Hawk Happenings!
Happy Wednesday!
We will be sending Progress Reports home this week. Because we have students coming on campus different days of the week, we will be sending them home mainly today and tomorrow, but also Friday for students who come only on that day. These are meant to give you an idea of where your child is at this point in Trimester 2. We are currently ending week 5 of a 12 week trimester. So, if your child is doing well, we want them to keep it up! If they are missing items or not where they need to be (and you and the teacher want them to be), they have time to fix things. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to sign up for a conference to discuss your child's progress. The links for conference sign ups are below and the teachers will send out the Zoom links in the coming days.
An update on the possibility of returning to campus full time for grades 3 - 8:
After a brief moment of the case counts coming down to the upper limit (for return to in-person instruction) of 350/100,000 on Monday, yesterday we were back up to 359/100,000 and today, we were down at 336/100,000. I know it is frustrating and quite a roller coaster. Please know that we want the kids back as much as you do and we are watching those numbers every day. Even though the number was above 350 yesterday, I am not yet ready to pull the plug on my hope that we could have the kids back next Monday. Let's look at the number for tomorrow and maybe even Friday before a final determination is made. Stay tuned...
One last thing...thank you so much to our wonderful volunteers that have been here at the school this week helping with cleaning, recess duty, bulletin boards and getting our school ready for this Sunday's Open House. If you can join us for mass at 9 or 10 am at St. Martin's, please do! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Katie Dempsey
Upcoming Events:
- Wed, Jan. 27th - Fri, Jan. 29th - Progress Reports come home for Trimester 2.
- Thurs, Jan. 28th - All School Mass at 11 am in the Church (Please join us in person or online)
Meeting ID: 974 9100 2103 Passcode: Mass
- Sun, Jan. 31st - Open House after masses (from 9:30 am - 12 pm) Can you help? Sign up at: https://signup.com/go/wjFStXn
- Sun, Jan. 31 - Sat, Feb. 6th - Catholic Schools Week
- Thurs/Fri, Feb. 4th and 5th - Noon Dismissal (Grades 1 - 8) for Conferences (Sign up for conferences below) Regular/full day schedule for students in PK and K
- Fri, Feb. 12th - No School for Students (Teacher Professional Development)
- Mon/Tues, Feb. 15th-16th - No School for President's Day
- Thursday, Mar. 11th - End of Trimester 2
- Friday, Mar. 12th - Archdiocesan Retreat Day (No school for students)
- Friday, Mar. 19th - Report Cards go Home
REMINDER: $100 Auction Family Commitments are due Friday, February 19, 2021!
As noted on the Financial Agreement, each Holy Rosary family is required to contribute to the annual Auction. This year we have combined our Gala and Auction events so we need to do even better on this event!
We will accept donations equal to or greater than $100 in value in the form of cash or check, gift cards to local restaurants, businesses, sporting events, or places of interest. Families may also provide vouchers for goods and services such as catering, lawn maintenance, baked goods, etc. For the virtual auction, we will have food/alcohol for pick-up. If you would like, you can donate wine towards your $100 commitment. We can provide donation forms, if you prefer to solicit your items from a local business, stop by the office to grab a form.
When turning in your auction items to the office, we will ask you to fill out a form with an item description and value. This allows us to track these as in-kind donations.
You can easily pay your $100 procurement commitment by contacting Nina in the office at 253-272-7012, or online here at https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/o5kPfZnwU-9YPZxE8gatew fill out the form and choose 2021 Auction Procurement from the Campaign drop-down menu.
If the item or payment is not received by February 19, families will be invoiced $150.
***Items are subject to procurement committee approval.***
For auction questions, contact us at auction@holyrosarybilingual.org
Volunteer Opportunities
- Thurs, Jan. 28th and every Thursday - Someone to clean/disinfect the church after mass. Mass is at 11 am and is completed about 11:30 am.
- Sun, Jan. 31st -We need parent/family ambassadors to show people around at the Open House from 9:30 am until 12 pm. If you can help with this, please email Ms. Mary Schaff and Ms. Lizbeth Duran at mpschaff@gmail.com and lduran@holyrosarybilingual.org or sign up at https://signup.com/go/wjFStXn.
- Sun, Jan. 31st from 11:30 - 12:30 - We could use some people to clean/disinfect after the Open House. Please email Ms. Nina at office@holyrosarybilingual.org
- Daily - Ms. Lucia can always use help cleaning and keeping our facility beautiful and safe! Thank you to Ms. Beatriz for all of your help! Hours and days are flexible so if you need hours and can come to help clean, just let Ms. Nina know when you can be there. Email her at office@holyrosarybilingual.org
THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who have been helping with cleaning, recess duty, bulletin boards, and so much more We LOVE our volunteers!!
Conference Sign-Up Links for Feb. 4th and 5th
Ms. Patty/Pre-K 3: https://signup.com/go/zsJohzp
Ms. Raquel/Pre-K 4: https://signup.com/go/zNcaMLR
Ms. Madi/1st Grade: https://signup.com/go/coPWPBD
Ms. Josie/2nd Grade: https://signup.com/go/OcAthPs
Ms. Iverson/3rd and 4th Grade: https://signup.com/go/wShXMmM
Mr. Ivan/5th - 8th Grade (Science, Math, and Spanish): https://signup.com/go/jFttTXU
Mr. Farias/5th - 8th Grade (Language Arts, Religion, and Social Studies): https://signup.com/go/jQXhBgi