Healthy Choices Bulletin
October 2024
October is Substance Use Prevention Month
In October, SAMHSA celebrates Substance Use Prevention Month — an opportunity to highlight the importance and impact of prevention. And given the substance use and overdose challenges facing our country, prevention has never been more important. Check out these resources geared at parents and families and share with your school community.
Fact Sheets:
Talking to Kids About Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals
Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol and Other Drugs
Why Small Conversations Make a Big Impression
Answering Your Child’s Tough Questions
Impaired Driving: Talk With Your Kids
Why Your Child Might Start Drinking Alcohol
How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol
What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking Alcohol
The Consequences of Underage Drinking
Talking With Teens About Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals
Other Resources:
Talk with Your Teen About Marijuana
Clear the Vapor Conversations convenes researchers, public health advocates, and leading experts as they participate in informative discussions held throughout the year. The series will address a variety of topics including: environmental harms caused by vaping; “creative” vaping cessation ideas; and engaging youth to quit. Each event features a moderated discussion with your questions answered live.
The next event, Vaping Unplugged: Teen Voices on Risks and Recovery with Kyle Wimmer and Cynthia Stremba, which will take place on Tuesday, October 15 at 9:00 PT.
PPS Resource Fair!! 😄 Tuesday 10/29/24
Please join us on: Tuesday, October 29th 8:30-11:30
Campus Center at the University of Oregon, Portland Campus. 2823 NE Holman St, Portland, OR 97211 Room 212.
Attendees can park in any lot. UoO will not be enforcing permitted parking.
As a Part of Substance Use Awareness Month...
Part of preventing substance use is reducing opportunities for youth to access substances. While the numbers were down in 2023 for the first time since 2018, the numbers are still staggering — and preventable.
Synthetic opioids are the primary culprit, implicated in nearly 88% of opioid-involved overdose deaths. Despite heightened awareness and efforts to curb prescription opioid misuse, the crisis persists. Up to 70% of opioids prescribed for post-surgical use go unused and remain in medicine cabinets in homes. This is the leading source for prescription drugs misuse by children and comprehensive strategies are key to addressing this.
PPS still has Deterra bags that schools can order to have available at Parent-Teacher Conferences and other family events. If you would like to order some for your school, please complete this form.