Pioneer Peak Elementary School
Home of the Mountaineers 1-30-2025
Pioneer Peak Staff Pages
Here are our staff pages where you can find information on what your child’s teacher and their support staff likes and dislikes.
Entrepreneur Night for Kids
The PTA is hosting an event on January 31st called Entrepreneur Night. Please stop by the school to see what these amazing students have been working on to sell! Doors will be opened from 5-7pm.
For the families signed up to sell items:
Entrepreneur night is this Friday from 5:00-7:00pm. Students are responsible for bringing their own table, their items, and a way to collect money. You can do Venmo, Cash app, Apple Pay, card, cash, etc.. PTA will not have cash on hand and will not be responsible for your child's cash. Whatever the students make, they get to keep! Set up for the event will happen immediately after school, and we will only have a short time before the event begins! If there’s no way that you can get a table, please contact PTA immediately since they only have a few tables available!
Morning drop offs
We are so happy to have such a full parking lot early in the morning! (Chess club, ukelele, before school tutoring, and MORE!) With the dark mornings it is imperative that we keep all kids safe. Please remember that our drive through if for students who can hop out independently. If you park in the parking lot, please make sure you walk with your students across the cross walk. We don’t want anyone to get hurt. Our door open at 8am for students to enter for before school activities. Thank you for your support!
Gathering Family and Community Feedback
K-12 Art, Music and PE Curriculum Adoption-Your Voice is Needed
The Office of Teaching and Learning is gathering feedback from MSBSD families and community members on K-12 art, music, and physical curricula that are being considered for adoption. The surveys for each subject area (linked below) outline the top choices for each subject with links and login information for online review.
• Physical Education Curriculum Survey
There will also be two in-person meetings that families and community members are welcome to attend to discuss these materials in person:
• Tuesday, February 4 from 1:00 to 3:00, or
• Tuesday, February 4 from 5:00 to 6:00
• You may RSVP to one of these sessions HERE
Both meetings will be held at the MSBSD Administration Building at 501 North Gulkana Street, Palmer. The same information will be presented at both sessions. Families and community members are also welcome to come to district office to view materials in person during regular business hours any time between Thursday, January 23 and Friday, February 14.
If you have any questions, reach out to Juli Hardy (Juliana.Hardy@matsuk12.us) or Nikki Henry (Nichelle.Henry@matsuk12.us).
Interest: PPE Theater Club
Does your child love acting, singing, or creating stories? PPE Theater Club is the perfect place to let their creativity shine! Whether they want to perform on stage, help behind the scenes, or simply try something new, this is a fun and supportive way to explore the magic of theater.
Open to all elementary students, no experience needed—just enthusiasm and imagination!
Contact Mr. White if you are interested! We will be putting together a bake sale during conferences on Feb 10th and 17th to raise money for this new club.
We have recess every day, unless the weather is colder than -10 degrees. The kids do go out when it is raining or snowing. Please be sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. Have your child bring a hat, gloves, and other cold-weather gear to wear on cold days. They may need a warm jacket or a raincoat. We cannot excuse children from recess unless they have a note from a doctor limiting their activity.
PE “Active”-ities
Healthy Futures: The February calendar is due by Tuesday, March 4th. There is a deadline to enter them in the computer and if they are not turned in on time the system locks and late students will not get their prize. Please be mindful of the calendar deadlines. If you need ideas on activities to do, go to www.playeveryday.alaska.gov . (This is a voluntary program as I know many families are busy after school.) Parents, you are encouraged to get healthy and active with your kids as well!!
PE SHOES: Please make sure kids have their PE shoes at school on their gym day! Having correct footwear is important for proper ankle and knee stability, and overall safety in the gym. Check in with your kids to make sure their shoes still fit, and that the Velcro is still working! Thanks!!
Kids Heart Challenge: Our school is participating in the Kids Heart Challenge again!!! Please consider joining us in helping Kids with sick hearts, as well as completing Finn’s Mission to learn Hands Only CPR as well as understanding signs of Stroke.
Dear Families,
Our school is proud to support the American Heart Association and help kids with special hearts! Our Kids Heart Challenge program is starting soon. Students who register before February 3rd will be recognized at our assembly and students who raise $150 before kick-off will get an additional prize at the assembly!
Our school is getting ready to kick off the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge (KHC) and you are a big part of our program! If you haven’t already, join today to get a jumpstart on raising donations to make a difference in the fight against heart disease and stroke. We’re going to make a huge impact together!
SIGN UP at //www.heart.org/schools to start Finn’s Mission to raise donations and learn life-saving skills like Hands-Only CPR!
DID YOU KNOW 90% of people who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest don’t survive. Immediate Hands-Only CPR can double, even triple, a person’s chance of surviving cardiac arrest. When you sign up for KHC, YOU can learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR in Finn’s Mission!
Upcoming “Active”-ities:
· EVERY MONDAY- Happy Runs sponsored by Active Soles in Palmer. 6:00 pm~please wear reflective clothing and a head lamp!
Nurse News
Pioneer Peak Elementary Newsletter – January Edition
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy New Year and welcome back to school! As we begin the new year, here are a few important health tips and reminders from the school nurse’s office.
1. Stay Healthy this Winter!
Winter is here, and it’s important to stay healthy and warm. Cold weather can sometimes make it harder to fight off illnesses, so please remember:
- Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs. Wash for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom and before eating.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow to keep germs from spreading.
- Dress warmly in layers to help stay cozy and avoid getting sick.
2. Flu Season: What You Need to Know
Flu season is in full swing, and we want to remind everyone about the importance of preventing the flu. Here’s what you can do:
- Get a flu shot if you haven’t already! Flu shots are available and are one of the best ways to protect yourself and others.
- Stay home when you're sick. If you have a fever, cough, or a sore throat, please rest at home to help your body heal and to avoid spreading germs to others.
3. Winter Safety Tips for Playtime
If you love playing outside in the snow, it’s important to stay safe:
- Wear a hat, gloves, and scarf to protect your head, hands, and neck from the cold.
- Make sure your boots are waterproof to keep your feet dry.
- Be careful on the ice! Avoid slippery areas to prevent falls.
4. Healthy Habits for the New Year
A new year is a great time to start healthy habits! Here are some ideas:
- Eat a balanced breakfast to help fuel your body for a busy school day.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated—especially when playing outside in the cold.
- Get enough sleep—aim for 9-11 hours each night to help your body stay strong and ready for the day.
5. Nurse’s Office Reminders
- If your child has any medications or specific health needs, please update the nurse’s office so we can provide the best care.
- If your child has a fever or signs of illness, please keep them at home until they’re feeling better and have been fever-free for at least 24 hours.
We’re excited for a healthy, happy, and productive year ahead! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the nurse’s office. Let’s work together to keep everyone feeling great!
Warm regards,
Lydia Neiser School Nurse Pioneer Peak Elementary
Work email: lydia.neiser@matsuk12.us
Office: 907-861-5703
Library News
The Spring Book Fair is coming February 17th-21st 9:00am-5:00pm in the PPE Library.
The book fair will be open all day on Monday, February 17th during parent/teacher conferences.
Our book fair website is below.
The E-Wallet will open January 27th and can be set-up through the website. The preview of the fair will open 2 weeks before the book fair on Monday, February 3rd.
Volunteers Needed for the Book Fair!
Mrs. Neff is looking for 2-3 volunteers on Tuesday through Friday of the fair. The shifts will be approximately 2.5 hrs., 12:00-2:30 and 2:30-5:00. A free book worth $15 or less for each volunteer. Please contact her at krissee.neff@matsuk12.us if you would like to help.
Pioneer Peak is cashless!
We will have several opportunities this year for purchasing items or paying fees. If you need to make a payment go to your ParentVue account, scroll to Fee, select pay fees, select the student you are paying for, select the item you are paying for and follow the instructions. If it is not working for you then please bring your card to the office and we can help you with your payment here.
Thank you!
We cannot call kids down after 3:00 pm
Lost and found
We empty lost and found often. Please make sure you are writing you child's name on clothing so we can get it back to them.
Coming events~
Jan 30th: Ukulele Club @ 8am
- Chess club @ 8am
- Volleyball practice @ 3:45pm
Jan 31st: Guitar club @ 8am
- PTA Entrepreneur Night 5-7pm
Feb 4th: Harrpy Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team A vs. Cottonwood
Feb 5th: Choir @ 8:30am
- Science Olympiad @ 3:45pm
Feb 6th: Ukulele club @ 8am
- Chess club @ 8am
- Harry Potter @ 8am
- Battle of the Book competition @ CHS
- Volleyball game team B vs. American Charter
Feb 7th: Guitar @ 8am
- Peak pass pizza with Mrs. Schubert
- K-2nd grade student store
- Volleyball game team A vs. Shaw
Feb 10th: Parent teacher conferences and no school for students
Feb 11th: Harry Potter club @ 8am
- Volleyball practice @ 3:45pm
Feb 12th: Choir @ 8:30am
- Science Olympiad @ 3:45pm
- PTA meeting @ 4pm
Feb 13th: Ukulele club @ 8am
- Chess club @ 8am
- Harry Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team A vs. Larson
Feb 14th: Guitar club @ 8am
Feb 17th: Parent teacher conferences and no school for students
Feb 18th: Harry Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team B vs. Cottonwood
Feb 19th: Choir @ 8:30am
- Science Olypmiad @ 3:45pm
Feb 20th: Ukulele club @ 8am
- Chess club @ 8am
- Harry Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team A vs. Birchtree
Feb 21st: Guitar @ 8am
- 3rd-5th student store
- Volleyball game team A vs. Shaw
Feb 25th: Harry Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team A @ American Charter
Feb 26th: Choir @ 8:30am
- Science Olympiad @ 3:45pm
Feb 27th: Ukulele club @ 8am
- Chess club @ 8am
- Harry Potter @ 8am
- Volleyball game team B vs. Birchtree
Feb 28th: Guitar club @ 8am
- Craft night 6-8pm
Lunch menu
Contact information
Jessica Barrey, Admin. Secretary
Katie Aro, Secretary
Email: ppe@matsuk12.us
Website: www.matsuk12.us/ppe
Location: 1959 North Stringfield Road, Palmer, AK, USA
Phone: 9078615700