Zaj's Weekly News
Txuj Ci Lower Campus family newsletter

Week of Jan. 13th-17th
Career Day is Monday, Jan. 13th
On Monday, we will have speakers come in to share about their jobs/careers from 10:00-1:00. Students will explore different careers as part of their counseling program. Thank you to our community partners, friends, parents and families for volunteering to be a speaker. We are excited for our students to find out what interests them and to get them thinking about their future! A big shout out to our counselors, Ms. Shoua Chang and Ms. Cynthia Kaste for organizing this exciting event.
Please label your child's outdoor clothing
Please help us by writing your child's first and last name on their sweatshirts, coats, snowpants, mittens, hats, boots. These items often get left on the playground or get misplaced in the hooks outside their classroom. They often end up unclaimed in the Lost and Found if there are no names on them. If your child has lost something, remind them to check the Lost and Found pile at school. Every other month, Nurse Michelle usually washes them and we reserve it for other students to use if they need it. Thank you for your help!
Zones of Regulation - Xyaum tswj peb tus kheej
Self-regulation is an important skill that all humans learn and allows us to interact with others in positive ways. At Txuj Ci Lower, we use the Zones of Regulation to help our students identify their feelings, and teach them skills to get them to a place where they can be calm so they can do their best thinking and learning. All emotions are okay to feel. However, sometimes when we are in the various zones, it may be hard for us to focus on learning. We have to use skills to get us into a calmer state to allow our brains open itself up to learning. Below are some of the posters that we have in each classroom to help our students learn this skill. We hope you have been hearing your child use these words and encourage you to use it at home with your children. As adults, we too, use different methods for us to self-regulate when we are feeling these emotions. We hope you will share with your children how you self-regulate.
ACCESS Test for English Language Learners is coming up
If your child is receiving EL services, they will be taking the ACCESS test soon. For more information, you can click on the links below.
The window to apply for next school year is now open. If you have an incoming PreK or Kindergarten student for next year, please make sure you enroll them before the priority deadline, Feb. 14th, 2025. Remember for PreK, we only offer Hmong Dual Language classes. For Kindergarten, we offer both Hmong Dual Language (Hmong and English Instruction) and Hmong Studies (English only instruction) classes. Make sure you select the correct program. Please call the school if you have any questions. You can apply online or stop in the main office if you would like assistance. If you have a young child who may qualify for special education services, please bring them in for their screening. They may qualify for programming that starts BEFORE they turn 4 years old. If you have questions or need help, call the school. CLICK HERE FOR THE SPPS Placement Center Link to apply online.
If you want to change programs - go from Hmong Dual Language classroom to Hmong Studies (English classroom) or vice versa, you will need to apply. If you have questions if this is the right move for you, please talk to your child's teacher or XF Bao Xiong, our HDL coach.
Please let friends and family know about the priority deadline and invite them in to visit our school!
News from PTO
PTO Event: Family Movie Night on Friday, Jan. 17th in the gym!
Bring a chair or mat, and a beverage. PTO will provide popcorn and an awesome movie for families. Movies are intended for students in grades 4 and below. All children must attend with an adult and will need to be supervised by their family. There are no additional staff to supervise children.
We are excited to be showing the movie, Monsters, Inc. Come and watch a great movie with your school friends, family style! Door opens at 5:30pm and movie starts at 6:00pm. Event ends when the movie concludes. We look forward to seeing you here!
Please come to the next Board of Education Meeting on Jan. 21st
Please come and support the Txuj Ci school community. Parents and community members showed up last month to the Board of Education meeting and were not able to speak at public comments. We plan to go back again on Jan. 21st. We want to address the facilities concerns and also asking the district to better meet the needs of our Hmong/Asian students. Please come if you can and bring your family. The meeting starts at 5:30pm and open comments is towards the beginning of the meeting. The meeting is held at 360 Colborne Street, St. Paul, 55102. Please contact PTO with any questions.
Upcoming Family Field Trip on Saturday, Jan. 25th
PTO is planning a family field trip to rollerskating. Please be on the lookout for a text/email from school to sign up for the family field trip. We encourage you to sign up for the field trip if you can commit to going. Priority will be given to those who have not yet attended a family field trip this year and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please connect with Neftali or Thao in the family room if you have questions about the fieldtrip. The event will take place from 4:00-7:00pm on Sat., Jan. 25th. We will have a bus to take you from school to the location or you can drive there.
Important Upcoming Dates!
Thur, Jan. 16th - 11:00-1:30pm - Grade 4 classes to the Energy Show at the U of MN
Important Upcoming Events:
Mon, January 13th - Career Day at Txuj Ci Lower
Fri, January 17th- Family Movie Night, 6:00-8:00pm
Mon, January 20th - No School due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Day
Sat, January 25th - Family Field Trip - Rollerskating
Mon, January 27th - No School for students - Staff Professional Development Day
Check out the breakfast and lunch menu! Saib seb cov me nyuam noj zaub mov dab tsi!
Nias es tuaj koom peb hauv Facebook!
Important School Information
Arrival/ Xa tuaj kawm: 9:10-9:30am
Dismissal/ Tuaj tos me nyuam: 3:55-4:10pm
Front Office Hours/ Tsev kawm ntawv qhib raws sij hawm no: 8:30am-4:30pm
Clerks/ Kws teb xov tooj: Lisa Lor and Aneedda Xiong
School phone number/ Xov tooj: 651-293-8935
Principal/ Thawj Tswj: May Lee Xiong, AP/ Lwm Tswj: Michelle BrownTon