Online Learning Manual
Teachers and Staff

Educational Learning Models - Definitions
Glossary of Key Terms
District Calendar 2024-2025
Adjusting Instructional Models
Grading Procedures
Technology and Supplies
Asynchronous Learning Model
Synchronous Learning Model
Attendance Procedures
Tips for Success in an Online Learning Environment
UDSD Code of Character
Academic Dishonesty Policy
How Upper Darby Online Learning Compares to Cyber Charter Schools
Student Services
Student Access to Schoology
Parent Expectations & Access to Schoology
What to Expect From Your Teachers
Frequently Asked Questions
Upper Darby School District offers various learning models for our students living in the School District. These models include In-Person Instruction, Synchronous Online Learning, and Asynchronous Online Learning. Students may choose any of these options for their education. The curriculum was developed by Upper Darby School District’s highly qualified teachers and is available on our district Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology. All students are assigned to their home building. Their assigned school will provide support. Students may participate in clubs, field trips, sports, and all available building activities. Please visit your school’s website for more information on these activities.
Educational Learning Models - Definitions
In-Person Learning - This learning model is available to all students in the Upper Darby School District. Students attend a district building each school day and participate in their classes. In-person learning is the traditional model of schooling. This learning model is strongly encouraged for K-5 students.
Synchronous Online Learning - This learning model is available to all students in the Upper Darby School District. Upper Darby School District started to provide synchronous learning in the 2020-2021 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This model requires students to attend online at specified times and follow the school’s In-Person schedule. Teachers and staff will utilize the technology installed throughout the district (i.e., Classroom cameras, microphones) to provide opportunity, unity, and excellence in education to all students. Parent/guardian supervision and internet service are required for this instructional model.
Asynchronous Online Learning - This learning model is available to all students in the Upper Darby School District. The courses were written by Upper Darby School District teachers and will be delivered through Schoology, our Learning Management System (LMS). School assignments will be released weekly by the teacher of record. Asynchronous learning assignments and pacing will align with the in-person learning environment. While virtual learning models are available for K-5 students, we strongly encourage parents of online learners to attend in-person instruction. Parent/ guardian supervision and internet service are required for this instructional model.
Home Education - A home education program (sometimes referred to as homeschooling) is not considered a nonpublic school under the home education law. Homeschooling is a program (24 P.S. § 13-1327.1 (b)) and is a right, as long as the required documentation is submitted in the notarized affidavit (sample affidavits are available Home Education and Private Tutoring). For additional information, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education Website. Please see our district policy by clicking on this link.
Glossary of Key Terms
ClassLink/Launchpad - A launchpad that allows K-12 students to sign on with one password to access all district apps and resources. The launchpad is available on all district Chromebooks.
Google Meet - is a video communication service developed by Google and available through our Google Suite.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) - a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. Upper Darby School District uses Schoology as its LMS.
Schoology - A Learning Management System (LMS) for K-12 and post-secondary institutions allows users to create, manage, and share academic content. This cloud-based platform provides the tools needed to manage a virtual classroom lesson. Upper Darby School District’s highly qualified teachers create or upload allowable, previously created materials posted on Schoology. This learning management system can be accessed through ClassLink.
Video Conferencing Software - software that facilitates initiating and conducting live conferences between two or more participants at different sites using computer networks to transmit audio, video, and text data. The video conferencing software that Upper Darby School District uses is Google Meet.
District Calendar 2024-2025
The official UDSD calendar for the school year can be found by clicking the link below or visiting Board Docs.
Adjusting Instructional Models
We are asking parents to choose the learning environment that best suits their child for the 2024-2025 school year and remain in that learning environment for the duration of the school year. However, if a family does need to switch learning environments, a request must be made in writing to the building principal/assistant principal. The principal/assistant principal will set up a meeting to discuss the transition date and plan for changing the learning environment. The principal/assistant principal will communicate with the family throughout the transition from one learning environment to another. There may be situations where the building virtual committee may choose to have the student remain in their current instructional model.
Changes to the instructional model will align with the approved district calendar trimesters, marking periods, and/or semester breaks. When an instructional model is adjusted, the assigned teacher may be adjusted due to the child’s daily schedule.
*In the case of disciplinary action, there may be exceptions to adjusting the instructional models. This would be addressed by the central administration and the building principal.
Grading Procedures
Students and teachers will follow the grading procedures as outlined by each school. Please visit your school's website regarding particular grading procedures.
Technology and Supplies
Synchronous and Asynchronous students have access to the same technology and supplies as in-person students. Online learners will receive a district-issued Chromebook. Teachers will make students aware of any supplies they may need and will be provided in the Course Home folder in each Schoology course. Handouts given to in-person students will be made available electronically to online learners through Schoology. If a handout can not be made available, an alternate assignment will be provided.
The building administrator will make arrangements for online learners and their families to pick up materials they may need. Additional information about pick-up locations and times will be provided in August. Families and students who transition to synchronous or an asynchronous model at the beginning of the marking period or trimester will pick up their materials at their home building based on the date provided by the building principal/assistant principal during the transition meeting prior.
All virtual students will be issued a district Chromebook and district log-in credentials to use for instruction. Virtual students MUST use this device and email to access Schoology and other online learning platforms. If a student has a technological issue with their Chromebook, they should try these troubleshooting tips. If that doesn’t work, email Techservices@upperdarbysd.org.
Adjusting Instructional Models
We are asking parents to choose the learning environment that best suits their child for the 2023-2024 school year and remain in that learning environment for the duration of the school year. However, if a family does need to switch learning environments, a request must be made in writing to the building principal/assistant principal. The principal/assistant principal will set up a meeting to discuss the transition date and plan for changing the learning environment. The principal/assistant principal will communicate with the family throughout the transition from one learning environment to another. There may be situations where the building virtual committee may choose to have the student remain in their current instructional model.
Changes to the instructional model will align with the approved district calendar trimesters, marking periods, and/or semester breaks. When an instructional model is adjusted the assigned teacher may be adjusted due to the child’s daily schedule. When students are not following the virtual learning expectations outlined in the Online Learning Manual: Students, Parents, and Families the building virtual committee should discuss the possibility of those students returning to in-person instruction.
*In the case of disciplinary action, there may be exceptions to adjusting the instructional models. This would be addressed by the central administration and the building principal. Students who are placed in the asynchronous model due to disciplinary action will be reviewed at the end of the school year unless circumstances require an earlier review.
Asynchronous Learning Model
Learning Expectations of Students:
Students must attend a Virtual Orientation Session on the first student day in August. Students who change instructional models, as outlined on page 4, will attend a virtual orientation on the first day of their new placement.
Students must follow all Code of Character procedures as outlined by their home building. Students can find the Code of Character on each school’s website. In addition to the Code of Character, students must follow the Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Online Resources
Completion of assignments is based on the specific assignment requirements for the class/course. Students and their families are encouraged to check their grades in Home Access Center (HAC) and Schoology on a weekly basis. This will help keep track of student progress and missing assignments.
For academic support, students should:
Send direct messages via email or Schoology to the teacher.
Ask permission to attend a synchronous class as scheduled during the school day.
Request a one-on-one phone call or Google Meet with a teacher.
If unable to find a mutually agreeable time, please reach out to the building principal/assistant principal for assistance.
Asynchronous students must adhere to the following assessment requirements.
Assessments are a valuable tool for the student, parent, and classroom teacher. Assessments provide information to show grade-level progress therefore students need to participate in the appropriate grade-level assessments. Assessment dates will be provided by the building principal/assistant principal and the classroom teacher. State Testing dates can be found on the district website and the district one-page calendar.
Local Testing Procedures:
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments are required to be taken in the building or online, depending on the home school’s preference for MAP testing. MAP assessments are administered three times a year. MAP measures achievement and growth in K-12 math and reading. This assessment provides teachers with accurate and actionable evidence to help target instruction for each student or group of students. For more information on MAP assessments, please visit the NWEA website by clicking here.
Aimsweb assessments are required benchmark assessments to be taken in the building or online, depending on the home school’s preference. Aimsweb tests are administered three times per year by the building literacy team. Aimsweb measures accuracy in reading and provides teachers with data to support students in their MTSS/reading instructional time.
State Testing Procedures:
Keystone Testing - Students will be required to take all Keystone Assessments in the building. Keystone Exams are administered to qualifying 8th graders and all high school students. For more information regarding Keystone testing, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website by clicking on this link.
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment(PSSA) Testing - Students in grades 3-8 will be required to take the PSSA in the building. For more information regarding the PSSA, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website by clicking on this link.
ACCESS Testing- Students who have qualified for EL Services are annually administered ACCESS WIDA to measure students' English Language proficiency and progress in reading, writing, speaking and listening/understanding. Students will be required to take the ACCESS test in the building. For more information about WIDA Access Testing, please visit the WIDA website by clicking on this link.
Advanced Placement Testing - If a student qualifies for advanced placement testing, they may be required to take their exams in the building or online, depending on the test-taking procedures as outlined by the College Board. For more information on AP testing, please visit the CollegeBoard website by clicking on this link.
Synchronous Learning Model
Learning Expectations of Students:
Synchronous students are required to attend their classes online at specified times and follow the school’s In-Person schedule. Teachers and staff will utilize the technology installed throughout the district (i.e., Classroom cameras, microphones) to provide opportunity, unity, and excellence in education to all students.
Students MUST keep their cameras on except for extenuating circumstances or taking a brief break.
Students must engage in classroom discussions via chat, audio, and video features.
Students must follow their regular schedule as they would in the building.
Students must complete assignments and activities as assigned by the classroom teacher.
While parent/guardian supervision is an integral part of a child’s success, classroom instructional time cannot be used for parent conferences. Therefore we are asking parents not to join the Google Meet but to email the teacher(s) if a parent conference is requested..
Attendance Procedures
Synchronous Teacher:
The assigned teacher will be responsible for taking attendance for the students on their roster on the eSchool platform. All attendance procedures must be followed in accordance with Policy 204. Students will be required to adhere to the student expectations for online learning.
If a student is not continually engaging in the learning process, proceed as you normally would for an in-person student, such as email home, phone call home, and meeting with a guidance counselor. If a student is still not engaging in the learning process, the student may be asked to return to in-person instruction.
Asynchronous Teacher:
The assigned teacher will be responsible for taking attendance for the students on the eSchool platform. All attendance procedures must be followed in accordance with Policy 204. Asynchronous students are required to log in each day (Elementary students log into homeroom; Secondary students log into each class) for attendance purposes. Detailed instructions for teachers can be found on this link.
Tips for Success in an Online Learning Environment
Tips for Success:
Find a quiet and organized place to work within the Upper Darby School District boundaries. (This could be your home, local library, or a local location with WiFi within the school district).
Participate in class. Be prepared and stay focused during the entire lesson.
Have all materials ready and available to use during class.
Set a schedule for yourself to make sure you are completing classwork on time.
Utilize headphones for instructional videos.
Practice basic computer skills, including typing.
Don’t be afraid to try new technology (applications and websites).
Communicate questions and concerns with teachers via email.
Hand in all assignments on time. Do not procrastinate!
Make sure you have the internet at all times. If you lose the internet, you must notify your teacher by calling your home school building’s office.
UDSD Code of Character
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Upper Darby School District offers three learning options for students. All three learning options are unique and require students to be active participants in their learning. Learning can only take place in an honest academic setting. Students are expected to use their ideas and expressions. Plagiarism is against the Upper Darby School District Code of Conduct. Therefore students are expected to:
Utilize an Upper Darby School District Chromebook to complete assignments.
Utilize their Upper Darby School District Email credentials to access the curriculum and communicate with teachers and counselors.
How Upper Darby Online Learning Compares to Cyber Charter Schools
Student Services
Special Education
UDSD will continue to provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and the provision of special education services (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - IDEA and PA Code Title 22, Chapter 14) to support students in an asynchronous or synchronous learning environment. IEP Teams will be in close contact with families to discuss schedules, support, and changes that may be necessary for an online learning environment. IEP teams will work with families to implement the best plan possible to ensure FAPE in an online learning environment. Additionally, IEP teams will be monitoring progress through many different online tools.
Section 504 Service Agreements
Students’ individual Section 504 service plans will continue to be active and monitored in virtual or asynchronous learning models. It may be possible that some accommodations are no longer necessary in a virtual or asynchronous environment, or additional accommodations are necessary in either learning model. Case managers and 504 teams will discuss changes with families and amend existing service agreements as necessary.
Gifted Education
All requirements under PA Code Title 22, Chapter 16 for Gifted Education will be followed and any amendments to gifted individualized education plans (GIEP) will be discussed with GIEP teams and documented appropriately. In some instances, students who are generally working in the asynchronous model may be required to join a synchronous gifted support group with the gifted education teacher for instruction in specific content targeted for acceleration and/or enrichment.
Language Instruction Educational Program
Upper Darby School District will continue to provide English language development (ELD) instruction to identified English Learners. Broadly speaking, English language development can take place in one of two settings. Either stand-alone ELD direct instruction or content-embedded ELD instruction.
At the elementary level, synchronous students will receive stand-alone ELD instruction as part of their day designated for small group and/or independent English Language Arts instruction.
Students' schedules may vary depending on their English Language Proficiency Level. Asynchronous students’ schedules will vary depending on their English Language Proficiency Level. Students will be assigned work to support their English Language development.
At the secondary level, synchronous students will receive content-embedded ELD instruction during their scheduled English/Language Arts time. Asynchronous students will be enrolled in a course to support English Language Development. Identified English Learners will take an assessment to determine their current level and placement in the ELD program.
Student Access to Schoology
How to Log into UDSD Schoology: App, Mobile, Computer (Google Slide)
Schoology Mobile Apps (Links)
Google Drive Assignments App (Article)
Schoology Assignments (Article)
Schoology Learning Help (Links/Search)
Home Access Center (HAC) (Link) and Instructions (Document)
Student Technology Troubleshooting Tips (Document)
Parent Expectations & Access to Schoology
Parent Expectations & Tips for Success
Monitor students’ attendance by ensuring students are on the computer during the regularly scheduled school day (synchronous students).
Monitor students’ attendance by ensuring students log into Schoology daily, and complete daily and weekly assignments by the assigned due date (asynchronous students).
Secondary students can check their grades and verify lesson and assignment completion by visiting the Home Access Center (HAC) - link
Communicate with teachers and counselors regarding any needed academic or emotional support.
Check district communication platforms regularly. This includes Schoology, email, and Home Access Center (HAC). Many announcements are also posted on the Upper Darby School District’s social media platforms.
Keep demographic information (email, address, and phone number) up to date in our system by contacting central registration about any changes.
Encourage students to reach out to their classroom teacher for assistance.
Establish an appropriate learning space within the district boundaries for your students that is quiet and free from distractions. (This could be your home, local library, or a local location with WiFi within the school district).
Parent Access to Schoology:
Schoology Overview (video)
How to Log into UDSD Schoology: App, Mobile, Computer (Google Slide)
Communication in Schoology (video)
What to Expect From Your Teachers
All courses, synchronous or asynchronous, are taught by Upper Darby School District highly qualified teachers. Teachers will:
Provide a grade-level curriculum that supports each student.
Answer emails or Schoology messages promptly.
Use a variety of local, state, and National assessments based on content and standards. Assessments will be summative and formative.
Communicate regarding assessment schedules.
Follow a specific protocol, including but not limited to
Responding to phone calls promptly (24 - 48 hours)
Grading assignments within a reasonable time
Communicating with students regarding the objectives and expectations.
Standardization and organization of course content
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can my student switch their learning model (Synchronous, Asynchronous, In-person learning) at any time?
A: We are asking parents to choose the learning environment that best suits their child and remain in that learning environment for the duration of the school year. However, if a family does need to switch learning environments, a request must be made in writing to the building principal/assistant principal. The principal/assistant principal will set up a meeting to discuss the transition date and plan for changing the learning environment. Changes to the instructional model will align with the approved district calendar trimesters, marking periods, and/or semester breaks. When an instructional model is adjusted, the assigned teacher may be adjusted due to the child’s daily schedule.
Q: I understand that all classrooms in UDSD will have live-streaming video and audio equipment. Will my child be on camera and visible to others via live stream?
A: The expectation is that teachers will use classroom cameras to enhance students’ learning in the virtual setting. This means that some students may be on camera at different points throughout instruction.
Q: Will my child be recorded with video cameras?
A: No. The cameras do not record students.
Q: If my child misses a live lesson, will it be recorded for the students to view later?
A: Lessons will not be recorded. Please contact your teacher if you have missed a lesson. Synchronous students that miss a live lesson will be marked as absent by the teacher.
Q: Are students allowed to come to the building to complete work in their home school building?
A: If a student struggles with asynchronous or synchronous learning at home, we suggest students switch to in-person learning. Students can do that at semester/trimester/marking period breaks by having a parent make a written request to the building principal/assistant principal. The principal/assistant principal will set up a meeting to discuss the transition date and plan for changing the learning environment.
Q: Will Vo-Tech students be allowed to participate synchronously in their courses?
A: Vo-Tech is only available in person. Students who choose the asynchronous online learning mode will attend Vo-Tech in person and complete the asynchronous school work before or after their Vo-Tech program.
Q: Does my student follow the same academic calendar as other in-person students in UDSD?
A: Yes, all students will follow the 2024-2025 academic calendar, as shown on page 4.
Q: My child is in ELL classes. Can my child participate in synchronous or asynchronous online learning through UDSD?
A: Upper Darby School District strongly recommends that English Learners participate in the in-person learning model. However, any UDSD student may decide to participate in online learning. It is important to include the English Language Development teacher in reviewing their educational plan.
Q: Does my student need a computer?
A: Students do not need to purchase a computer. All Upper Darby School District students are provided a Chromebook to complete their school work. Students should use this Chromebook for school purposes only. If there are technical problems with the Chromebook, first you should try these troubleshooting tips. If that doesn’t fix the problem, email familyschoologysupport@upperdarbysd.org, and/or fill out this ticket. You can also call the home school building to arrange for a replacement.
Q: Will my student be reimbursed for internet access?
A: Students will not be reimbursed for internet access. If you are financially unable to obtain internet access, please contact your home school building’s social worker.
Q: What if I am interested in homeschooling my child?
A: Homeschooling is different from district online learning. Parents can provide their children with the curriculum as long as they follow the Pennsylvania Department of Education laws regarding homeschooling. A home education program is not considered a nonpublic school under the home education law. Homeschooling is a program (24 P.S. § 13-1327.1 (b)) and is a right, as long as the required documentation is submitted in the notarized affidavit (Elementary K-6 and Secondary 7-12). For more information, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education Website.
Director of Communications
Communications and Media Services
Upper Darby School District