Scholarship Newsletter
2024-2025 School Year
Please note: Scholarships have a high turnover from year to year. We do our best to keep updated information and links on this page. If you find any issues with the scholarships listed, please let the Counseling Center staff know. Thank you!
Scholarship Websites
TFEC - The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
TFEC Scholarships
Please click Application Hints document for details about the application process.
FAFSA Scholarship Tip Sheet
West Perry Scholarship Listing
Scholarships will be added as they are available.
September 2024 Deadline
October 2024 Deadlines
AES Engineering
A $500 scholarship is available for seniors, the deadline to apply is October 8, 2024.
Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following question:
When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?
Click the link below to learn more information about applying for this scholarship.
November 2024 Deadlines
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Click the links below to learn more about this scholarship opportunity.
The deadline to apply is November 14, 2024.
December 2024 Deadlines
The Hagan Scholarship
The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to eight (8) consecutive semesters.
The deadline to apply is December 1, 2024. Click the link below to learn more about the scholarship and to apply.
Calvin Coolidge Scholarship
This scholarship is for current juniors.
Click this link for the details: https://coolidgescholars.org/about/
The application deadline is Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
WTS Central PA Chapter - Scholarship for Transportation Career
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) is announcing the continuation of its local and national scholarship program for the 2024-2025 school year. The application period is NOW OPEN through December 6, 2024.
There are three qualification requirements to be considered for the annual scholarships:
1. Applicant must be a female student and US citizen
2. Applicant must be a student currently residing in PA or attending high school, trade school, junior college, undergraduate school, or graduate school in the Commonwealth.
3. Applicant should be considering a career related to transportation may apply. Transportation careers can include:
Planners / Engineers / Economists / Scientists / GIS Mappers / Accounting / CADD Specialists / Managers / Public Relations / Construction / Geologists / Air Traffic Controllers / Public Policy / Finance / Wildlife Specialists / Historians / Architects / Surveyors / Archaeologists / Ecologists / and more…
Directions and applications are available for download on the WTS Central PA website scholarship page at: https://www.wtsinternational.org/chapters/central-pennsylvania/scholarships Please note that completed applications must be received at the email or mailing address below by Friday, December 6, 2024. Only complete application packages typed in Word or PDF format will be accepted. Email submission is preferable. All submissions will receive notification if they have won or not, by the end of January/early February 2025
CentralPA@wtsinternational.org (Preferred)
Kayla Peters, WTS Central PA Scholarship Chair
c/o RK&K
651 East Park Drive, Suite 105
Harrisburg, PA 17111
January 2025 Deadlines
PSATS Scholarship
Four $1,500 scholarships are available to high school juniors and seniors: two Local Government Achievement scholarships and two Academic Achievement scholarships.
- The Local Government Achievement scholarship is an opportunity for students to highlight outstanding citizenship through public service and community involvement.
- The Academic Achievement scholarship is awarded to students who exhibit enthusiasm toward education by maintaining high academic standards.
High school students can click here for more information and to apply online. Applications are now being accepted! Questions can be directed to Policy & Research Analyst and Scholarship Program Coordinator Katie Lizza at klizza@psats.org.
The application deadline is January 31, 2025.
Prestige Student Scholarship
February 2025 Deadlines
William and Debrah Pettigrew Scholarship
Class of 2025 graduating seniors, if you're planning to attend college to become a teacher, click the link below to apply for this $1,000 scholarship. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2025.
Contact the counseling center for a paper copy of the application.
SME Foundation Education Scholarship Opportunity
The Society for Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Education Foundation is accepting applications for college scholarships for high school seniors who will be enrolled in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program majoring in manufacturing technology, electromechanical technology, engineering, manufacturing processes, computer/IT, robotics/automation or other manufacturing-related disciplines.
Award Range: $2,500 - $20,000 (one-time award)
Click the link below for details and to apply. Application Deadline: Saturday, February 1, 2025
The National Wild Turkey Federation's Dr. James Earl Kennamer Scholarship Program Sponsored by Mossy Oak
The purpose of the NWTF Dr. James Earl Kennamer Academic Scholarship Program is to recognize and reward an NWTF member, who is currently a senior in high school, for their outstanding academic achievement, community involvement and leadership roles. The National Scholarship Winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship sponsored by Mossy Oak.
ASHE Harrisburg Scholarship
The Harrisburg Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) is pleased to announce the continuation of its scholarship program for the 2025 calendar year. Each year we seek to provide scholarships to exceptional high school and college students who intend to join the highway industry in the future. Applications must be emailed by February 14, 2025 (deadline extended to February 28th) to be considered. Interested college and high school students should complete the attached application and return it to:
Danielle Derolf
Use Subject Line: 2025 ASHE Scholarship Application
Click on the link below for application details, or stop in the counseling center for paper copies of the application.
Attention Juniors: Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award
The Pennsylvania Society’s Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award for Pennsylvania public school juniors is currently accepting submissions.
The scholarship offers a first-place prize of $6,000, a second-place prize of $4,000, and a third-place prize of $2,000.
Click the button below for details and to apply. The deadline for submission is Friday, February 28, 2025.
March 2025 Deadlines
Susquehanna Valley Federal Credit Union Student Scholarship Opportunity
The scholarship portal is open and the submission deadline is March 1, 2025. Click the link below for more information and to apply.
Hermine Solt Student Scholarship
This scholarship is for students enrolling in business-related programs listed in the application. Click the button below for more details and to apply.
The completed application, transcript and recommendation must be emailed by the school counselor on or before March 1st. Please submit our information to the counseling center no later than February 27th.
Stop in the counseling center with questions.
Horatio Alger Scholarship
This scholarship is for Junior students!
Click on this link to apply: Undergraduate Scholarships | Horatio Alger
Eligibility Criteria
- Be enrolled full-time as a high school junior in the United States, progressing normally toward graduation in spring/summer 2026 with plans to enter a college in the United States no later than the fall following graduation.
- Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution).
- Demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required).
- Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities.
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity.
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0
- Be a United States citizen.
The deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.
Allen D. Quirk Jr. Excellence in Education Award
The Allen D. Quirk Jr. Excellence in Education Award was created by and is in memory of Mr. Allen D. Quirk Jr. of Harrisburg, PA, to recognize an outstanding, well-rounded high school senior who intends to pursue a post-secondary education and/or enlist in the United States Armed Forces upon graduating from high school.
Click here for the online application. Please read all the instructions very carefully!
The deadline to apply is March 3, 2025.
Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship
Orrstown Bank is now accepting applications for their 2025 Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship Applications for all graduating high school seniors. Each year, Orrstown Bank awards multiple scholarships from $1,000 to $3,000.
- The scholarship application will now be completed and submitted entirely online. Click the button below to apply.
- NOTE: The application is not accessible on Internet Explorer. For best results, use Google Chrome, MS Edge or Foxfire.
- For any documents that won’t upload or any files you wish to send directly to the committee – please email scholarships@orrstown.com
- Only PDF and Word documents please. They cannot access Google Drive links.
Scholarship applications must be submitted no later than Friday, March 5, 2025. Winners will be notified in May.
To read more about our scholarships, click here: https://www.orrstown.com/orrstown-bank-foundation
NOTE: Applicants do not need to be a client of Orrstown to apply.
2025 Best & Brightest Award
The PA Media Group – The Patriot-News and PennLive – is accepting applications from high school seniors for 2025 Best & Brightest award.
Applications are due by Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Students nominate themselves for the award (it is not a scholarship).
The application for Best and Brightest is online.
He is the link to the application: https://form.jotform.com/250132623973151
Merit Shop Construction Scholarship Program
The Merit Shop Training and Research Center (MSTRC) Scholarships are designed to support post-secondary education in the construction industry.
Click on the link below to apply. The deadline to apply is March 7, 2025.
PSBA Trust Scholarships
The Student Leader Scholarships have been established to provide a one-time scholarship of up to $2,500 or $5,000 to each recipient. The scholarships recognize graduating seniors from PSBA member districts who have demonstrated ongoing leadership and meet the criteria for one of four available scholarships:
Click on the link below for more information. Applications are due on March 14, 2025 by 5pm.
Chandler Ramsey Scholarship
The Chandler Ramsey Scholarship is presented by the West Perry Music Partnership (WPMP) and Danny and Chrissy Brown, Chandler's parents.
The scholarship is in the amount of $1,000 and is open to students in all fields of study. Students must be enrolled in a program supported by the WPMP. Supported programs include Chorus, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Mustang Chorale, Outdoor Guard and Winter Guard.
Scholarship applications are available in the counseling center or by requesting from the WPMP via email at sallylanza1@gmail.com.
Applications are due to the Counseling Center by Monday, March 24, 2025.
Harrisburg Cedarettes No. 43 Scholarship
The Harrisburg Cedarettes are offering a $1,000 scholarship to a senior who is planning to attend HACC in the Fall of 2025 and aims to pursue a career in the healthcare field, i.e. Nursing, EMT Dental, Med.Asst., Lab Tech, etc.
Stop in the counseling center for a paper copy of the application. The application must be returned to the Harrisburg Cedarettes no later than Friday, March 28, 2025. This is a firm deadline.
Email Mrs. Barber with questions. cbarber@westperry.org.
Penn-Cumberland Garden Club Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship is available for high school seniors planning to attend a four-year college with a major in the following: Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Architecture, Conservation, Forestry, Urban or Regional Planning, Environmental Science, Botany, or Ecology related studies. Applications are available at http://www.penncumberlandgardenclub.org or stop in the counseling center for a printed copy.
Applications are due by March 31, 2025. They should be mailed to: Judy McGinnis, PCGC Scholarship Chair, 2510 County Line Road, York Springs, PA 17372.
Perry County Sportsmen for Youth Scholarship
The Perry County Sportsmen for Youth will present a $1,000 scholarship to one resident of each of the following school districts: Greenwood, Newport, Susquenita and West Perry.
The applicant must must be a senior and must be entering a field of student relating to wildlife management, forestry, conservation, environmental science or related field.
Paper applications are available in the counseling center.
Applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2025.
The Perry County Old Iron Collectors Scholarship
The Perry County Old Iron Collectors, Inc. (PCOIC) will present a scholarship(s) totaling up to $1,000 to graduating seniors who meet the club's criteria and plan to enter a field of study related to one of the following:
- Agricultural and Extension Education
- Agricultural Science
- Animal Bioscience
- Environmental Soil Science
- Agronomy
Applications must be received by March 31, 2025. Plan to mail the application and supporting information one week prior to the deadline.
Stop in the counseling center for a copy of the application.
Ernest R. McDowell Health Career Scholarship
The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025. Click on the link below for more information.
April 2025 Deadlines
The Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Suzanne Matunis Memorial Scholarship
This annual scholarship will provide a one time award of $3,000 to a graduating WPHS student for the purpose of paying tuition expenses associated with any post-secondary education. This can include tuition towards a two-or four year college or trade program.
The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025. Stop in the counseling center for a paper copy of the application.
Penn State Alumni Scholarship
The Perry-Juniata Counties Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association is offering Scholarship Awards for the 2025 Fall Semester.
Applicants who have been accepted to Penn State and meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply.
Stop in the counseling center or email Mrs. Barber (cbarber@westperry.org) to receive a copy of the application which includes instructions and eligibility requirements.
Applications are to be emailed, and must be received by April 1st 2025.
HFC/JLC Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established following Jeffery L. Campbell's final Triumph, June 12, 1991 at the age of 29, when he died after a 17-month battle with leukemia. Jeff's parents, brother, wife and relatives realized during those 17 months, the important part health care providers play for seriously ill patients.
- Applications are on file in the counseling center for seniors entering the medical field.
- Scholarship will not exceed $2,000 per year, maximum 4 years.
- The application deadline is April 5, 2025.
Standing Stone Consulting Inc. Scholarship Program 2025
This scholarship is open to students entering post-secondary education in the fields of safety, security, policing, criminal justice, cyber security, emergency management, EMT/paramedic or other service related fields.
Stop in the counseling center for a paper copy of the application, or email Mrs. Barber (cbarber@westperry.org).
Please submit your application to the Counseling Center no later than April 8, 2025. It will be reviewed and a district office administrator will sign the application. We will send your application to Standing Stone Consulting by April 15th.
Irvin E. Herr Foundation Scholarship
The Irvin E. Herr Foundation will make scholarships available to qualified seniors graduating from secondary schools in Dauphin, Cumberland, Perry and Northumberland Counties. This is a one (1) year scholarship in an amount not exceeding $2,000 to be applied towards tuition costs for enrollment in an accredited college or university. Any amount awarded will be paid directly to the educational institution. The deadline to apply is April 10, 2025.
The scholarship application is available in the counseling center. Email Mrs. Barber with questions.
PICPA - Accounting Students Scholarship
The Pennsylvania CPA Foundation offers scholarships for high school seniors interested in accounting.
Click here for information about the scholarship opportunities: Scholarships for Future Accountants: The Future Begins Here
Click here for the application process: PICPA Scholarships | CPA Scholarship | PICPA
The deadline to apply is April 12, 2025.
Steven Hile Memorial Leadership Scholarship
Purpose: To provide a one-time scholarship to one (1) deserving female and male West Perry High School Senior who has demonstrated the value of leadership in school, activities and the community.
Award Components: One (1) $250 scholarship will be awarded to one (1) female and one (1) male selected by the family of Mr. Hile.
Paper copies of the application may be obtained at the Counseling Center - the deadline to apply is April 15, 2025.
Landisburg Lions Club "Link to the Future" Community Service Award
The Landisburg Lions Club is happy to announce an annual community service award. The purpose of this award is to foster the importance of participating in service throughout one's life.
- Applications will be accepted from West Perry student residing in Elliottsburg (17074), Landisburg (17040) and Loysville (17047).
Stop in the counseling center for a paper copy of the application.
The deadline to apply is April 15th.
2025 'Road to Safety' Scholarship Contest
Metzger Wickersham, one of Pennsylvania’s oldest personal injury law firms, announced today it is accepting submissions for its Road to Safety Scholarship Contest. The annual competition invites Pennsylvania high school seniors to submit creative projects that remind drivers of the dangers of driving under the influence or while distracted.
The firm welcomes students to apply their creativity to posters, billboard designs, paintings or drawings, digital designs, videos, songs, or other projects that encourage their peers to drive safely. The submissions may be made through the contest website, www.ArriveAlivePA.com. The submission deadline is April 15, 2025.
Cantor & Team Orthodontics Scholarship - Presented in Memory of Jason Frye
Cantor and Team Orthodontics will present a $500 scholarship award to a graduating senior planning to attend an accredited two or four year institution of higher learning.
Stop in the counseling center for a paper copy of the application. The application deadline is April 15, 2025.
Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation Scholarship
Click the button below for details and to apply for the $1,000 Chip Miller Memorial Scholarship. The submission deadline is April 30, 2025. Stop in the counseling center with questions.
May 2025 Deadlines
Ashley Graham Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is given in loving memory of Ashley thanks to generous donations from West Perry staff and friends and family of Ashley.
Eligibility is as follows:
- Applicant must be a senior at West Perry High School
- Applicant must be involved in at least 2 sports.
- Applicant must feel a passion and love for art.
- Applicant must have a GPA of at least 80%
- Applicant must be pursuing education beyond high school.
If interested, please pick up an application in the counseling center and return it to the CC by May 5th.
Questions may be directed to Mrs. Zeigler in the HS Counseling Center.
June 2025 Deadlines
West Perry High School Counseling Center
Ms. Commins-11th Grade Counselor-tcommins@westperry.org
Mrs. Zeigler- 12th Grade Counselor- mzeigler@westperry.org
Mrs. Barber - Guidance Clerk - cbarber@westperry.org
Website: www.wpsd.org
Location: 2608 Shermans Valley Road, Elliottsburg, PA, USA
Phone: 717-789-3931