Early Steps Updates ~ Summer 2024
August 2024

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Principal Updates 8 - November 15, 2024
Dear Early Steps Community:
At Early Steps, your children are prospering well under the caring and skilled teachers and staff members who meet students where they are developmentally, and move them forward.
It's getting cold outside, which means students are arriving with winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. To ensure our safe and swift 'Drop Off' procedure continues, please make sure to adhere to the following:
- Arrive between 7:50 - 8:00 AM and a staff member will retrieve your child directly from your car, that is parked on Hancock St. with it's flashing lights on (what a great service!!).
- At 8:00 AM, several Hosmer School buses arrive and vehicles are prohibited from the Winthrop/Hancock Sts. circle.
- After 8:00 AM, park on Mt. Auburn St. (NOT Winthrop St.) and walk your child to the front door. If you arrive to the front door after 8:05 AM, please proceed into the Main Office to sign your child in 'tardy' and await a teacher to retrieve them.
***At no time should any vehicle do a U-Turn on either of those streets.***
Thank you for following the procedure to keep our children safe.
Be sure to read the section of my newsletters 'Some Important Dates' and note these dates/times on your calendars. Our Cunniff and Lowell School friends may have slightly adjusted times/days.
Next up:
- Wednesday, November 27 - Early Release @11:30 AM- Thanksgiving Recess Begins
- Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
Keep each other well,
Dr. Theresa McGuinness
Every Child...Every Classroom...Every Day
Quick Resources: Early Steps Website (Under Construction)
WPS 2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar
1 Concord Road
Watertown, MA 02472
Zones of Regulation
At Early Steps we are implementing a social-emotional-behavioral program called Zones of Regulation universally across all classrooms as a school-wide goal this year that is designed to enhance students' emotional self-regulation skills. The Zones of Regulation is a popular framework and self-regulation curriculum to teach regulation strategies for managing sensory needs and emotions for students and other individuals. By helping students understand their emotions and develop coping strategies, this goal aligns with the school’s mission to foster a positive learning environment and improve student well-being.
- There are 4 zones, each associated with feelings, or states of alertness. The goal is for students to be able to identify what zone they are in and to then pick a tool/strategy to help their actions best meet the situation. Specifically, the Zones lessons and activities are designed to help students recognize when they are in the different Zones and to learn how to use strategies to change (or to stay) in the most conducive Zone.
We are providing ongoing professional development for educators and will evaluate the effectiveness of implementation through student feedback and observations by June 2024.
Why Teaching The Zones Is Helpful - the program teaches:
• Self-control
• Resilience
• Self-management
• Anger management
• Impulse control
• Sensory regulation
Teachers will share information with families on how you can partner with us in supporting students at home in the coming months. Click this link for more information Zones of Regulation
🎃 Unwanted Halloween Candy? 🎃
If you happen to have any unwanted/leftover Halloween candy (even just the stuff that your family might not like!), we will gladly take it off your hands in the Main Office. I am often purchasing candy for faculty meetings, professional development, etc. and your extra's are much appreciated.
Important Message from Our WPS Registrar for all Families
We are excited to announce the annual Fall Annual Verification 24-25 will open soon. This process utilizes our online registration/enrollment system and is required annually to verify and update student demographic, health, family, contact data and permissions. Here's how it works:
- Guardians/parents should have received an email for each student with a SNAPCODE . A snapcode is like a key to your student’s current information.
- Using the link in the Snapcode email, you are automatically directed to your student’s data on Watertown’s Registration/Enrollment site. Each snapcode is unique to one student. Please note, you will receive a separate email/snapcode for each student.
- This Fall Annual Verification needs to be completed by Friday, November 22, 2024.
- You can contact the Registrar's Office at (617) 972-4216 or email terri.stafford@watertown.k12.ma.us to ask general questions about the form or process.
Thank you for completing this Required Verification to ensure your family's/student's
information is up to date.
A Day in the Life in Ms. Renee Anzaldi's Class
A Day in the Life of Ms. Lizzy McElroy's Classroom
A Day in the Life of Ms. Liz Epstein's Classroom
A Day in the Life...at Cunniff PreK
Some Important Dates
- Wednesday, November 27 - Early Release @11:30 AM - Thanksgiving Recess Begins
- Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
Friday, December 20th - Early Release @11:30 AM for Winter Recess
Monday, December 23 - Monday, January 1st - No School (Winter Recess)
For Reference ~ Past Principal Newsletters
- Principal Updates 1 - August 12, 2024
- Principal Updates 2 - August 29, 2024
- Principal Updates 3 - September 15, 2024
Principal Updates 4 - September 27, 2024
Principal Updates 5 - October 9, 2024
Principal Updates 6 - October 21, 2024
Principal Updates 7 - November 1, 2024
Community News
Public Notice: Call for Volunteers for the Watertown Pride Committee
The Watertown Pride Committee is seeking enthusiastic and dedicated residents to join our team! This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the planning and execution of the premiere event that celebrates and supports our LGBTQ+ community.
About the Pride Committee
The Pride Committee is responsible for organizing events, activities, and initiatives that promote inclusivity, diversity, and equality within our community. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for all residents and visitors, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The Pride Committee’s main responsibility will be to assist in planning and organizing the Watertown Pride Parade and Festival in June.
See information, responsibilities, and requirements for the Pride Committee.
Early Steps Contacts
Early Steps Early Childhood Center
1 Concord St.
Watertown, Ma 02472
Phone: 1-617-926-7765
Principal - Dr. Theresa McGuinness
Administrative Assistant - Tricia D’Amelio
Special Education Team Chair- Ilana Sommer
Nurse - Kaitlyn Reynolds