Gator Family News
December 2022
❄️❄️Save the Date❄️❄️Winter Wonderland - Saturday, December 3rd❄️❄️
Dec 2 - Leader of the Month Celebration
Dec 3 - Winter Wonderland - Event hours - 11:00 - 2:00
Dec 5 - Kinder/2nd Math Interim
Dec 6 Primary APTT #2 (kinder - 2nd Grade) - Event starts at 5:30
Dec 7 - 3rd -5th SIA Math Interim
Dec 8 - Progress Reports Go Home
Dec 8 - Super Friends assembly for 2nd Grade
Dec 12 - The Nutcracker Performance @ 5:30
Dec 13 - Science Interim (Kinder - 2nd grade)
Dec 13 Intermediate APTT #2 (3rd - 5th Grade) Event starts at 5:30
Dec 14 - Science Interim (3rd - 5th grade)
Dec 19- January 3 Winter Break
Jan 4 - Students report back to school
Our Winter Wonderland Carnival is this Saturday!
Event hours 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Come join the party!
There will be lots of food to eat!
Fun games to play!
Please invite family and friends- it's going to be a lot of fun!
School Hours
Please arrive and pick up on time.
- Arrival: 7:20-7:45 am (back parking lot off Cook Rd is all car riders, front drive off High Star is only bus and daycare); Breakfast opens at 7:20 am
- Tardy bell: 7:55 am (please drop your student off before 7:55 am to avoid a tardy!)
- Dismissal: 3:20 pm (we begin at 3:05 with staggered dismissal for safety)
Car Rider Line Reminders:
- Please be respectful of other drivers waiting in line.
- Please do not skip anyone in line. There are spaces left at times to allow traffic through, and it is not fair to skip others who have been waiting.
- Please maintain our code of civility if something does occur in line. You can call the school receptionist if there is a problem that needs to be addressed.
- Please observe location of cones and follow any traffic rules set by staff or Alief police.
- Please have your student name signs ready when you reach our staff calling students.
- We appreciate your help with this traffic matter!
Youens 10 Days of Winter Fun Countdown!
All Staff and Students are welcome to participate each day in themed outfits as we count down to the Winter Break! Participation is optional; school uniform is welcome every day as well! :) Please click on the link below to see the schedule.
In December, the character trait focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships.
Friendship skills are life skills! We will focus on:
Being good friends.
Understanding and connecting to other people’s feelings (practicing Empathy) is a powerful way to grow in friendship.
Communicating with Kindness
Understanding how our actions impact others.
Parents, we ask that you talk about friendship with your student and the importance of connecting with others!
Here are some great conversation starters:
Can you share or show what it means to be a good friend?
Why do you think it is important to practice Empathy with friends?
his month we will have a special event for all our 2nd Grade students. Our district has partnered with Youth Equipped to Succeed to bring Super Friends, an anti-bullying program to all second graders across our district.
Youth Equipped to Succeed believes strongly in connecting students to positive messages and healthy relationships that will help them navigate cultural pressures. Through their programming, students of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances are equipped with the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need in order to achieve healthier and successful futures.
If your child is in 2nd grade, don’t forget to ask them what they learned from the program.
Technology is ALL around us! 🖥️
James Bond, Black Widow, and Jason Bourne are fictional spies who use tools that make them heroes in movies. But the tools (malware) of malicious, real-world cyber spies wreak havoc in your life. Watch the video below to learn more about spyware and protecting yourself from spyware attacks.
There is an iReady challenge takes place monthly. We are looking for students who have the most minutes on iReady for the month as well as the most lessons passed. ALL students have a login and can access iReady at home through the AliefHub.
Parents, be on the lookout for letters from your child’s teacher with activities tied to what they are learning at school. Kindergarten-Students are learning about shapes and their attributes(flat and solid). First grade-Students are learning addition and subtraction facts within 20. Second grade-Students are representing addition and subtraction stories with bar models.
Progress Reports and Report Cards
Student progress reports and report cards will be available through the Home Access Center. If you have not signed up for home access, please use the link below to sign up. The 2nd grading period report card will be available early January.
If students do not complete assignments, they will receive failing grades. Please make sure your student is completing all assignments each day. Please reach out to your classroom teachers if you need any assistance.
Have a safe Winter Break!
Winter Break is a few days away; we hope it is a restful, joyful and relaxing for all gator families! Over the break, please remember to use this time to reflect on the blessings you have in your life, spend quality time with your loved ones, and practice lots of self-care. We will see students again on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. ENJOY!
Youens Elementary
Location: 12141 High Star Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-983-8383
Twitter: @youens_gators