August 2024

Sports Physical Information and Registration 2024-25
Sports Physical Information 2024-25
1. ALL participants are required to have a current physical (within the last three
years) on file. If your physical is more than three years old, you will not be allowed to register or participate. If you get a message saying “Valid Physical is Required” it means the physical we have on file either has already expired or will expire by the end of the season you are registering for. You can check your physical expiration date on either the student or parent version of the Infinite Campus Portal App under “More” and “Athletic Physical” Please contact Sherri Anderson at 651-683-6907 or sherri.anderson@district196.org if you need clarification on your physical expiration date.
2. Physical Clearance to Participate forms are available by clicking here: 2024-25
Sports Physical Form Please be sure this form is filled out by your medical provider as other medical charts, etc. are NOT valid for sports participation physicals. Completed physical forms need to be turned in to the Eagan Athletic Office in person, faxed to 651-683-6910 or scanned and emailed to sherri.anderson@district196.org.
3. If you need a new physical here are several local options. #1 Go to your family
physician, #2 Get a FREE sports physical on certain dates and times at Twin Cities Orthopedics https://tcomn.com/SportsPhysicals/, #3 Visit a local CVS Medical Clinic (usually around $50).Athletic Registration Information 2024-25
In order to sign-up for activities you will need to set-up an EduTrak Connect account. Effective July 24, District 196 is transitioning payment platforms from MyPaymentsPlus to EduTrak Connect, beginning with fall athletics/activities registrations at the high school level. Middle schools and elementary schools will go live in EduTrak Connect in August All payment services will expire in MyPamentsPlus on July 31.
EduTrak Connect will host these core services:
Athletics/Activities/Fine Arts: Registration/payment for athletics, activities and fine arts, and other school registrations.
Online School Store: Public access to spirit wear, services, and fundraisers.
Fees: Registration/payment for fees such as field trips, library fines, iPad repairs, etc.
Click below on the District 196 EduTrak Connect Portal to begin navigating through the new registration process - Bookmark this page! The portal includes the link to the login page.
Action Required:
Read through the information on the portal home page.
Create parent/guardian accounts and connect students to your account. Instructions for initial account set up are included on the portal home page.
Register for activities/pay for fees when applicable. Instructions for registering for activities and paying fees are included on the portal home page
2. For additional information on Athletic Registration, please review the instructions
below. Athletic Registration will open July 24th for FALL SPORTS ONLY.
District 196 EduTrak Connect Portal
New Payment Platform Launched
The change in payment platforms from MyPaymentsPlus to EduTrack Connect began July 24th. All payment services will expire in MyPaymentsPlus on July 31. Staff and parents were informed of this update in emails sent June 27 and July 24th. For more information, visit the District 196 EduTrak Connect Portal.
Fall Sports Start Dates/Locations/Contact Information
Opening Date for Fall sports: First day of tryouts/practice:
Boys and Girls Cross Country, Football, Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Swim and Dive, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball - August 12
CI and PI Adapted Soccer - August 26
Comp Cheer and Fall Performance Dance Team should also register prior to August 12th
First Day of Fall Sport Coach Contact Information:
Football - 10th-12th Grade - Nick Johnson Nick.Johnson@district196.org
Football - 9th Grade - Wayne Krantz wayne.krantz@district196.org
Boys Soccer - Josue Boutouli wildcatsvarsity@gmail.com
Girls Soccer - Qassim Ilmi q.ilmi@hotmail.com
Girls Tennis - Lisa Johnson lisa.n.johnson@district196.org
Boys Cross Country - Shannon Braun shannon.braun@district196.org
Girls Cross Country - Lisa Langenhahn lisa.langenhahn@district196.org
Volleyball - McKenna Melville - mckenna.melville@district196.org
Girls Swim/Dive - Andrew Michelson amichelson10@gmail.com
Fall Performance Dance - TBD
Adapted Soccer CI - Brett Kosidowski brett.kosidowski@district196.org
Adapted Soccer PI - Lorrie Buecksler lorrie.buecksler@district196.org
Sideline Cheer - Angela Lyscio - eagancheercoaches@gmail.com
Registration will open July 24th, 2024
Click Here for registration and season details!
Girls and Boys Cross Country, Cheerleading, Dance, Football, Girls and Boys Soccer, Girls Swim/Dive, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Adapted Soccer PI/CI.
All participants need a current physical on file in campus.
FREE Sports Physicals!
Does your child need a sports physical? Free sports physicals are being offered at the locations listed above. Registration for physicals begins June 17th.
Subscribe to Parent E-Mail!
Eagan High School parents, residents, students and anyone else interested in receiving regular information updates from EHS can subscribe to the EHS listserves. Information includes updates from the principal and announcements of special events. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Eagan High School
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Phone: 651-683-6900