Mixing Greens
1st Grade Wind and Air Unit
Today we will learn how to mix green colors.
We will practice, then paint our clay wind chimes green.
How to make green
- Green is made from yellow and blue
- Yellow and blue are primary colors
- Green is a secondary color
Let's read the book 'Green' by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Practice mixing greens.
Use your mixing tray.
You may use:- blue
- green
- black
- white
Make as many greens as you can. Paint a leaf on your paper with each new green.
Mix blues, yellow, black and white.
I used tempera cakes, plus slightly diluted turquoise liquid water color in a cup.
Mix greens in the mixing trays
Student examples
Now paint your clay leaves any color of green you want.
- Paint the front, back and edges.
- You can use as many greens as you would like.
Put your clay leaf in the turn in tray.
We will use them to make wind chimes.