Hemphill Herald
Home of the Hawks: March 20, 2022
Hemphill Elementary
Rebecca Herring, Assistant Principal (rebecca.herring@hayscisd.net)
Vanessa Duran, Counselor (vanessa.duran@hayscisd.net)
Front Office Hours: 7:05 am-3:30 pm
Student Day: 7:35 am-2:55 pm
Main Office: (512) 268-4688
Email: monica.salas-truhill@hayscisd.net
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/hes
Location: 3995 Ranch to Market Rd 150, Kyle, TX 78640
Phone: (512) 268-4688
Facebook: facebook.com/HemphillES
Twitter: @HemphillHawks
Hemphill Vision/Mission
Mission: The mission of Hemphill Elementary School is to foster a learner-centered environment that contributes and cultivates independent, life long global citizens.
Cómo Traducir el Boletín/ How to Translate the Newsletter
Message from our Principal- Dr. Truhill
I hope everyone had a relaxing spring break making family memories! I was able to visit my family back home for a few days. We are excited to welcome everyone back for our fourth 9- weeks!
Thank you to our parents/guardians who volunteered their time to help our teachers and students on our PTA Sponsored Parent Involvement Day on Monday, March 7th!
We also had an awesome Career Day on Friday, March 11th. Thank you to all of our community members who volunteered their time to talk about their careers and getting our students excited for their future! #BuildingOurFuture
Yearbooks: FINAL WEEK!
This is the final week to purchase your yearbooks! Orders are due Friday, March 25th. Please click on the link to purchase using the code on the flyer.
K-2 Clubs/3rd-5th Tutoring: Begins this Monday, March 21st until 4:30pm
If your student turned in their permission slip by the deadline, they are eligible to begin tutoring/clubs on Monday, March 21st.
Clubs/Tutoring Transportation Update:
Any forms turned in after 3/9 will require parents to provide their own transportation on the first day Monday 3/21. They will not be eligible for Bus transportation on the first day of clubs. Forms turned in after 3/9 will begin Bus transportation the following week Monday 3/28.
2nd-5th Grade Assembly:
We will have our Bikes for Books Assembly on Wednesday, March 23rd for 2nd-5th grade in-person. Students will learn about our Reading Challenge and how they can win a bike and prizes!
Student IDs:
All students (PK – 12th) have been issued a Hays CISD identification card (ID). The ID is to be worn at all times while on campus or utilizing campus transportation.
In the event the students loses, misplaces, forgets an ID, they will be expected to report to their designated campus location to immediately receive a replacement. This cost of a replacement ID will be $5.00. This price is determined by the costs associated for supplies including card, lanyard, sleeve and printing.
Hays High Five:
We are lucky to have our Hemphill Teachers and Staff. Click on the link and share with them how lucky you feel to have them! Hays High Five - ALL staff could use some praise and acknowledgement!
Dr. Monica Salas-Truhill, Proud Principal
*Every Wednesday is College T-Shirt Wednesday to promote College and Career Readiness.
21: Beginning of 4th 9-weeks
21: 3rd-5th Grade Tutoring/ Kinder-2nd Grade Clubs Begin 3:30-4:30
23: Bikes for Books 2nd-5th Grade Assembly
25: 5th Grade Field Trip- *Parent/Guardians Invited25: 2nd Grade Field Trip- *Parent/Guardians Invited
25: Yearbook Deadline- *No extensions- please purchase on or before this date.
31: 1st Grade Field Trip- *Parent/Guardians Invited
31: 4th-5th Grade Performance- *Parent/Guardians Invited
5: PTA Parent/Student Event 7:05am-7:35am *Parent/Guardians Invited14: Kindergarten Field Trip- *Parent/Guardians Invited
15: Student Holiday - No School
28: Online Student Registration for 2022-2023 School Year Opens
29: Pre-Kindergarten Field Trip- *Parent/Guardians Invited
2: Last day of Tutoring/Clubs
8: Mother's Day
10: 3rd-5th STAAR
11: 3rd-5th STAAR
12: 5th STAAR
13: 3rd-5th Student Celebration
20: Field Day- *Parent/Guardians Invited
25: PTA Water Day
26: Last Day of School
26: 5th Grade Celebration 8am
Lunch Schedule
Please remember you are only able to eat with your student in the designated location and only bring lunch for your student.
Regular Lunch Schedule:
- Kindergarten: 11:20-11:50
- 1st: 10:40-11:10
- 2nd: 12:30-1pm
- 3rd: 12:35-1:05
- 4th: 11:50-12:20pm
- 5th: 11:15-11:45pm
- PK-1 (Burch, Diers, Mitchell) 10:05-10:35
- PK-2 (Ramirez, Barker) 10:10- 10:40
- PK-3 (Zavala, Muzquiz, Rodriguez) 10:15-10:45
- ECSE (Barrientos)/FLS (Mata): 10:45-11:15
HAYS CISD Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS)
A volunteer is someone who contributes their time, skills and experience to an organization or group and gives their time for free.
Volunteers can be any parent, guardian, community partner, or district employee who has completed the volunteer registration process and has been approved through a criminal history background check.
Volunteers may also be mentors, tutors, guest speakers, booster club and PTA members.
All volunteers must register in the Hays CISD VIPs system.
Registration requirements include:
1. All volunteers must complete the on-line application at https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/113.
2. Select the schools and activities that interest you most.
3. The VIPs system is used to communicate with volunteer about volunteer opportunities Hays Consolidated Independent School District
4. When a volunteer registers, their details are immediately submitted for screening. Screening includes a criminal history background check run in real time against the largest commercial database in the US.
5. If approved, the volunteer will receive an email message with approval status and login credentials for their volunteer account.
6. If a criminal conviction is found, the Hays CISD Human Resource (HR) Office is notified automatically. The HR Office will manually review the results and determine whether to approve or deny the application. Hays CISD policy DBAA local is used to make final decisions.
Volunteer Badge Requirements
1. Once approved by the VIP criminal history background check a volunteer badge will be issued.
2. As part of the standard school safety practices, all volunteers will be issued a volunteer badge with a photo. The volunteer badge must be worn during all volunteer hours whether on or off campus.
3. The ID badge is proof that a criminal history background check has been processed and approved.
4. The ID badge also helps identify who is on campus or volunteering for events after school hours.
Title 1 Information
Hemphill PTA
Join our PTA: https://www.joinpta.org/
If you can volunteer, please complete the online form or return the parent volunteer flyer sent home with your student. Make sure you have completed the Hays CISD VIPS registration, as this is a district requirement before you are able to volunteer with our students.
Volunteer Future:
- Step 1: All volunteers need to sign up under VIP with the district. Register using the below link:
- Step 2: Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form to sign up for future events
Amazon Smile App: Please sign up Hemphill Elementary in your Amazon Smile App. We will get a percentage of every order you spend.
Hemphill Spirit Wear
Our amazing Ms. Elizondo designed Hemphill Spirit Shirt.
Campus Reminders
Walking students to class Update:
You will be able to walk your student to class for the remainder of the year 7:05am-7:30am! You will need to check in the front office with a form of identification each morning. If you do not have a form of identification physically on hand, you will not be able to enter our building. This is for the safety of our all our students and following our district visitor policy.
You will say goodbye outside your student's teacher door or in the front foyer. Our students have breakfast in the classroom and need to begin their breakfast as soon as they arrive. Once you drop off students will eat independently in their classrooms as they need to be ready to begin instruction.
Field Trips:
You are invited to our filed trips! You must complete the VIP form in order to attend. This must be completed yearly. VIP Form: https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/113.
Visitor Reminders:
*EACH time you visit our campus, please make sure you bring a physical form of picture identification on hand such as a drivers license or state issued ID and sign-in the front office. You will not be able to enter our building if you do not have a picture identification. Keep in mind having credit cards or business cards cannot verify your identity, we need a picture ID with your name.
The importance of a picture ID is regardless if this is your first time or if you have visited our campus before.
This is for the safety of our all our students and following our district visitor policy.
Water bottles:
As a reminder our water fountains remain closed due to our COVID protocols. Students are in need of bringing their water bottles daily to drink water throughout the day. Please send a water bottle with your student daily. Make sure it is labeled with your student's name, grade, teacher.
Weather Reminder:
The weather is changing and our students may be in need of wearing a jacket the next few months. We need your help in ensuring your student is ready for the day. Please make sure your student's name is on their jacket/coats.
- Wind-Chill 40-60 F: Outdoor dress should include long sleeves and pants. In addition gloves, hats, and jackets may be needed for comfort.
- Wind Chill Below 40 F - Limit outdoor activity to less than 20 minutes or choose indoor activities. Outdoor dress MUST include gloves, hats, and jackets.
- BELOW 35- no outdoor play
Morning Arrival:
- If the morning temperature has a wind chill below 40F, we will have limited staff for morning car riders.
- If the morning temperature has a wind chill below 35F, we will not have staff for morning car riders.
For the health and safety of our staff, please be prepared to help your student out of your vehicle by parking in a parking spot, if needed.
Important Links:
2021-2022 Hays CISD Academic Calendar
GRADING GUIDELINES - District Handbook 21-22
Hays Hopeline/Mental Health resources
Hays CISD Child Nutrition Birthday Information/Menu
2021 – 2022 Hays CISD Back-to-School Newsletter & Tip Sheet:
English: www.hayscisd.net/backtoschool2122
Spanish: www.hayscisd.net/backtoschool2122spn
Summer Programs Flyers
Class Dojo
S'more Newsletter/ Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
How can you contact your student's teacher?
There are multiple ways for you to get in contact with your student's teacher.
- Email: firstname.lastname@hayscisd.net (checkout our campus website for specific emails)
- Class Dojo Message - Please ensure you have the teacher's code
- Call the front office and leave a message - Phone calls will not be transferred during instructional time. You will be transferred to the teacher's voicemail. They will return your call.