ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region Newsletter

ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region
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Click image to print a flyer with the QR code to read the ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region January 2025 newsletter| Haga clic en la imagen para imprimir un folleto con el código QR para leer el boletín de ESU #3 ELC Región de Omaha Enero 2025
ELC Omaha Region Professional Development Opportunities
Books! Books! Books!
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Trainers Touching Base with Brian Washburn
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Leadership Lessons Filling Your Cup
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Wellness Wednesday: Stop Shoulding on Yourself
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Speak Up! The Power of Play
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Autism in Early Childhood: Transforming Troublesome Behavior
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Oportunidades de Desarrollo Profesional en Español
¡Hazlo conmigo! Recetas y Manualidades
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¡Canta conmigo! Títeres y la Lengua de Signos
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Autismo en La Primera Infancia: Transformando Comportamiento Problemático
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ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region Partner Sponsored Training
Inside - Outside Nature Based Educators
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Food Handlers Class
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Top Notch Training
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Early Learning Connection Coach Consultant
Early Childhood Coach Training with Dr. Ferial Pearson
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Coach Booster- Domain 3: Facilitating Learning Through Coaching Strategies
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"After Hours" Coach Cadre Meeting
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Community Resources
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Childcare and preschool providers have knowledge of early childhood development and are encouraged to discuss any concerns or “red flags” with families. These conversations can cause some apprehension, but they are important in the ongoing effort to connect families with early intervention. Childcare and preschool providers are encouraged to trust their developmental knowledge and instincts and know what resources are available for families. One primary resource is the Early Development Network.
The Early Development Network serves children ages birth through two years of age who qualify for special education services according to Nebraska State Guidelines (Rule 52). Services are provided at no cost to the family, are provided in the child’s natural environment (e.g. home, childcare) and are confidential. Childcare and preschool providers can make a referral to EDN, but the parent ultimately has to consent to proceed with any screenings or evaluations. It is important to make parents aware of any concerns that you have and to partner with them as they seek resources to address those concerns. If a child is between the ages of three and five, the family can contact their local school district directly to inquire about supports and services. All Nebraska school districts are obligated to provide services beginning at birth for children who meet eligibility criteria and demonstrate a need for early intervention. To make a referral, use the contact numbers below:
Omaha Region Early Childhood Community Monthly Zoom
Are you an early childhood provider or educator looking to stay informed and connected?
Join us for monthly Zoom meetings to hear directly from state and local agencies and community organizations on the latest updates, valuable tools, and helpful resources that can help you make informed business decisions. This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered, get empowered by insights and support, plus connect with fellow early childhood professionals.
Omaha Region Early Childhood Community meetings take place monthly on the 2nd Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. There is no need to register to attend, simply click on the zoom link to join the meeting.
Next Meeting: January 8, 2025
Featuring: Early Learning Connection Omaha Region
Meeting ID: 880 1418 4331
Password: 529752
(Habrá interpretación en vivo en español)
Llamada Mensual por Zoom Para la Comunidad
de la Primera Infancia de la Región de Omaha
¿Es usted proveedor o educador infantil y desea mantenerse informado y conectado? Acompáñenos en las reuniones mensuales de Zoom para escuchar directamente de las agencias estatales y locales y organizaciones de la comunidad sobre las últimas actualizaciones, herramientas valiosas y recursos útiles que pueden ayudarle a tomar decisiones empresariales informadas. Esta es una gran oportunidad para responder a sus preguntas, obtener información y apoyo, además de conectar con otros profesionales de la primera infancia.
Las reuniones de la Comunidad de la Primera Infancia de la Región de Omaha se llevan a cabo mensualmente el segundo miércoles de 1:00 p.m. a 2:00 p.m. No es necesario inscribirse para asistir, simplemente haga clic en el enlace de Zoom para unirse a la reunión.
Próxima Reunión: 8 de Enero, 2025
Presentando: Early Learning Connection Omaha Region
Meeting ID: 880 1418 4331
Password: 529752
(Habrá interpretación en vivo en español)
Licensing Required Training
Early Learning Guidelines
(Early Learning Guidelines registration fee: $30)
If you are interested in a group session for your program, email jhaggart@esu3.org
ONLINE Early Learning Guidelines: Creative Arts
Saturday, December 21; 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Each participant is expected to join the session individually. Small groups sharing a device (logged in on the same computer) is not allowed
ONLINE Early Learning Guidelines: Social & Emotional Development
Thursdays, January 9 & January 16; 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m
Each participant is expected to join the session individually. Small groups sharing a device (logged in on the same computer) is not allowed
Participants must attend both sessions to receive an inservice hours certificate
ONLINE Early Learning Guidelines: Mathematics
Wednesdays, January 15 & January 22; 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Each participant is expected to join the session individually. Small groups sharing a device (logged in on the same computer) is not allowed
Participants must attend both sessions to receive an inservice hours certificate
IN PERSON Early Learning Guidelines: Creative Arts
Saturday, January 25; 9:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m
Elkhorn School Foundation - 20272 Veterans Dr, Elkhorn, NE 68022
ONLINE Early Learning Guidelines: Approaches to Learning
Saturday, February 1; 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m
Each participant is expected to join the session individually. Small groups sharing a device (logged in on the same computer) is not allowed
ONLINE Early Learning Guidelines: Science
Mondays, February 3 & February 10; 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Each participant is expected to join the session individually. Small groups sharing a device (logged in on the same computer) is not allowed
Participants must attend both sessions to receive an inservice hours certificate
Do you need an Early Learning Guidelines book?
If you do not have a copy of the Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska's Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards (updated 2018) and would like one you can stop by ESU #3 to pick one up:
ESU 3 Address: 6949 S 110th St, LaVista, NE 68128
Building hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
You will enter through the main entrance on the west side of the building and let the person at the front desk know you are there to pick up an ELG book.
Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano
(Costo de inscripción para las Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: $30)
Si está interesado en una sesión grupal para su programa, envíe un correo electrónico a bmiller@esu3.org
EN PERSONA Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: Lenguaje y la Lectocomprensión
Sábado 11 de Enero; 9:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.
Learning Community Center of South Omaha - 2302 M St, Omaha 68107
EN PERSONA Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: Salud y Desarrollo Físico
Sábado 15 de Febrero; 9:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.
Learning Community Center North Omaha - 1612 N 24th St, Omaha 68110
EN PERSONA Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: Enfoques del Aprendizaje
Sábado 15 de Marzo; 9:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.
Ubicación por determinarse
EN PERSONA Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: Desarrollo Social y Emocional
Sábado 17 de Mayo; 9:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.
Learning Community Center North Omaha - 1612 N 24th St, Omaha 68110
¿Necesita Un Libro de Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano?
Si no tiene una copia de Las Pautas de Aprendizaje Temprano: Pautas de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo del Nacimiento a los Cinco de Nebraska (actualizadas en 2018) y desea una, puede pasar por ESU #3 para recoger una:
Dirección de ESU 3: 6949 S 110th St. La Vista, NE 68128
Horario del edificio: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Entrará por la entrada principal en el lado oeste del edificio y le hará saber a la persona de la recepción que está aquí para recoger un libro de ELG.
Safe With You offered by ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region
(Safe With You registration fee: $20)
ONLINE Safe With You
Thursday, December 19; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
ONLINE Safe With You
Friday, January 24; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
EN LÍNEA Seguro Contigo
Sábado 22 de Febrero; 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
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CPR/ First Aid Options
Infant Child and Adult CPR and First Aid classes are offered in Fort Calhoun for individuals, or will travel to your center, for those that need certifications for 5 or more individuals.
Christi Jones is very flexible with class dates, and is available most evenings and weekends.
Please call at 402-468-4868 or email christigo18@aol.com to register or for more info about onsite training.
Nebraska Training Services
Wednesday, January 8; 6:30 p.m.
Registration fee: $60
Lisa: netrainingservices@gmail.com or 402-661-9957
Living Faith Church, 12315 Westwood Lane, Omaha 68144
NE Safe Kids Child Care Transportation
Nebraska Child Care Licensing Regulations require mandatory child passenger safety training for child care centers who transport children. The Safe Kids Nebraska Child Care Transportation Training is the only approved course to satisfy the regulation requirements. The current list of certified child passenger safety technicians offering the training can be found here
Nebraska Training Services
Lisa: netrainingservices@gmail.com or 402-661-9957
Pre- Service Orientation Training for Family Child Care Home Programs
Prior to License Orientation training is now available ONLINE for persons interested in becoming licensed as a Family Child Care Home I or II. The licensing process, which includes this orientation training, can be found on the Department of Health and Human Services, Child Care Licensing website at this link.
NDE Professional Development Events and Updates
ESU #3 Early Learning Connection (ELC) Omaha Region works collaboratively within the counties of Cass, Douglas, Sarpy and Washington to ensure a wide variety of early childhood professional development activities are planned and implemented in response to the needs of educators who work with children birth through age eight in center, home, preschool, and out of school time programs.
The work of ESU #3 ELC Omaha Region and all publications are made possible by Grant Number 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
For more information, visit www.elcomaharegion.org or contact Jennifer Haggart, ELC Omaha Region PD Coordinator, at jhaggart@esu3.org. or Blanca Miller, ELC Omaha Region Bilingual PD
Coordinator, at bmiller@esu3.org
Conexión de Temprano Aprendizaje (ELC) Región de Omaha con ESU #3 trabaja colaborativamente dentro de los condados de Cass, Douglas, Sarpy y Washington para asegurar la planificación e implementación de una variedad de actividades de desarrollo profesional para la primera infancia en respuesta a la necesidad de educadoras quienes trabajan con los niños desde nacimiento hasto los ocho años en un centro, hogar, preescolar, y en programas fuera del horario escolar.
El trabajo de ESU #3 ELC PD Región de Omaha y todas las publicaciones son hechas posibles por la subvención número 93.575 Subvención Global de Cuidado Infantil y Desarrollo de la Oficina de Cuidado Infantil, Administración para Niños y Familias, Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE. UU.
Para mas informacion, visite www.elcomaharegion.org o contacte a Jennifer Haggart, ELC Región de Omaha Coordinadora PD, al jhaggart@esu3.org o Blanca Miller, ELC Región de Omaha Coordinadora Bilingüe PD, al bmiller@esu3.org