Allen Eagle Escadrille TWIB Notes

This Week In Band
2024 Band & Guard Banquet Recap
Banquet was an amazing evening celebrating all that made the 2023-2024 year in band great! We brought everyone back for dinner, recognized students/parents at awards, and capped the night off with dancing, games, and having a great time together. We were able to preview the 2024 Contest Show Fire & Ice and laugh with the 23-24 Band Council's version of the "Band Hunger Games."
Required Physicals for 2024-2025
All students in the 2024-2025 band and guard program are required to submit the UIL Pre-Participation Form (physicals). They are required prior to the first summer rehearsal of the 2024-2025 season. The exam must take place and be dated after May 1, 2024. You can go to your primary physician (with the UIL Pre-Participation form) or places like CareNow for a sports physical. If you already have a form for 2024-2025 Athletics, you can share a copy of that form with us. If you do not provide a form on the dates below, you will not be allowed to participate in rehearsal. Once you provide the required form, you will be able to participate.
Please bring completed forms in-person no sooner than on these dates. We will not accept them early or through an email/scan. There will be a collection table as students arrive rehearsal.
- Colorguard: May 28 (first summer colorguard practice)
- Percussion: May 28 (first summer percussion practice)
- Brass/Woodwinds: July 23 (first day of summer band camp)
2024 Band Council Ballot
It's election season in the Allen Band! CLCK BALLOT HERE to vote for 2024 Band Council. You must be current members in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade, can only vote once, and you must be logged into your Allen ISD account. The deadline to vote is 11:59pm this Wednesday May 8th. Potential runoff ballots will be emailed only on Thursday, May 9th. Band Council and SLT results will be emailed on Friday, May 10th.
In-Person Alternate Registration (May 21: 4:30-6:00pm)
If you missed registration, please come to Alternate Registration on Tuesday, May 21 (4:30-6:00pm) in the AHS Ensemble Room. Please enter door 33C (near the Band Hall Door). See ARCHIVED TWIB NOTES HERE for a payment breakdown.
We will not place additional orders for attire and contest uniforms for families that do not go to alternate registration. Orders will be placed when student registration is completed. This will result in higher pricing (since the order will not be a part of the original bulk order) and the possibility of not performing due to lack of uniform accessories arriving in time. If parents cannot come to registration in person: please ensure your student can come to registration with the proper payment (check, card, cash).
Some people are wondering why we don't release a link to pay fees. We tried an online registration process a few years ago and were unsuccessful.
- We were continually chasing fees through the entire marching season even with imposed deadlines.
- We had inaccurate orders because families didn't really know what they needed.
- We had to make multiple orders causing excessive inefficiencies.
- We paid for items at higher costs because we couldn't take advantage of bulk purchases (when making multiple orders).
- Families refused paying the SchoolPay fees online and came in person to turn payments in anyways.
- Working out issues with payments and obligations in-person is more accurate and efficient.
- We do not have a large staff available to handle the volume of online processing; we rely on dozens of volunteers to help process orders in-person.
SLT Auditions This Week!
Good luck to the SLT finalists as they audition this week! Finalists can CLICK HERE for instructions (you need to be logged into your Allen ISD account to open). Dr. Knight emailed all SLT candidates last week the finalist list as well as specific instructions.
- Mon, May 6 (Woodwinds)
- AHS Multi-Purpose Room
- 4:30 - Alto Saxes
- 5:10 - Clarinets
- AHS Ensemble Room
- 4:30 - Low Reeds
- 5:00 - Flutes
- Tues, May 7 (Brass)
- AHS Multi-Purpose Room
- 4:30 - Trombones
- 5:00 - Trumpets
- AHS Ensemble Room
- 4:30 - Horn
- 4:50 - Tubas
- 5:15 - Baritones
Spring Band Concerts
- May 9: AHS & LFC Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert
- May 13: Recording Concert, AHS Wind Ensemble & Select Percussion Ensemble (Time TBA)
- May 14: Jazz Ensemble @ LFC (6:30pm)
- May 15: Spring Concert 1 (6:30pm Start)***
- 6:30 AHS Concert Band (6:00 Call Time)
- 6:55 AHS Symphonic 3 (6:25 Call Time)
- 7:20 LFC Wind Ensemble (6:50 Call Time)
- 7:45 AHS Wind Symphony (7:15 Call Time)
- May 16: Spring Concert 2 (6pm Start)***
- 6:00 Saxophone Ensemble (5:30 Call Time)
- 6:30 LFC Concert Band (6:00 Call Time)
- 6:50 AHS Symphonic 2 (6:20 Call Time)
- 7:20 LFC Symphonic Band (6:50 Call Time)
- 7:40 AHS Symphonic 1 (7:10 Call Time)
- 8:00 AHS Wind Ensemble (7:30 Call Time)
*** We will offer senior pinning and photos 20-minutes before your band's call time on the May 15-16 concerts. Also - all students will be turning in their concert uniforms immediately following their band's concert. Everyone should bring a change of clothes to change into after their concert.
Summer DCI Tickets (Discounted Group Rates)
Last week to purchase DCI tickets at the group rate! Come out and watch professional marching, it's an amazing experience! To purchase tickets and for more information visit
Allen Band Booster Association
Volunteer Opportunities
We have lots of spots that need to be filled!! Log in to sign up at Contact Cindy with any questions at
- 5.15 & 16 Spring Concert help such as uniform return, senior flower pinning and item hand out
2024-25 ABBA Committee Applications
If you are interested in serving as an ABBA Committee Chair or on a committee please complete and submit the following form here. Committee Chairs will be appointed at the May Board Meeting.
2024 Allen Band & Guard Spring/Summer Required Events
The Next Three Weeks
May 6-12
- Mon, 5/6: SLT Tryouts
- Tues, 5/7: SLT Tryouts
- Wed, 5/8: AHS Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal (4:15-6pm); Last day to vote Band Council
- Thurs, 5/9: LFC/AHS Symphony Orchestra Concert; Possible Band Council Runoff Ballot Released
- Fri, 5/10: Full 2024-2025 Band & Guard Leadership List Released with Band Council Results
May 13-19
- Mon, 5/13: Recording Concert - AHS Wind Ensemble (4:30), Select Percussion Ensemble (6:00)
- Tues, 5/14: Jazz Concert (LFC - 6:30pm)
- Wed, 5/15: Spring Band Concerts
- Thurs, 5/16: Spring Band Concerts
- Sat, 5/18: Supercussion, North Texas Premier Solo Contest (Coppell)
May 20-26
- Fri, 5/24: Last Day of School/Graduation
2023-2024 AHS/LFC Band Staff
- Dr. Philip Obado, Director of Bands, Allen ISD
- Dr. Steven Knight, Associate Director of Bands & Marching Band Director
- Joshua Blankenship, Director of Bands, Lowery Freshman Center
- Miles Locke, Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Andrew Camp, Colorguard Director & Assistant Band Director
- Alex Baczewski, Assistant Band Director & Jazz Studies Director
- Neil Hicks, Assistant Band Director (LFC)
- Jeremy Rohr, Assistant Band Director
- Susan Fulk, Performing Arts Administrative Assistant