Shine On Sunnyside
Vol. 1, Issue 6 September 15, 2017
"The Contest"
New Recess Routes Starting Monday
- Escort them to the door (7) located adjacent to the student bathrooms in the new wing. We will post a sign for the first couple of days to remind everyone.
- At the end of recess, students will reenter the building through Door 9 (New Canopy) to enter the cafeteria for lunch.
- Thank you for your patience and understanding and we hope this avoids the intersections of classes entering and exiting for lunch and recess.
Dress Code Enforcement
Save The Dates!
September 18: Purdue SLED TIP Students (Teachers in Practice) begin practicum at LSIS
September 25: BoxTop Competition Starts (ends Oct. 6)
September 25-29: College Go Week! (Lots of information to come!)
September 26: Seeger Jr./Sr. High STEM Certification Visit (Showcase Your Classrooms!)
September 27: Purdue Student-Athletes Visit LSIS Classroom (more inform to come)
September 27: Get yourself a haircut. Tomorrow is Picture Day!
September 28: School Picture Day (more details to come)
September 28: Close Reading PD after school in Room 218
September 29: FUN FRIDAY 3:15-4:20 Your Presence if Very Appreciated!
Bag Your iPad
Tech Tips from Lindsey Sickler: Canvas discussions
Our Data Wall
Weekly Staff Attendance Data
Weekly Student Attendance Data
SIAP Goal 96.2%
Speed PD-Using Number Talks to Meet Student Needs
Staff "To Do" List
- Complete SafeSchools training: https://lsc-in.safeschools.com/login
- Take accurate attendance each morning
Grant Opportunity
McDonald’s® of Central Indiana will award MAC Grants to Central Indiana educators for the upcoming school season! For 18 years, McDonald’s of Central Indiana has offered MAC Grants to boost learning in hundreds of classrooms across Indiana.
These special grants are designed to help 6th grade – 8th grade middle school teachers of all subjects fund learning-induced projects, assignments, lesson plans and activities for their students. Teachers have a chance to earn up to $500 in funding for their classroom!
For more information or to apply for a MAC Grant, please visit http://macgrantsindy.com/. Deadline for application submission is Friday, September 29, 2017.
To help you spread the message about our program to your teachers, we have provided a postcard for you to distribute to your teachers to encourage them to apply for a MAC Grant!
For questions or concerns, please contact Cher Nelson at 317-684-7711 or macgrantsindy@bch.com.