Counselor's August Newsletter
Welcome back Center Point Pirates and Families.

CPISD Guidance Counselors
The Counseling & Academic Office at the Secondary and Elementary Campus is an important part of school life. We are here to help you and your student in any way possible. You will find most important academic information over in our school website, along with Scholarships, Testing dates, and other important information about our department. Counselors Corner is under our department tab in our school website. Please Click on the button below that will take you right to it.
Master of Education Degree in Guidance & Counseling from the University of Texas at San Antonio
Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Southwest Texas State University
Dana Stumpf completed 30 hours of continuing education courses from the Texas Counseling Association which included:
Creative Strategies for Counseling Tweens and Teens
Addressing Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Students: A Collaboartive Approach
Educational History:
Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Stephen F. Austin State University
Additional Graduate Work for Counselor and Superintendent Certification from Texas A & M University—Commerce
Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education (English and History) from East Texas Baptist University
Current Position:
Counselor Coordinator
Secondary Counselor Grades 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th
District Testing Coordinator
Previous Position:
15 Years Experience as a School Counselor (Center Point ISD, Medina ISD, Quinlan ISD)
11 Years Experience as a School Administrator (Quinlan ISD)
7 Years Experience as a Secondary English Teacher (Marshall ISD, Paris ISD)
Additional Trainings and Certifications:
Region 20 Critical Incident Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Sandy Hook Promise Training
Safe and Secure Schools Training
Master of Education in Guidance & Counseling from Angelo State University
Bachelor of Arts in General Studies with a specialization in English and Education from Schreiner University
School counselors, along with other specialized instruction support personnel, are often on the forefront of identifying behaviors that could signal something more serious. School counselors play a key role with implementing mental-health practices that are critical to creating a safe school environment for everyone. This past summer, Mrs. Morgan, received a Mental Health Specialist Certificate from the American School Counselor Association where she participated in a 50-hour course.
The following objectives were the main focus of the course:
- Recognize the warning signs of various mental health disorders
- Describe how to address the mental health needs of students by providing direct services, accessing community resources, and working with school staff and community service providers
- Recognize when to collaborate with parents/guardians, teachers, administrators or involve outside help
- Implement suicide-prevention policies
- Identify best practices for schools to follow to protect the mental health and safety of all students
*Scholarships will be posted as we recieve them in our School Website under Counselor Corner tab. Seniors will also recieve these through their Google classroom Senior group.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Call or Text 988 or Chat https:// 988lifeline.org
Natioal Suicide Prevention Life Line 1-800-273-TALK(8255)
Spanish Line: 1-888-628-9454
National Crisis Text Line:
Text "HOME" to 741741
Hill Country MHDD Crisis Hotline