A Note from the Principal's Desk
Week of August 28, 2017
est. 2007 -2017
Ms. Dasia Warren is our new registrar. Stop by and give her a Carver Road Welcome.
Thank you to the science department, Ms. Douglas, Ms. Mumphery and Ms. Davis for sharing to ensure that all teachers had what they needed for students today. Thanks Ms. Driver for the Sun Chips and Capri Suns.
Ms. Pittman has started morning tutorials for her students. Way to go!
Our athletics are off to a good start. A special shout out goes to Mr. Stigura who coached the Lady Eagles to a 22-21 historic win over the Rehoboth Road Mustangs. This is the first win against the Mustangs in Carver's history. #2185Pride #ItstheBig10!
Take attendance in Infinite Campus Every Period
Week at a Glance
* This is a reminder to check the Carver Road Google Calendar for updates and school events. Note: The September Monday Meetings have been amended due to the Labor Day Holiday.
Monday, 8/28/17
- Grade Level and RTI
- Review the week at a glance
- Discuss attendance
- Discuss low level referrals
- Review grade level procedures
- Review plans for SOAR - see the AOW, article of the week plan and Enrichment (Note: We are work on the sync of MAP scores and Compass Learning. We will let you know when it is ready.)
- Work on your Self Assessment (https://tle.gadoe.org/U/P/Channel/-/Guest/Login) Username: gapsc certificate #726 password: You set this; Due: September 11, 2017
- SS/SC Department Meeting after school
Tuesday, 8/29/17:
- Science and Social Studies PLC Meetings - Unpack the standards for the week
- Data Teams Process
- Identify students who score at distinguished, proficient, beginning, and developing
- Lesson planning - Modify/Adjust Curriculum/Instructional Strategies and Create assessments for rotation stations
Wednesday, 8/30/17:
- Instructional Meeting (Focused Professional Learning- Select Teachers)
- IPT District Training (Central Office Learning Center
- Football Game -Home/RRMS
Thursday, 8/31/17:
- Math and ELA PLC Meetings - Unpack the standards for the week
- Data Teams Process
- Identify students who score at distinguished, proficient, beginning, and developing
- Lesson planning - Modify/Adjust Curriculum/Instructional Strategies and Create assessments for rotation stations
- Softball Game @ Pike
Friday, 9/1/17:
- Picture Day - Wear your white staff shirt
- Jeans Day (Must be appropriate with a faculty shirt)
- Lunch on the Lawn (students bring $1 to eat lunch outside)
- Grading and parent contacts- The end of the first 4.5 Week grading period is September 7, 2017. Make sure that you have entered grades that are reflective of your grading plan. Progress reports and MAP results will be issued on September 13, 2017.
- Lesson Plans due by 4 p.m.
Tune in to Cams pride on Youtube for the morning announcements at 8:45 each morning
September 1, 2017 is Picture Day
Google Classroom Expectations
It is important that you following the school wide expectations for Google Classroom. Our Curriculum Night will focus on parent communication through Google Classroom. You will need to have these expectations in place before September 14.
- Invite parents (see video tutorial below)
- Digital Textbook Resource
- Grading Plan for each unit
- Proficiency Scales for each unit based upon Achievement Level Descriptors - http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-ALD.aspx)
- Daily Blended Learning Opportunities
- Assignments
- Use the calendar feature so that assignments and due dates appear in the calendar
- Use Google Classroom daily - This should minimize the use of notebooks and notebook paper. Students can open a Google Document and complete their classwork.
*You each have a copy of 50 Things to Go Further with Google Classroom: A student centered approach. More copies are coming for Connections.
Curriculum Night is September 14, 2017 6-7:30
Classroom Observations
- Post and reference proficiency scales (use the achievement level descriptors from georgiastandards.org)
- Use data to drive stations and small group instruction
- Pay attention to the level of proficiency of the standard (proficiency scales can help with this) when planning activities.
- Use an instructional strategy for note taking within Google Classroom. The Chrome books are being used as a worksheet. Revisit what you want students to do when they are using a software for practice.
- Use a rubric (with proficiency scale) to outline the expectations for projects, writing assignments, discussions, and choice boards.
- Use a timer to pace the Opening, Work Session, and Closing