Upcoming Dates
5/27/19 No School-Memorial Day
5/31/19 Blackbird Field Day
6/5/19 Shay Triathlon
6/6/19 Gear Up Day
6/6-6/7 Half Days of School
6/7/19 Last Day of School
Field Trips
We have a lot of field trips coming up. Please make sure you have submitted a Volunteer Background Check if your are participating in these trips.
2019 Color Run
Coding in Ms. Hunts class.
Students are designing characters and levels to match stories created in English class.
Again this year you have the option to order a Triathlon t-shirt for your child. Please see the link below to check out the t-shirt on the order form. A paper copy of the order form should have come home with your child on Wednesday, May 22nd. T-shirt order forms are due Tuesday, May 28th! Link to t-shirt order form: TUESDAY is the last day to send in order forms. The t-shirt order will be placed at noon on Tuesday, May 28th.
New Music Video - Second Grade "Lean On Me"
Ms. Wagers Pokemon Club - Making Shirts
MARSP Grant Winners
Ms. Bowerman and Ms. Jackson were this years recipients of the MARSP mini grants. Ms. Bowerman is using her grant to build "Brain Box's" for her classroom. Ms. Jackson will be using her grant to purchase supporting materials for her ELA class.