Wednesday Wildcat Tales
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wildcat Wednesday Tales
Celebrate Freedom Week September 16-20
Celebrate Freedom Week is celebrated the week of September 17th . Each social studies class in grades 3-12 shall include, during Celebrate Freedom Week as provided under Texas Education Code, §29.907, or during another full school week as determined by the board of trustees of a school district, appropriate instruction concerning the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, in their historical contexts. The study of the Declaration of Independence must include the study of the relationship of the ideas expressed in that document to subsequent American history, including the relationship of its ideas to the rich diversity of our people as a nation of immigrants, the American Revolution, the formulation of the United States Constitution, and the abolitionist movement, which led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the women's suffrage movement.
Meet the Specials Teachers PE, Art, and Music
Jessica Tuttle - Art
Terri Nelli - Music
Katie Jacobs - Music
Secure and Hazmat Drills
The safety and welfare of students and staff are our highest priority. To provide schools an opportunity to practice emergency response procedures, our students and staff will participate in emergency preparedness drills throughout the school year.
The goals of the training drill are to improve our ability to protect students, save lives, and reduce injuries. They allow us to elevate our emergency operations plan and improve our response skills. As a part of the drill, all students and staff will participate in the activation of our Campus Emergency Operations Plan.
On Friday, September 20th our students and staff will practice the following drills.
Shelter in Place for Hazmat
We will practice using the Standard Response Protocol. Teachers will review the procedures with students prior to practicing the drills.
Attention 3rd and 4th Graders - Club Sign Ups
Third and fourth graders are invited to participate in morning clubs. Please see the attached link. Sign ups will closed Wednesday, September 18th. Club Sign Ups
Digital Citizenship September 30-October 4
The week of September 30th-October 4th, the Digital Learning Department will host Digital Citizenship Week. The week will include daily themes and announcements, and lessons focused on digital citizenship concepts, and time for teachers and students to engage in discussions that will promote safety and security in an online environment.
Attendance Matters
In the state of Texas, there are two LAWS pertaining to school attendance.
Compulsory Attendance - students are required by law to attend school by the age of 6 years old. Once enrolled in school, students in PK and KG must attend school.
Attendance for Credit - students must be in attendance for 90% of the school year (missing no more than 17 days) to receive credit. This includes both EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED absences.
BY LAW, when a student has three or more unexcused absences in a 28 day period, the district must begin tracking their child’s attendance for truancy. Schools must notify the parent in writing (via email in most cases) when the district begins monitoring their attendance for truancy. Parents can be held accountable by the courts, should a student develop a pattern of unexcused absences.
All absences, EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED require a note within 3 days of a student’s return to school. Late arrivals and early releases will be excused only if accompanied by a doctor's notes. If a medical provider was seen, please ask the doctor, clinic or therapy center for a note each time you visit. If the absence did not require a doctor visit, parents can send an email or signed note with the child’s legal name, reason for the absence and specific date(s) of the absence(s). If your child is absent more than one day or the doctor note does not cover all days missed, please write the absence note for all the dates your child missed school. For prolonged illness, students must turn in a doctor note after 5 consecutive days for absences to be excused. Students have the number of days missed to make up their work. No work taken for a grade can be sent home or picked up.
To read more about school attendance, please refer to pages 26-30 of the TISD student handbook.
September Calendar of Events
August 23 First Fire Drill
September 2 Student and Staff Holiday
September 3 Library Opens
September 3 5:45 General PTO Meeting
September 3 6:00 Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Parent Orientation/Open House
September 5 5:45 General PTO Meeting
September 5 6:00 Pre-Kindergarten, 3rd and 4th Grade Parent Orientation/Open House
September 6 9:00 Volunteer Coffee Everyone Welcome
September 6 9:30 PTO Meeting
September 9 5:30 TISD School Board Workshop Meeting
September 10 5:30 TISD School Board Meeting
September 11 and 12 7:40-8:25 Choir Starts
September 11 First Responders Day
September 16-20 Celebrate Freedom Week
September 17 Constitution Day
September 18 Marco's Spirit Night
September 20 Safety Drill Secure
September 26 4:30 Campus Improvement Team Meeting
Willow Creek Elementary
Location: 18302 North Eldridge Parkway, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281 375-3080
Twitter: @tisdwcesbuildinggreatness