Munhall Bulletin
April 24, 2020
Munhall Elementary School
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Twitter: @MunhallD303
Principal Note
Hello Munhall Families,
Last Friday’s announcement from Governor Pritzker brought finality to what the remainder of the school year would look like, and dimmed the hope of a return to Munhall by year’s end. The decision brought about a range of emotions. I know in my own household, my daughter was thrilled and my son was devastated. I am sure you see something similar in your home. Please know that we will continue to strive to make learning meaningful for your child, and find creative ways to keep them connected to their teachers and classmates.
Also, we know we will need to find a way to celebrate our 5th grade students as they transition into middle school. Our 5th grade clap-out has been a highly popular tradition that has been enjoyed for years at our Munhall community. Although this year will look different for our 5th graders, I hope we can find a way to make our 5th graders feel respected and celebrated, while also being safe and responsive to the social distancing guidelines. Many ideas have already been generated, and I look forward to communicating to our community once an approved plan has been identified.
2020-2021 Class Placement—Parent Feedback:
In planning for the upcoming school year, parents are invited to provide information that will assist us in the class placement process. Since every learner is unique, our goal is to pair each learner with an environment that maximizes his or her potential. Therefore, balancing classrooms based on gender, special needs or talents, learning styles, and personalities are all factored as we compile class lists. As you can imagine, this is a complex process and a very important one.
We welcome any information that you would like to provide about your student in order to assist us in
making the best possible placement. Because of the many factors considered when putting a class roster together, requests for specific teachers will not be accepted. Clearly defining the needs of your child will be most helpful in making a good classroom assignment.
If you have information that will assist us in making a placement for your child, please forward that
information to me in writing. You may wish to include the following types of information:
Your child’s talents and needs
The type of classroom environment that has been or will be most beneficial for your child
Your child’s personality and learning style
Letters must be received by May 15th, 2020 to receive consideration. Letters can be submitted through
US mail to 1400 South 13th Avenue, St. Charles, IL, 60174, or through an email attachment at
Thank you for your assistance in this important matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 331-228-6637.
Registration for Returning Students—2020-2021 School Year
Registration for all students returning to D303 for the 2020-2021 school year will open on Monday, April 27th. Registration for next year is done entirely online. Late last week, the district began mailing postcards with all pertinent information regarding registration. Please look for this postcard in your mailbox. Also, I plan on attaching detailed instructions to this week’s Munhall Bulletin, which will guide parents through the registration process.
Finally, if you have moved, and don’t plan on returning to Munhall in the fall, please email Allyson Taylor at and Heather Miller at If you have questions regarding registration, logging into Home Access Center, etc., please call 331-228-2600 and leave a voicemail. Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Taylor will follow up with you.
SEL Lessons:
Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. (The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2020). This weeks SEL lesson includes strategies supportive of successfully completing assignments or tasks. One such strategy is Ready-Do-Done, a process children and adults can use to plan through the completion of tasks that may appear overwhelming. This week’s competency is:
Responsible decision-making: The ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, social norms, the realistic evaluation of consequences of various actions, and the well-being of self and others.
We are asking students to identify and use strategies to manage emotions. Video clips and text is embedded to foster conversation. The challenges and uncertainty facing families and children are impactful on overall mental health and well-being. We are hopeful the resources shared will be a support to parents/guardians and children. If you have any questions on the information provided or are seeking additional support for yourself or child, please contact Patti Palagi, Director Instructional Interventions ( or 331-228-6457).
A direct link to the optional Social/Emotional Learning lesson can be found below:
I wish all of you a restful and healthy weekend! Take care of each other…
Jarrod Buxton, Principal
Returning Student Online Registration Opens April 27th
Returning Student Registration for 2020-2021 has moved to an online format that will open on April 27. In years past, parents completed the necessary paperwork in paper format. This year, all acknowledgments and authorizations are contained in a single electronic, online registration form that will be easily accessible from most electronic devices (computer, Chromebook, and Smartphones).
Beginning April 27, parents can sign into the Returning Student Online Registration form using their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials, select individual students, and complete their registration. The form will be located in the Parents/Community menu of the District website.
Registration fees for elementary and middle school will be available in Pushcoin beginning April 27, and billed to reflect the early bird discount of $10.00 if paid by May 22. High School fees will be available in June. For families who may qualify for a fee waiver, and are not directly certified by the state, a 2020-2021 district fee waiver application will be available on the District 303 website in July, accessible from the Parent/Community menu.
La Inscripción para Estudiantes que Regresan para el 2020-2021 se ha movido a un formato en línea que abrirá el 27 de abril. En años previos, los padres completaban los documentos necesarios en papel, pero, este año, todos los acuses de recibo y autorizaciones ahora se encuentran en un único formulario de inscripción electrónico y en línea que puede ser fácilmente accesible desde la mayoría de los dispositivos electrónicos (computadora, Chromebook, y teléfonos inteligentes).
Comenzando el 27 de abril, los padres pueden ingresar al formulario electrónico de inscripción para estudiantes que regresan usando sus credenciales del Centro de Acceso para el Hogar (HAC), seleccionar al estudiante de manera individual, y completar su inscripción. El formulario se encuentra en el menú de Padres/Comunidad en el sitio web del Distrito.
Las cuotas de inscripción para las escuelas primarias y secundarias estarán disponibles en PushCoin comenzando el 27 de abril, y se hará la cuenta a deber que refleje el descuento de inscripción temprana de $10.00 si se paga para el 22 de mayo. Las cuotas para las preparatorias estarán disponibles en junio. Para las familias que pueden calificar para una exención de tasas, y no están directamente certificadas por el estado, estará disponible una aplicación para la exención de tasas del Distrito para el 2020-2021 en el sitio web del Distrito 303 en Julio. Igualmente, esta se encontrará accesible mediante el menú de Padres/Comunidad.