NWMS Weekly Parent Update
January 6-10
It's a Great Day to be a Viking!
Reminders and Updates
Good afternoon,
Welcome back and welcome to 2025! We look forward to seeing all students back in school on Monday, January 6th! Before returning, please take a moment to clean our your bookbag. Make sure you don't have any items in your bag that will cause the scan stations at the front doors to go off. Remove umbrellas, 3-ring binders with metal hooks, metal pencil containers, etc. from your bags. We want to also remind any students who might have gotten a new phone or earphones over break that we do not allow students to have their phones out during the school day. If you bring your cell phone to school it must remain off and in your bookbag the entire school day unless a teacher gives you permission to use it for a classroom lesson/activity.
The deadline for purchasing a Yearbook is getting close. Don't forget to order your copy by Jan. 28th! To order a Yearbook go to the website ybpay.com and enter the NWMS Code 14429725. The cost is $38.00. It is a hard cover book.
Let's make it a great week,
Mrs. Francisco
Weekly Information
Monday, 1/6
- Welcome to our new School Treasurer - Ms. Brianne Morrison
- Chess Club after school
- Student Council after school
Tuesday, 1/7
- Interim Assessment #2 for 8th Grade Science
- Chess Club before school
- FBLA before school
Wednesday, 1/8
- Purple Star Club before school
- Girls who Game Club before school
- Zoology before school
- Speech and Debate Club after school
Thursday, 1/9
- Impact Club before school
- Battle of the Books after school
- FCCLA after school
- Zoology Club after school
Saturday, 1/11
- All-District Band Auditions
- 1/13 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/13 - Wrestling @ Southeast
- 1/14 - Basketball Pictures after school
- 1/16 - Interim Assessment #2 for 6th ELA, Math 7, Acc Math 7, Math 8 and Math 1
- 1/16 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/16 - Wrestling @ Northern
- 1/17 - Spotlight Breakfast
- 1/20 - Holiday - School Closed for Staff and Students
- 1/21 - School Based Leadership Team Meeting
- 1/21 - Basketball @ Kiser
- 1/21 - Wrestling @ Home
- 1/23 - Basketball @ Southwest
- 1/23 - Wrestling @ Home
- 1/24-1/25 - 7th and 8th Grade Band (select students) at Durham School for the Arts
- 1/24 - Astronomy Club @ Oak Ridge Town Park Shelter #2 7:00-9:00
- 1/24 - End of Quarter 2!
- 1/27 - Staff Workday
- 1/28 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/28 - Wrestling @ Eastern
- 1/28-1/31 - SpongeBob Auditions
- 1/28 - NWEA ELA Assessment
- 1/29 - NWEA Math Assessment
- 1/30 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/30 - Wrestling @ Jamestown