Whitson Elementary Newsletter
October 2024
Principal's Corner
Well what a great start to the school year. I feel very lucky and proud to be the Principal of such an incredible school.
Thank you to all of the families, staff, and PTO who helped or attended the Welcome Back BBQ on September 19th. It was a fabulous night. We served almost 600 Hot Dogs!
I can hardly believe it, but conference week is here. In the past we typically have 95% or more of our families attend conferences, which is an incredible turnout. Parental attendance at conferences is a crucial component of student success. I will be in the front hallway during conferences, so please be sure to stop by and say hello.
Go Cubs,
Todd McCauley, Whitson Principal
Picture Retake Day
October 10, 2024
October 28 - November 1
After School during Conference Week!
Remember to sign up for eWallet, your child’s digital payment account.
Online shopping at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/whitsonelementaryschool3
Fall Parade
When: October 31
Time: 9:30
Kindergarten - 4th grade students can wear their costume to school.
The parade will go down the east side of the park, come up through the park and end at the intermediate playground.
Early Release Notice
1:30 Early Release
MONDAY - October 7
MONDAY - October 14
MONDAY - October 21
Parent Teacher Conferences 12:05 Release
October 28 - November 1
Evening Conferences are Monday and Wednesday
PTO Meetings & Coffee with The Principal
October 8
Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. in the Whitson Library.
October 9
Monthly meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:30am. in the Conference Room.
Cold & Wet Weather
Remember cold weather is upon us, please send your student to school with a hat, gloves, boots and coat. We will be going outside.
Also, sending an extra change of clothes in their backpack would be appreciated.
Thank You!
Cub Pride Assembly
FRIDAY - October 25 @ 1:45
Spirit Theme - Cub Pride T-Shirt or Red Day