Mora Elementary Newsletter
February 14, 2025
Learning Braille
We recently read a biography about Helen Keller. Even though Helen Keller was deaf and blind, she overcame many obstacles and learned to use sign language, read Braille, and even write letters as anyone else would. She is a great example of hard work and perseverance! Students used the Braille symbols on the page to create their name at the bottom, then they glued dried lentils to the page to mimic Braille.
~Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class
Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class is doing a science experiment!
Fun Run Movie Reward!!
1st and 3rd graders enjoyed going to the Cambridge Movie Theater for their fun run reward!
3-yr-old preschoolers started a spontaneous game of Ring Around the Rosie in the gym...
and they all fell down!
Spy Lab
Mrs. Miller’s class getting ready to go into their 100th day Spy Lab. They had a mission to find Zero the Hero so they could celebrate the 100th day.
Kinder Cardiology
Mrs. Miller’s class is celebrating Valentine’s Day by becoming surgeons. They used their math and reading skills to help their patients mend their hearts.
Ms. Gmahl's 1st grade class made Valentine's Day art!
- We used candy hearts to sort and count. We talked about our math words we use for data like most and least, etc.
- We then did an experiment to see whether the candy hearts would sink or float with water, soda, and vinegar. The students were surprised to see the hearts float with the soda!
~Ms. Hambly's 1st grade class
We had a very fun and very busy week! Here are some pictures from the 2nd graders seeing dogman, practicing brushing "toothless the monster's" teeth during our dental health guest presentation, and some fun Valentine's day math!
~Mrs. Kluge's 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Gams' class showing off their fun week with Ice Skating on Valentine's Day and a Fun Run Movie Reward to the Cambridge Theater earlier this week.
K, 1, 2, 5th Grade BE Club/Student of the Month Winners for January!
3rd Grade BE Club/Student of the Month Winners for January!
4th Grade BE Club/Student of the Month Winners for January!
6th Grade BE Club/Student of the Month Winners for January!
Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class had fun at their movie reward from the fun run!
Steph from Embrace Orthodontics visited all the second graders to teach about the importance of dental health - flossing once a day, brushing twice a day, and making sure we at least rinse our mouths with water after sugary treats. Students had a chance to brush the dragon's teeth - it "spit" at some of them as they did it, which they thought was very funny! Each student was given a bag with tools to help keep their teeth clean.
Paper Flyers have been sent home for yearbooks. Please click on the photo to order yours now! Orders are due by March 21st. If you did not get a yearbook from last year (23-24), there are still some remaining. You can pick one up from the Elementary Office for $15.
Tatum Reitter Jackelyn Bekius
Grades K-2 Grades 3-6
320-679-6200 X4307 320-679-6200 X4313
The health office is in need of boys' pants. They can use all sizes, up to Adult Small. Donations can be dropped off at the Elementary Office.
Dear Mustang Parent/s or Guardians,
Listed below are guidelines to follow if you're unsure when to send your student to school or not, as well as the COVID guidelines. Please remember, our students need to be healthy in order to learn successfully. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers 4 free covid tests to households. Here's the link to order from: https://special.usps.com/testkits
Thank you for understanding and helping to keep our schools safe!
Contact Us
Email: kleach@moraschools.org
Website: Moraschools.org
Location: 200 9th Street, Mora, MN, USA
Phone: (320)679-6200
Facebook: facebook.com/MoraElem