Ridgeview Review Weekly
January 12th, 2025
Good Evening, Bobcats!
Good evening, I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week was exciting with the snow but it required us to alter our MAP assessment schedule. Students completed the Reading portion of the assessment on Friday and we will administer make-ups for students over the next few weeks. We will continue with the Math portion this Tuesday, 1/14. Please make sure your child arrives to school well rested and prepared to do their best!
On Tuesday, we will have our scheduled PTSA meeting at 7pm in our media center. During the meeting, we will discuss the course registration process and timeline for next school year. Even though it is hard to believe, we will begin constructing our Master Schedule for next year over the next few months. Please review the information below for important Ridgeview Scheduling as well as an invitation to Quince Orchard High School Parent Night for our rising 9th grade families. If you have any questions about course registration, please contact our counseling department.
PTSA Corner
The PTSA will be holding the January meeting on Tuesday 1/14 at 7pm in the Media Center. We are always in need of fresh ideas and volunteers to support event planning and ongoing efforts in the school. Please join us to learn about what the PTSA is doing at Ridgeview.
If you are unable to attend in person, please utilize the Zoom link : Https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/85600921762?pwd=5ObMiNnpJJuVfKbkTfLroUBekhhmkW.1 Meeting ID: 856 0092 1762, Passcode: 899298
Our first Community Night Out (CNO) will take place on Wednesday 1/15 at Isaac's Poultry Market. This fundraiser runs all day long & the PTSA will get 15% of ALL SALES that day, no code needed! Please encourage your friends to stop by and support the school too.
Attention Rising 7th and 8th Grade Families
It is crazy to think that we are starting to think about classes for next school year! This process involves teachers, students, and families. Teachers make recommendations for students’ core classes and families and students sign up for their elective classes.
Here is what you need to know about the elective selection process:
Students typically have space for two elective classes in their schedule unless they are enrolled in reading or special education support classes.
In Bobcat Boost on 1/15 and 1/16, students will listen to a video to learn about the different elective classes offered at RMS.
Students will be given a handout where they will select their top three choices and write why they would like to take those classes.
Then students will share this handout with their parents/guardians to select their top elective choices via Google Form.
Please be advised that selecting these courses does not guarantee student enrollment in the course and that once the Google Form is completed, selection is final.
If you need support or have any questions about the course selection process you can join one of the Zoom drop-in sessions on 1/21 at the following times:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 476 120 8520
Passcode: BCC
If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s grade level counselor.
Rising 7th Grade: Steffen Clarke (steffen_clarke-jones@mcpsmd.org)
Rising 8th Grade: Kellie Graham (kellie_j_graham@mcpsmd.org)
Attention Rising 9th Grade Families
Attendance Procedures
Ridgeview MS is committed to providing accurate student attendance. To ensure we are capturing all student attendance, we ask that you please submit any notification of absence, late arrival or early pick up requests to the new Ridgeview MS Attendance drop-box at RidgeviewMSAttendance@gmail.com. Your email should include your child's full name, grade, type of notification (absence/late arrival/early departure), the reason along with your full name and contact information should we have any questions/concerns. Please only send your notification to this drop box and as a friendly reminder, students have three (3) days after returning to school to submit their absence note. Feel free to attach any supporting documents to the email.
Current Events
On Tuesday, January 14, all RMS students administered the Measures of Academic Progress for Mathematics (MAP-M). MCPS uses the results from the MAP assessment in mathematics and English to monitor each student’s progress throughout the school year as well as progress from one school year to the next. Teachers and school staff utilize the MAP scores to inform instruction, personalize the learning as well as measure the performance and growth of students. MAP scores are one data point of many that teachers use to inform the learning in a whole class, small group and on an individual basis. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest and comes to school with a fully charged Chromebook.
The PTSA will be holding the January meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center. We are always in need of fresh ideas and volunteers to support event planning and ongoing efforts in the school. Please join us to learn about what the PTSA is doing at Ridgeview. If you are unable to attend in person, please utilize the Zoom link by clicking here. Meeting ID: 856 0092 1762 and Passcode: 899298
Our first Community Night Out (CNO) will take place on Wednesday, January 15th at Isaac's Poultry Market (12163 Darnestown Road, Gaithersburg, MD 200878). This fundraiser runs all day long & the PTSA will get 15% of all sales that day, no code needed! Please encourage your friends to stop by and support the school too.
Cheer on our bobcat basketball teams on Wednesday, January 15th. The teams will play against John Poole MS. The boys are home and the girls are away. The games begin at 3:30 p.m.
The next Community Night Out (CNO) event will be at Isaacs Poultry Market (12163 Darnestown Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878) on Thursday, January 15th.
Future Events
Please note, Schools and offices are closed on Monday, January 20th.
On Tuesday, January 21st, the bobbucks store will be open during grade level lunches.
Join us to cheer on our basketball teams on Tuesday, January 21st as they play against Martin Luther King MS. The girls play at home and the boys are away. The games begin at 3:30 p.m.
Be sure to join us on Tuesday, January 28th as our Basketball teams take on Kingsview MS. The girls play away and the boys play at home. Games begin at 3:30 p.m.
Grab the family and support RMS at our Community Night Out (CNO) event on Tuesday, January 28th at Jersey Mikes. (249 Kentlands Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878).
There is no school for students on Wednesday, January 29th for the end of term Grading and Planning. Please plan accordingly.
Report cards will be distributed on Thursday, February 6th, 2025.
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 26th. The girls and boys basketball teams will play against Lakeland Middle School. The games will be played back-to-back at Lakelands Middle School (1200 Main St, Gaithersburg, MD 20878). The boys play at 3:10 p.m. and the girls game is immediately after.
Note to Parents
As part of our partnership with Montgomery County Advisory Program, students have spent time exploring different career pathways. To support this work, we are excited to announce that Ridgeview will be hosting its first "Meet A Pro" Career Day and we would love to have you involved! This event will provide an excellent opportunity for our students to explore a variety of career paths and inspire their future aspirations. This will take place on Friday, March 7, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.. in the classrooms here at Ridgeview MS. We are inviting parents and staff members to participate as guest speakers, sharing their expertise and experiences with our students. Whether you are in healthcare, business, education, technology, the arts, or any other field, your involvement will make a lasting impact on the students’ career development. If you are interested in volunteering or if you know someone who would be a great fit for this event please complete or share this Google Form. Help us spread the word throughout the community by sharing on your social media. We look forward to your participation in making this Career Day a memorable and enriching experience for our students.Thank you for your continued support!
If you are a parent/guardian and need to submit a notice of student absence, notify of late arrival or early pick up, please email the Ridgeview MS Attendance office at RidgeviewMSAttendance@gmail.com.
The Ridgeview Middle School yearbook is in the works! Please pre-order yours today so children can look back and reminisce on their amazing years here as a bobcat! Click the link for details on where to purchase.
RMS will be collecting photos throughout the year of all our special events and moments. Photos will be used in the Yearbook, 8th Grade Promotion and other publications. If you have photos throughout the year of any of these events that you would like to share, please send it to the RMS photo drop box at RMSPhotoBox@gmail.com.
The Gaithersburg Youth Center (GYC) is currently taking Membership Applications. Students, 6th to 8th grade, are welcome to join. GYC has two locations: Olde Towne GYC (301 Teachers Way) and Robertson Park GYC (801 Rabbit Road). The GYC is open Monday through Friday, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m, and half days/holidays, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Membership lasts one full year, and is $20 for City Residents and $25 for non-resident students. This includes admission to the youth center and discounts on trips. The membership form is attached along with the calendar of upcoming events. Membership forms must be returned to the Gaithersburg Youth Center.
Please consider joining the RMS PTSA ListServ. It is run by the PTSA in conjunction with RMS, to provide you news, information, updates and community information. To join, please send an email to RMSptsaPresident@gmail.com and say, “Please add me to the ListServ”. Click the link for details on upcoming events. Be sure to view the PTSA Community Flyer. It is available in both English and Spanish.