DRE Weekly Newsletter
Week of May 6-May 12

The Week of May 6-May 12
Monday- 2
Tuesday- 3
Wednesday- 4
Thursday- 5
Friday- 1
May 6-10
'MAP' Your Adventure Testing Kick Off Week
May 7
Kindergarten Field Trip (Rain reschedule)
May 8
PTO Dine out at Red Robin (see flyer below)
National School Nurse Day
May 10
5th Grade Boys Human Growth & Development Presentation
May 13
3rd Grade MAP Testing
4th Grade MAP Testing
5th Grade MAP Testing
May 14
3rd Grade MAP Testing
4th Grade MAP Testing
5th Grade MAP Testing
May 15
3rd Grade MAP Testing
4th Grade MAP Testing
5th Grade MAP Testing
May 16
3rd Grade MAP Testing
May 17
5th Grade Firetruck Ride to School, K-5 Attendance Recognition
Kindergarten Celebration, DRE 5-6 pm
May 20
4th Quarter Student Recognition Assembly
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-5:30 pm
May 21
3rd Grade Craft Fair
May 22
Talent Shows: Grades K-2 1:30-3:00 pm, Grades 3-5 9:15-10:45 pm
5th Grade DARE Graduation, Liberty High School, 7 pm
May 24
Field Day, Grades 3-5 9-11 am, Grades K-2 12:30-2:30 pm
May 27
Memorial Day, No School
May 28
Art Neon Glow Show
May 29
LHS Senior Parade, 1:30 pm
May 30
Last Day of School, Early Release at 1:35 pm
05/08- Nora L.
05/09- Henry G.
05/09- Emmett H.
05/09- Luke S.
05/09- Grayson S.
05/09- Louis S.
05/10- Andrew M.
05/10- May T.
05/11- Adelynn A.
05/11- Teddy C.
05/11- Charlie D.
05/11- Nora G.
Healthy Snack Donations
DRE aims to have a healthy snack station for every student MAP testing so that they can choose a daily snack on test day. To ensure every student has a testing day snack, we need just over 1,000 individual snacks! Thank you for your donations. We are collecting them in the office all week!
DRE MAP Test Schedule
Our daily lunch, recess, and special area classes schedule remains the same school-wide during MAP testing. Students in grades 3-5 who take the MAP test do not test all day but have sessions that vary in length. Each grade level has identified periods of the day available to test but may only need some of the time allocated across the day. Please contact your child's teacher or Mrs. Douglas, 3-5 Guidance Counselor, with any questions.
3rd Grade: ELA Session 1
4th Grade: ELA Session 1
5th Grade: ELA Sessions 1, 2, 3
Tuesday, May 14
3rd Grade: ELA Session 2
4th Grade: ELA Sessions 2, 3, 4
5th Grade: Math Sessions 1, 2, 3
Wednesday, May 15
3rd Grade: Math Session 1
4th Grade: Math Sessions 1, 2, 3
5th Grade: Science Sessions 1, 2
Thursday, May 16
3rd Grade: Math Session 2
DRE Families,
Our school will be administering the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA), a survey and reporting system designed to provide insights into our school's progress. We would love one adult from every household to participate so we can continue to learn and grow as a school community. Here are the details:
WHAT: An online survey completed by one member of each household.
● Survey typically takes about 5 minutes to complete
● Questions relate to your and your child's experiences at our school.
● Answers are anonymous--to encourage people to be honest and open, no names and other identifying information will be collected.
WHEN: The survey is now available for you to take through 5/31/2024.
HOW: The survey can be taken from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access,
● Simply click on this link:https://www.leaderinme.com/s/discovery-ridge-elementary/families
Thanks for all of your input. Please feel free to contact lindsayburkemper@wsdr4.org with any questions.
Mrs. Stratman, Dr. Burkemper, & The DRE Lighthouse Team
Important Calendar Change for 2023-2024
We're excited to have some flexibility in our calendar that allows us to move up our last day of school for all students this year. View the updated Academic Calendar on the district website. Read more.
DRE is competing against 5th Grade to see who can collect the most can tabs!
Fun Fact!!
1 Tab= 1 Inch Long
1,280 Tabs= 1 Pound
63,360 Tabs= 1 Mile
What does it take to help families?
136 lbs. of tabs will house a family for one night at the Ronald McDonald House in Missouri. That means, 950 lbs. of tabs will house a family for a whole week at the Ronald McDonald House!
Don't forget your water bottle!
Personal water bottles are highly encouraged; please send one with your child.
Tips from Nurse Rosemarie
5 Summer Parenting Tips
5 Summer Parenting Tips
By: Katelyn Siebert, MSW, LCSW
Spring is here, which means many parents are beginning to express both excitement and even a little bit of dread for the months ahead! Before we know it, school will be out and families will be juggling all the “summer plans,” or lack thereof. Either way, it’s important to consider how to set your family up for a fulfilling summer. Here are five things to consider to make the most out of the summer months…
Schedule Family Time- Make it an expectation. Put it on a calendar. Stick to it. Family time is crucial any time of the year! Things like game nights, movie mornings, a backyard campout, or a monthly themed dinner; consider any lighthearted ways to spend time together as a family. Yes, your teens will likely push back on this idea, but that’s what teens do. Still make it happen and expect them to be there. They will thank you later!
Get Involved- Have your child involved in at least one productive activity this summer. From a camp to a regularly scheduled day at grandma’s house, having something to do with others is so important for our children’s social-emotional well-being. It’s also important to have your child be a part of the planning process for this. Bring them into the discussion of their summer plans. While you’re at it, share your summer expectations and listen to any hopes/expectations they may have for their summer too.
Limit Screen Time- Be aware of your child’s technology usage this summer. Limits on screen time and supervision online are ESSENTIAL when school’s out! Apps like “Net Nanny,” “Bark” and “Canopy” can provide a level of protection to ensure your children (and the people they communicate with!) are safe. Stay in touch with your children by communicating with them as both good and hard things come up over the summer months.
Boredom Balance- Encourage a healthy balance of scheduled time vs downtime for your children. Boredom is GOOD! Boredom is becoming a lost emotion that we should consider allowing our children to feel again. However, for some children, if a lack of involvement occurs, undesirable behaviors may start to arise. Try to identify this line between boredom and lack of involvement. If behaviors become a problem, schedule an activity for them. It’s all about balance!
Continue / Start Therapy- Whether your child is currently seeing a therapist, recently paused therapy, or never has been, it is a good idea to schedule some consistent sessions over the summer. Despite what some think, summer months are the ideal time to commit to our mental health. With school on break, it allows kids to focus more on self-growth and sets them up for further success when the school year begins again.
West County Behavioral Health wishes you
and your family a safe and happy summer!