
Counselor Contact Information
Mrs. Lyndsey Best (last names A-C): lyn500@rcsd.ms
Mrs. Tiffany Litwin (last names D-H): tif504@rcsd.ms
Ms. Kendall Daniels (last names I-M): ken501@rcsd.ms
Mrs. Shea Carter (last names N-R): scarter@rcsd.ms
Mrs. Shelina Jones (last names (S-Z): she210@rcsd.ms
Hello, 2025๐
Happy New Year!
We hope that you had a wonderful holiday break and are ready to tackle the last few months of the 2024-2025 school year!
ACT is providing a $5 ACT test registration voucher for a February, April, June, or July 2025 test date (and will be valid on any registration made through January 20).
Students taking the February ACTยฎ can order the questions and answer key after the exam using promo code FEBTIR for a $9 discount.
Senior Information
Scholarship Reporting
Your scholarship offers will be recognized at the graduation ceremony! You have worked hard for your offers and we want to recognize your accomplishments (this includes MS financial aid).
We implement scholarship recognition through different levels. You will receive a pin to wear on your red stole to symbolize your level:
- Bronze- offers up to $3,000
- Silver- offers up to $30,000
- Gold- offers up to $100,000
- Platinum- offers over $100,000
You are responsible for reporting your offers through our scholarship reporting form.
IMPORTANT: Once you have completed entering your scholarship information, send a copy of the letter you received from the organization or institution to your counselor for verification purposes.
We will pull data from what you enter on this form to assign recognition levels for recognition.
BHS Graduation Fee
The deadline to pay the graduation fee without a late fee was September 26th.
The $100 graduation fee can be made online via MySchoolBucks, with cash, or with a check.
Online payments are accepted via MySchoolBucks. Links will be posted on the BHS Website and emailed to all senior parents on August 1st. If you do not have a MySchoolBucks account or need assistance with your existing account, please CLICK HERE.
Herff Jones Cap & Gown Fee
Seniors must order their cap and gown through Herff Jones in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. This is a separate fee from the BHS Graduation Fee. An information packet can be picked up at the front desk or online orders can be made at gradsouth.com
FAFSA Day will be held in the BHS Library on Wednesday, February 19th. This event is for seniors and their parents/guardians only. Appointments are required and will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. An email with more information will be coming soon. Each appointment lasts approximately 40-45 minutes. Students and parents/guardians must stay for the entirety of the appointment. During your appointment, you will complete the FAFSA and Mississippi State Aid application if your senior hasn't done so already.
Prior to your FAFSA appointment, you and your senior must create your FSA IDs (this was done at our Financial Aid Day in October if your senior attended). You must have your FSA ID account set up at least three days prior to your scheduled FAFSA appointment. You will also need your 2023 Income Tax Return and W-2s.
If you and/or your senior are unavailable for a time slot on February 19th, please reach out to Get2College to book an appointment at their Flowood office.
2616 Lakeland Drive, Jackson, MS 39216
Character Trait of the Month
Dual Credit & AP Updates
Dual Credit Updates
Fees for Spring 2025 will be assessed soon. You can pay online in the Navigator section of your MyHinds account or by calling the business office at Hinds Community College. If you have not paid your Fall 2024 dual credit fees, please do so immediately.
AP Updates
Please check your email regularly for AP updates from Ms. Daniels.
AP exams have been ordered! If you need to cancel your AP exam, please email Ms. Daniels ASAP for fee information. More details regarding testing will be emailed to all students and parents/guardians soon.
AP Payments
Each exam costs $99 except for Capstone courses. Payment information has been emailed to all AP parents, guardians, and students. Information on how to make payments can be found on our website.
Looking Ahead...
9th Grade CTE Applications
We took our 9th grade students on a visit to the CTE Center at Hinds Community College on Thursday, January 9th to get an up-close look at the programs they have to offer. Applications are available at the front desk and are due by Friday, January 31st.
It's almost time to start thinking about the 2025-2026 school year๐ฌ
For our current 9th-11th grade students: We will be sending home preregistration paperwork and begin meeting with students toward the end of January/beginning of February. Please be sure to discuss your students' course options with them prior to their individual meeting with their counselor. The meeting schedule will be sent to students and posted on our Counselor Canvas. Video overviews for each grade level can be found on our website along with copies of our PowerPoint and preregistration sheets.
For our upcoming 9th grade students (current 8th grade): Students will visit the high school on January 23rd. They will receive information regarding reregistration, BHS Academies, and extracurricular opportunities!
Upcoming Breaks
RCSD will be closed for the following holidays and breaks:
January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr Day
February 17th: President's Day
March 10th-14th: Spring Break
April 18th-21st: Easter Break