Vowles Elementary
Home of the Vikings- Sept 1, 2022
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Calendar of Events
Sept. 2nd- No School
Sept. 5th- No School~ Labor Day
Sept. 6th- ThinkStretch Workbooks due (last call)
Sept. 26th- No School due to Professional Development for Teachers
Oct. 13th & 14th- Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 14th- No School due to Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 21st- Picture RETAKE Day (a.m.)
*MPPS School Calendar for 2022-2023
Morning Arrival
We appreciate our families' patience and collaboration with us on our Morning and Dismissal routines. We noticed a big difference this week in the smoothness of our Arrive and Dismissal time of the day. Thank you for supporting us and helping us to keep our students safe and comfortable.
Arrival/Drop Off
Families, check out a short video below about Morning Arrival and using our Circle Drive to drop off your child in the morning. Pick-up/dismissal time is very similar.
If your child is late to school, past 8:35 am, for safety purposes, you MUST BRING YOUR CHILD TO THE FRONT OFFICE. Our doors are locked and our students are little and cannot always be seen. We do not want a child left outside. Please bring them to our office door.
Walking your Child up: please see the pictures below. We ask that you drop your child off at the common area where staff stand and then move away from these common areas. If you choose to stay, please go along our fence. It is important that our students can see where they need to go. When these areas are congested, our little ones cannot see over many towering adults and it makes them feel uneasy and scared.
The line may seem long at first but will go quickly as staff get to know you and your vehicle, and students are more prepared for being picked up. At dismissal, you pull up and we will help get your child in the vehicle. We can't wait to see you on Monday!
Video- https://youtu.be/g7dDShRJjDw
We appreciate your support with our Morning Arrival and Dismissal Procedures!
Staff Shout Outs
Walmart Donation
To Request for Transportation, use the form linked here:
Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Alone
- In City Busing Reduction
Vowles Viking Shirts
Covid Protocols
Back to School Tidbits for Parents
1) Label Everything~ Become the queen/king of a permanent marker. Label your child's name on lunchboxes, school supplies, backpacks, water bottles, child's clothes (utilize the inside tags of sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, and snowpants).
2) Send an extra pair of clothes to stay in your child's locker. Put in a ziplock and label with your child's name.
3) Water bottle- send your child to school with a water bottle to have. Only the filling stations will be turned on due to sanitation reasons.
4) Have a regular after school transportation plan.
5) Utilize the School Agenda for writing in transportation changes.
Vowles Elementary
Website: https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/
Location: 1560 Watson Road, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA
Phone: 989-775-2280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vowleselementary/