January 27 - 31

Principal's Message
Hello Panther Families and Staff,
I cannot believe we are in the last week of January already! We are continuing to focus on the habit of Win-Win, looking for creative ways where everyone can benefit from situations that come our way. In my conversations with student involved in peer conflict this past week, I put a big emphasis on this language.
Parent Survey - Click the Link. We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Feel free to share both your favorite things about our school and any areas where you think we can do better. Your input is vital as we plan for the upcoming school year. As a Lassen View parent, you play a crucial role in shaping our school's future.
This Friday is the Daughter's Dance. It will take place from 5-7pm in the Lassen View Cafeteria. Parent Club will have keepsake light up roses, twirler ribbons, pizza, cake, and Boba Tea for sale! Entry is free. All girls are invited to bring their special adult. It is going to be a special event.
PARENTSQUARE We are using ParentSquare! I have switched over to a wonderful platform called ParentSquare. ParentSquare allows me to send you emails, texts, and other notifications (should you take the option of installing the app) straight to your phone. If you are like me you may have students at more than one school. We are making an effort to streamline communication! You can access previous messages, current school events/calendar, access the school website and more!!! We are doing a small roll out here at Lassen View with communication coming from me. In the future, teachers and office staff will also be able to communicate this way as well. Head to your devices app store to check out more. Here is a link to parent FAQs for ParentSquare.
🚗🛻🚐IMPORTANT!!! 🚗🛻🚐
We have made a slight change to morning drop off. In an effort to keep Loma Vista clear of congestion, we are going to be unlocking the gate that is just near the front office along with the gate that is just outside the cafeteria. This will allow for parents to pull all the way forward to drop students off in both locations. If the lane is clear to the office please pull all the way forward and drop students there. I will be out on the curb in the mornings directing traffic as we transition to an additional drop off zone. One thing to keep in mind and be aware of is the arrival of the school bus. They enter the center exit and drop at the office area. If the bus enters the loop please allow space for them to do their stop. I am hopeful that this will be a small yet effective adjustment.
Basketball teams will have practice and clubs will be running. If your child plays on the boys team they need to leave campus and then return for their 3:15pm practice.
The 2023-24 School Accountability Report Card is now available online and you may also request one in print from the school office. Here is the link to the one available online.
For January and February, we’re focusing on Habit 4: Think Win-Win! At our school, we believe in creating a culture where everyone can succeed. This habit teaches students to look for solutions that benefit everyone - whether they’re working with classmates, teachers, or friends. By thinking Win-Win, we can build stronger relationships, solve problems in positive ways, and create a community where cooperation and kindness thrive. Let’s encourage our students to embrace this mindset at school and at home, helping everyone feel valued and successful!
-Mrs. Dahlberg
Your Feedback Matters
Please click on the image to fill out the survey.
Attendance Matters
If you need to call in attendance and it is after or before office hours, feel free to leave a voicemail and we will be sure to get it documented correctly.
Leaderize Lassen View
Habits we have worked on thus far:
Habit 1: Be Proactive - "I am in charge of me."
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind - "Have a plan."
Habit 3: Put First Things First - "Do the important things first."
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Upcoming Events
27 - Minimum Day Monday
29 - 100th Day of School!
3 - Minimum Day Monday
4 - Basketball @ Mistletoe (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
5 - Basketball Home (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)
6 - Basketball @ Alta Mesa (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
7 - Daughter's Dance (5-7pm)
10 - Minimum Day Monday
11 - Basketball Home (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
13 - Basketball @ Boulder Creek (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
17-21 - No School - Presidents' Week
24 - Minimum Day Monday
24 - Basketball @ Shasta Meadows (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)
27 - Basketball Home (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)
28 - Fish and Game School Wide Presentation
3 - Minimum Day Monday
3 - Basketball Home (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)4 - Basketball @ Bethel (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
6 - Basketball @ Rother (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)
6 - Family Game Night
7 - 1st and 2nd Grades to Starship Variety Hour Fieldtrip
10 - Minimum Day Monday
10 - Basketball @ Boulder Creek (Boys 3pm; Girls 4pm)
13 - Basketball Home (Girls 3pm; Boys 4pm)
17-21 - Parent/Teacher Conferences Minimum Days
17 - Site Council Meeting
28 - Trimester 2 Awards Assemblies (3/4/5 8:25am; K/1/2 9:15am)
Parent Club
Drop Off/Pick Up Safety and Procedures
Drop Off:
- All drop offs must take place in front of the school. (The side gate near the church will not be open).
- Students may be dropped off at the cafeteria starting at 7:25 am.
- TK/Kinder students may enter the TK/Kinder gate starting at 8 am or enter into the cafeteria and parking is available for you in this area.
Pick Up:
- TK/Kinder students can be picked up from their classrooms upon dismissal time. Please use the TK/Kinder gate and park in the TK/K parking area or along the street.
- 1st grade and Mrs. Thuemler's class will be picked up in the front of the school loop.
- 4th and 5th grade will be picked up in the front of the school loop.
- 3rd grade, Mrs. Gonzales and Mrs. O'Brien's class will be picked up in the east side loop.
- Students will be waiting with their teachers until their vehicle is safely at the curb. Students are to load quickly.
- The second lane in both loops is designated to be continuously moving as cars will merge to the curb and back.
Please partner with us in keeping safety a top priority.
Other Important Information
Bell Schedule
The 2024-25 school year brings a big change to Lassen View and that is in the way of a new bell schedule.
4th/5th grade start school at 7:55am and TK-3rd at 8:15am EVERYDAY.
Minimum day Mondays 4th/5th will be dismissed at 1:08pm and TK-3rd at 1:03pm.
Tuesday-Friday 4th/5th will be dismissed at 2:08pm and TK-3rd at 2:02pm.
This also changes our drop of time in the morning. Our cafeteria will open everyday at 7:25am. For safety reasons, please do not drop your students off earlier than 7:25am.
As you begin your school shopping please remember students need to dress appropriately for a school day filled with lots of activities. Comfortable and safe footwear and clothing that allows for movement during recess and PE are the best way to support your student for school success.
Clothing should not be a distraction to the learning environment, this includes accessories and costumes. Attached is a Dress Code for your reference that coincides with the EESD Dress Code guidelines for all schools.
We appreciate your support in helping students stay focused and safe while at school.
Mrs. Chadwick, Ms. Dolce, Ms. Ducazau
Mrs. Heydeman, Mr. McClung, Mrs. Price
1st Grade
Mrs. Clark, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Murray
2nd Grade
Mrs. Gonzales, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Thuemler
3rd Grade
Mrs. March, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Piercy
4th Grade
Ms. Feagin, Mrs. Pendley
5th Grade
Ms. Billeci, Mrs. Joscelyn
K-2 Special Day Class
Ms. Darlene Yarber
Miss Saechao
Site Literacy
Mrs. Gonzalez
Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is the place to find all the information you need to begin the school year. There are required forms that can be completed on your Parent Portal.
Follow this link for all the details on these required forms.
Please contact the Lassen View Elementary office @ (530) 224-4150 if you need help logging on.