Harford Hills Elementary
November 24, 2024
The mission of Harford Hills Elementary School is to prepare all students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century within a safe, orderly, and optimum learning environment that promotes academic excellence, encourages active lifelong learning, and produces respectful, responsible citizens that care about others and their changing world.
Important Dates
27 (W) Schools and Offices Close 3 Hours Early
28-29 (Th-F) Thanksgiving Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
12/2 - 12/11 2nd Grade CogAT Testing
12 (TH) PTA Meeting, 6:00 pm
18 (W) 5th Grade Instrumental Music Concert, 6:30 pm
19 (TH) Snow Date for 5th Grade Concert
Help Us Achieve Perfect Attendance
Daily attendance is crucial, even on half days!
Please ensure your child is present every day this week.
We truly appreciate your partnership!
No Toys, Sports Equipment, or Pokemon Cards at School
Please ensure that your child does not bring any toys or personal sports equipment to school, including items such as Pokémon cards, soccer balls, baseball gloves, and similar items. These objects can easily get lost, damaged, or cause distractions during the school day. By keeping them at home, we can help maintain a focused and productive learning environment for all students. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Safety Reminders
Please be mindful of your speed and surroundings when driving on campus, especially during school hours.
Children are often present, and their safety is a shared responsibility. Let's all do our part to ensure a safe environment for everyone by following posted speed limits, staying alert, and being patient. Thank you for your partnership in this important matter!
Report Cards
Report cards were made available on the parent portal on Thursday, November 14th. Kindly sign and return all report card envelopes as soon as possible. Your attention to this matter is appreciated!
Grade 2 Families
All Grade 2 students in Baltimore County Public Schools will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The CogAT is an online assessment consisting of three batteries: verbal, quantitative, and figurative reasoning. The data provided by the CogAT, along with additional data collected throughout the school year, will be used by schools as part of the universal screening process completed in the spring to identify students as Gifted and Talented (GT) in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics for Grades 3. A family letter will be coming home soon with additional information.
BCPS Food Policy
We would like to remind you that BCPS policy mandates that schools hold food-free celebrations. Please refrain from sending your child to school with any edible snacks or treats for the class, as they will not be distributed. Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to BCPS Wellness Policy 5470.
In accordance with BCPS Wellness Policy 5470, Office of Health Services, and Food and Nutrition Services, students should not be bringing breakfast from home or outside restaurants/drive-thrus to be consumed at school. Free breakfast is provided to all students upon arrival; for the health and safety of our students and staff only provided items are to be eaten in the classroom for breakfast. Additionally, specialty drinks such as shakes, frozen beverages, smoothies, and the like are not permitted and should be consumed by students prior to school arrival. We appreciate your cooperation!
We understand that there are times that a student may forget their lunch; in these circumstances lunch is available in the cafeteria or you may bring the child’s lunch box to the office. At an appropriate time your student will be contacted by our staff to pick up their lunch. To avoid disruption and adhere to policy standards, no student lunch deliveries or drop-offs of take-out, fast food, specialty drinks, etc. should occur.
Water Bottles
Students continue to be permitted to carry water bottles during the school day; please note that they should contain water only. No flavors, energy drinks, soda, or juices are permitted. For safety reasons no glass bottles (even in rubberized coverings), and to prevent spills all water bottles should have a top that fully closes.
Now Hiring - Adult Assistants!
Additional assistants are temporary employees who provide support to individual students with moderate to severe disabilities to meet requirements necessary for participation in the school environment. They work under the direct supervision of the special educator who is the case manager for students with Individual Education Programs.This position pays hourly and does not provide benefits. Additional adult assistant follow the same hour and schedule as students. If interested, please call the school at (443) 809-5236 or email Tammi Coit, AP at tcoit@bcps.org
Smartfind Express - Opt In to Text
Stay informed about important school updates by opting into the
Harford Hills Elementary text notifications!
Volunteers Needed!
Every other Wednesday, we honor lucky students who demonstrate admirable conduct in the cafeteria with a VIP lunch. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this. Please sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904054EA8AC22A7FE3-52380349-viplunch for a slot (or two or three!) 🙂 We appreciate you!
If you haven't already completed the brief BCPS volunteer application, please do so here: https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers
School Safety
Please ensure your child does not bring any toys that resemble weapons to school. Any violations will be addressed in accordance with the BCPS handbook on student conduct.
Students who engage in these behaviors will be subject to all legally allowable consequences including, but not limited to suspension and expulsion. School-based consequences are in addition to action taken by law enforcement. Baltimore County Public Schools will continue to work closely with the Baltimore County Police Department to respond swiftly to these situations, protect students and staff, and hold accountable those who break the rules.
Positive school climates have a tremendous impact on student well-being and learning. We believe that working together, we can create and maintain safe schools and workplaces where all students and staff thrive. Link: BCPS Student Handbook
BCPS Links and Resources
BCPS Parent University
BCPS Parent University FACEtime E-Newsletter
Parent University is offered through the BCPS Office of Family and Community Engagement, which we affectionately call FACE! We provide tools and resources to BPCS families to support learning at home. In the past, before social-distancing, one of the ways we offered these resources was through in-person workshops hosted by community members and schools. We also have a large collection of online resources that are available as we navigate through this incredibly unique time in our lives. We hope you enjoy what we have to share. Click the E-Newsletter image to access the latest version.
Additional Resources
Contact Us
- Lisa Balmages, Principal - lbalmages@bcps.org
- Tammi Coit, Assistant Principal - tcoit@bcps.org
School Hours: 8:35 (arrival) - 3:35 (dismissal)
- Kim Cincotta, Administrative Secretary - kcincotta@bcps.org
- Melissa Walker, Office Secretary - mwalker4@bcps.org
Website: https://harfordhillses.bcps.org/
Location: 8902 Old Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21234
Phone:(443) 809-5236