Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School January 6th, 2022
I wonder sometimes
If one of the stars that lit Abraham's night
Was the one that led the Magi to Jesus.
A dark canvas speckled by the most generous brush--
What an improbably promise to an old man.
But our God has never been daunted by the unlikely, the impossible.
What a sight for the Magi, too.
A baby resting on hay, his cries mingled with braying and bleating.
I like to think they heard in those everyday sounds a holy chorus,
Saw in the noisy tableau a Creator serenaded by His creating.
All of it embodied, enfleshed----
All of it good.
And when we've left our gifts for this implausible King,
May we, like the Magi, go home by another way--
Having encountered the holy,
May we protect it, guard it,
Trail its light behind us wherever we go.
A sacred arc transported from heaven to earth,
May we ourselves become the star,
Leading the way to Emmanuel.
There will be a Home and School meeting on January 18th at 6:00. All school families are encouraged to come. We will be discussing what events Home and School has coming up and asking for opinions on what families would like to see Home and School doing in the future. We look forward to seeing everyone and getting some new ideas for the future.
- Home and School
January Virtue of the Month- CIRCUMSPECTION
Meaning: Careful consideration of circumstances and consequences.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, My actions affect not just myself but others. Please give me the wisdom to think before acting. Please give me the gift of counsel, that I may act in the best way at each moment of the day.
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-24
Opposing Trait: Considering only oneself when acting
Ways to Cultivate: Seek advice; silently reflect upon the circumstances and consequences of one's actions (memory)
Looks and Sounds Like: Pause to think before you say anything; "Let me first think about it."; Think before acting and speaking.
Catholic Schools Week
Home and School will be having a Chili Dinner on Sunday, January 30th. Watch for more details on this. If you are interested in helping with the Chili Dinner please reach out to Courtney Gruber at craeg05@gmail.com.
Catholic Schools Week 2021-2022
Theme: “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.”
We are working on scheduling activities and fun for students the week of Catholic Schools Week.
We will be having students do parts for the 11 AM Mass at Holy Trinity. Watch for sign-up sheets in Home Folders sent home today.
After Mass will be our Chili Dinner from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. and Open House from 12-1. Come check out the classrooms and school building!
There will be dress up days, activities, a service project, prayer service, Mass, and field trip! Watch for more details soon!
Substitute Teachers
Holy Trinity Catholic School is looking for adults interested in substitute teaching. If you are interested, please contact the office. We have a Substitute Teacher Handbook with information regarding substitute teaching available along with an application that can be filled out. We would love to have you come and help out!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
% Positive Out: 1.97%
% Out due to quarantine: 1.97%
Please continue to closely monitor your family for symptoms of COVID. We are still seeing illnesses occurring in school.
The Holy Trinity families have been doing well in keeping kids home when ill. Please do not let up and notify us right away. We encourage you to have a negative COVID test or doctor's note when you return as there are many different illnesses occurring.
This has been our best mitigation yet! – Closely monitor, track, and isolate the situation so that it does not spread to others.
Advisory Committee
Calendar of Cash
December 16th - Jeanine McElhatton
December 17th - Carol Marx
December 20th - Steven Hein
December 21st - Ed Marx
December 22nd - Nathan Thill
January 3rd - James and Paulette Wilmot
January 4th - William Schumaker
January 5th - Kerry Faber
January 17th - Fountas and Pinnell testing begins for Grades 5K-6th
January 20th - Semester Ends
January 21st - No School
January 28th - 3K/4K/5K Report Cards Sent Home
January 30th-February 5th - Catholic Schools Week
February 10th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 11th - No School
March 1st-17th - ITBS Testing Grades 2-8
March 4th - End of Trimester 2
March 18th-21st - No School
April 7th-13th - Scholastic Book Fair
June 1st - 5K Graduation
June 1st - 8th Grade Graduation
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Happy New Year and Best Wishes for a Joyous 2022.
Just like all of you are setting New Year’s goals, our school sets goals each year too. Our school maintains accreditation status through the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Association. We have a 7-year plan with certain goals set for each year. The plan is for our growth in excellence over the 7 year period.
We also have a few goals that we focus more strongly on each year. These are in addition to all of the immediate needs and day-to-day planning that takes place within each classroom and the entire school. Some of our goals are a continuation of our past goals.
The success of our school depends on goal setting, planning, trial/error, and implementation of goals. We are not a success by chance. We work very hard each year to make our school a great school for each child. Cheers to the goals for 2022!
Mrs. Longden
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603