90% of all outer burial receptacles interred within the boundaries of its membership.
- Every major brand affiliation of concrete vault manufacturer is represented as a member of the organization.
If your company (or side/sister company) is interested in becoming a vendor / partner member, or if you know someone that might be a good fit, please contact us.
Concrete Specialist Patrick Lewandowski @ Washington Wilbert
Book before December 31, 2024 (and complete the certification visit before January 31, 2025) and pay a discounted price of $2000. Book after January 1, 2025 and pay the new price of $3000.
The Importance of a Unified Voice
We are proud of being a unified voice for the burial vault industry regardless of product affiliation, brand recognition, or location. Our non-profit organization represents groups that provide 90% of all outer burial receptacles interred in the US and Canada. We are a network of like-minded companies who share the same values and experiences.
NCBVA Board of Directors
The NCBVA board is comprised of twelve people:
- one representative for each of the three dealers
- eight directors who manufacture concrete burial vaults and produce/service either Doric, Trigard, or Wilbert (or a combination of different lines)
- immediate past president (non-voting capacity)
Recent Newsletters -- in case you missed them!
To keep up-to-date with industry news, upcoming legal calls, and more, follow us on Facebook!
Print or Forward the Newsletter
Download/Print a copy of this newsletter and share it with others who may be interested.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend or co-worker. They can join NCBVA or sign up for upcoming communication on the NCBVA website.
Bylaws - Proposed Amendment
Number of Board Members
The bylaws specify a ten-day notice to the network is required and then the members (one vote per company) can vote.
Watch your inbox for a survey to vote for/against a change to the NCBVA bylaws to allow for two additional board members. The survey will launch within the next few weeks and will be open for a limited time. All votes will be tallied and membership status verified.
Address: PO Box 8314 | Greenville, SC 29604
Phone: 888-886-2282
Email: info@ncbva.org
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