LEARN SSS Health News
Back to School 2024

Launching into Healthy Learning
We hope everyone had a great start to the school year! Below is some important information related to health and safety. Please reach out to your school nurse if you have any questions.
School nurse contact information can be found at the end of this newsletter.
Tips to Prepare Your Student for a Safe & Healthy School Year
Get Your Kids to Bed on Time
It's tough to adjust to a new year after a summer of late nights and sleeping in, but sleepy kids can't learn! Do your best to limit screen time before bed to ensure a good night sleep.
Make Sure Kids Have Breakfast
Hungry kids aren't going to be able to focus, so get kids to eat before school or sign up for our breakfast program! Try setting out breakfast the night before so it's one less thing to do in the morning. For teens, try sending a protein bar or cheese stick in their backpacks if they don't like eating right away.
At LEARN we offer free breakfast to all students who qualify for free and reduced priced meals. Fill out free & reduced-price meal application to see if you qualify 🍔
Establish a Relationship with the School Nurse
Meet your school nurse on Back to School Night! Ask about how health-related issues are communication and what your preference is if you need to be contacted.
Teach Your Child Respiratory Etiquette
These simple reminders will help keep your child and their community healthy and happy! Teach your child to:
- Cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
- Throw away used tissues
- Cough/sneeze into your elbow, not your hands
- Practice proper hand washing techniques - sing "Happy Birthday" or "Row Your Boat" twice while scrubbing the tops and bottoms of hands and between all fingers
Talk with the School Nurse About Any Family Concerns
Sometimes kids complain of physical symptoms like a headache or stomach ache, when they're actually upset about something like a death in the family, a divorce, or a family event. You can share whatever you feel is important if it impacts your child's ability to flourish in school.
Communicate Your Child's Health Conditions
This includes any condition for which your child may need emergency medication such as:
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Food sensitivity or Allergy
- A bee sting allergy
Send in Medications That May Be Needed at School
Medications for your student can be dropped off at the school during normal school hours by a parent, guardian, or adult. Students should not bring in or self-carry medication unless indicated by the school nurse of a doctor.
Double-Check Emergency Contact Info
Ensure your cell phone number and email address are correct (and that messages aren't going to spam). Be sure to also make sure that everyone on the school pickup list is still accurate - sometimes these details get overlooked!
Keep Your Child Home When They're Sick
We know missing work can pose a challenge for many families or sometimes isn't an option, that's why it's important to have a plan for if your child is sick and can't go to school.
Check in with the Nurse About Mental Health
School nurses can offer support by connecting kids with a school counselor or offering other resources! They can help with teaching mindfulness techniques and healthy coping strategies.
The Urgent Crisis Center run by Child and Family Agency is available for all families in need of urgent care and to avoid the emergency department.
- Crisis Line: 860-440-7182
- Urgent Crisis Center Location: 255 Hempstead St. New London, CT 06320
- Urgent Crisis Center Hours: MON-FRI 8 AM - 10 PM // SAT 10 AM - 6 PM
LEARN School Nurses
Please connect with your school nurse if you have medical questions or updates regarding your student or need other assistance related to health, wellness and safety.
- The Friendship School (TFS) - Kim Capello
- 860-447-4049 ext. 7131
- kcapello@learn.k12.ct.us
- Regional Multicultural Magnet School (RMMS) - Jisanni Alvarado
- 860-437-7775 ext. 3
- jalvarado@learn.k12.ct.us
- Marine Science Magnet High School (MSMHS) - Deb Aniello
- 860-446-9380 ext. 609
- daniello@learn.k12.ct.us
- Three Rivers Middle College (TRMC) - Christin Kondash
- 860-853-8510
- ckondash@learn.k12.ct.us
- Ocean Avenue LEARNing Academy (OALA) - Mary Coughlin & Kiya Lamphere
- 860-400-0840 ext. 3
- mcoughlin@learn.k12.ct.us
- klamphere@learn.k12.ct.us
- LEARN Transition Academy - Christin Kondash
- 860-853-8510
- ckondash@learn.k12.ct.us