The Wolverine
A Monthly Newsletter for NFHS Students and Families

October 2024
Hello NFHS Families and Students,
Welcome to the October edition of The Wolverine!
Overall, the school year has gotten off to one of the best starts in recent memory. We are proud of our students for their good attendance, focus on acadmics, and on-task behavior. We are grateful to you, the parents and guardians, who support them each day to make school a priority. While there will always be bumps in the road, we look forward to continuing to partner to help students prepare for their futures.
As always, please reach out to us if you need anything.
Your Proud Principals,
Cheryl Vilardo, Ed Ventry, Bryan Rotella, Val Rotella-Zafuto, and Nick Ruffolo
Calendar Information
Other October Events...
October 5 - End of the five-week marking period
October 7 - 10 Senior Portraits (by appointment - see below)
October 28 - Underclass Picture Retakes
Updates & Reminders
NFHS Visitors
We kindly ask that you follow these reminders for visiting NFHS:
1) Be prepared to show ID. We use the Raptor system to screen all visitors entering NFHS. You also need ID when picking up a student.
2) Call ahead to make an appointment. This allows us to make sure the correct person is available when you arrive and give you the fullest attention.
3) Visitors who come to NFHS without an appointment will be asked to wait outside of the building while we contact the appropriate person you need to see.
Limiting visitors to the building during the school day allows us to keep our students safe, so we appreciate you cooperation and understanding!
Parent Portal
REMINDER - Report cards will not be mailed home! You should also use Parent Portal to check grades and attendance frequently.
Directions to set up your account can be found at https://www.nfschools.net/domain/74
The district code is BQRR
Parent Portal: Get up-to-date information on attendance, grades, progress reports, and report cards. Visit www.nfschools.net and click on the “Parent and Guardian” tab to sign up. For assistance, email manthony@nfschools.net.
Required Immunizations
New York State mandates certain vaccinations for students to attend school. It is crucial that students provide documentation of updated vaccines ASAP or they legally must be excluded from school beginning September 14. We attempted to contact all students requiring a vaccine this fall via phone call, all text, and a letter over the summer. Please be sure you follow up!
Attendance is a major focus once again this year. Students should aim to miss no more than 2 days per month. If your student has to be absent, tardy, or leave early, please send in a note to excuse them. This note may be given to the period 1 teacher, main office, emailed to NFHSattendance@nfschools.net
Absences that are considered excused:
- student illness
- doctor appointments/dental/surgery
- college visits
- death/funeral
- required court appearance
- babysitting
- family vacation/traveling
- oversleeping
- missing the bus
- work
Behavioral Expectations
- Behavior: Review the complete Code of Conduct, Parent-Student Handbook, and Eligibility Policy at www.nfschools.net under the “Parent and Guardian” tab.Students must follow the directions of school employees and treat others with respect.
- Cell Phones and Headphones: Can be used appropriately in hallways and during lunch, but must be put away during instruction. Follow the “one ear bud” policy for safety.
- Class Attendance: Students must attend all assigned classes, including study halls and lunch, and be on time. Hall passes are required during class time. We will conduct "Hall Sweeps" multiple periods a day to encourage students to attend class and arrive on time.
- Appearance Code: Faces must be completely visible, and backpacks must remain in lockers.
Cultural Connections
Niagara Falls High School aims to acknowledge and honor our diversity this school year in many different ways, including this section of the newsletter celebrating various cultures represented by students and staff at NFHS.
This Month In Photos
Veteran's Appreciation Day
Staff and students of the Big Picture Program held a Veteran's Appreciation Ceremony at NFHS
Construction Trades Class
Veterans Day Celebration
Trauma-Informed Practices
Niagara Falls City School District strives to be trauma-informed when working with our students and families. This section of the newsletter will provide monthly messages related to our trauma-informed practices.
What's Up at NFHS?
Encourage your student to get involved with all that NFHS has to offer!