December 2024 & January 2025

Happy holidays! The November Newsletter is now archived for reference on the Counseling Page and below are December and January highlights. We will be adding information throughout the next two months so check back often for updates.
Below are the names of our counselors along with their alpha breakdown. Caseloads are divided alphabetically by student’s last name.
Mrs. Susie Kihneman (A-Cha)
Mr. Shaun Harvey (Chb-Gi)
Mr. Tim Roty (Gj-Kh)
Mrs. Lauren Kennedy (Ki-Mc)
Mr. Jesse Luna (Md-Raj)
Mrs. Brenda Stone (Rak-Tam)
Mrs. Kathleen Marron (Tan-Z)
Counseling Support:
Ms. Michelle Castro, Student Support Services
Mrs. Sue Reich, Academic & Career Guidance Technician
Mrs. Bethany Watson, Counseling Assistant
Current 11th grade parents and guardians, please plan to attend our upcoming 11th Grade Family Information Night.
Tuesday, February 4th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the DNHS Performing Art Center.
We will present next steps for Juniors, including planning for senior year, rollout of senior year course selection, transcript review, postsecondary options, graduation and college requirements. Additionally, we will also share information on the Class of 2026 college application process, SAT/ACT information and an overview of application supports offered to seniors by the DNHS Counselors in the fall.
Please mark your calendar and be sure to attend this informative event:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please refer to our Counseling Website for additional information.
Please plan to attend our upcoming parent information nights. We will present information on how to navigate high school and plan for college. Questions regarding course selection, how to read your student’s high school transcript, college requirements, and more will be addressed. Time and location will be announced closer to the event date.
The dates are as follows:
January 28th – Current 9th & 10th families (See above flyer for this event)
February 4th – Current 11th grade families and Students 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the PAC
Students must:
1. Be a junior or senior.
2. Be engaged in academic work in a productive way;
3. Demonstrate a competent understanding of U.S. and California constitutions; functions and governance of local governments; tribal government structures and organizations; the role of the citizen in a constitutional democracy; and democratic principles, concepts, and processes;
4. Participate in one or more informed civic engagement project(s) that address real-world problems and require students to identify and inquire into civic needs or problems, consider varied responses, take action, and reflect on efforts;
5. Demonstrate civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions through self-reflection; and
6. Exhibit character traits that reflect civic-mindedness and a commitment to positively impact the classroom, school, community and/or society.
Dear Nighthawk Community,
The December Gift Drive is here! This special program is designed to provide a joyful holiday experience for families in our Nighthawk community who need a little extra support this season.
We’re aiming to raise $16,500 to help our families, and your support makes all the difference!
Here’s how you can help:
Drop off donations: Physical gifts and gift cards can be dropped off at the front office.
Sponsor a family:
Browse our Amazon gift list here: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/2TQPLB37SD0B3 and all gifts will be delivered directly to the school. You can also email Michelle Castro in Student Services at micastro@powayusd.com for more information.
Thank you for your generosity and for helping us spread kindness and holiday cheer to our Nighthawk families. Together, we can make a meaningful difference!
If you have questions about the program or would like to sponsor a Del Norte family, please email Michelle Castro at micastro@powayusd.com
We are often asked technology questions in the Counseling Department and thought it would be helpful to share the below district website as a resource. The PUSD IT Department has done a great job explaining the different platforms and technology used at school. Parents and students can watch instructional videos, reset passwords and view frequently asked questions.
AP EXAMS AP® Exams are optional exams at Del Norte High School that correspond to AP® courses. Students choosing to sit for the AP® Exams must adhere to specific deadlines for 2024-2025 that are based on the course’s start date. The cost of each AP Exam is $110 each, aside from AP English Seminar which is $150 each. CLICK HERE for more registration information. Fall deadline is November 1st. Spring registration opens January 14, 2025 and spring deadline closes February 28, 2025.
PUSD will provide transportation to the Expo. Interested students need to complete the following steps in order to attend:
- Complete online registration by January 17th--https://www.thecollegeexpo.org/expos/san-diego-black-college-expo-2025
- Meet with Mr. Harvey (Counselor) and turn in parent/guardian permission slip no later than January 17th
- (optional) Complete and submit the scholarship application by January 13th https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCQoZo3fwPa03ciy9NYbM6txvaSbAG5vzLGwJlDUT8XlhRsw/viewform
Please see Mr. Harvey or Mr. Simmons if you have any questions!
Fall college visits have slowed but will pick back up in the spring. Career/trade events will be offered in late winter and spring. Dates will be posted closer to the events.
Students can continue researching colleges by going to Naviance. Click on the College Tab on the top menu bar then scroll down to College Compare and College Resources. Additionally, many colleges and universities offer virtual tours as well as fall in person open house events.
If you need assistance with your Naviance log-in please email, Mrs. Reich, sreich@powayusd.com or Mrs. Watson, bwatson@powayusd.com
Palomar College 2025-26 application is now available. Click HERE
Palomar will also be offering two Senior Application Assistance Workshops; February 26th and April 10th during student lunch in the Library Lab.
If a senior needs application assistance prior to our Del Norte February work shops, please see Mrs. Reich in Counseling. Palomar representatives have offered to come over to Del Norte once a month for 1 on 1 assistance that can be scheduled.
General Information Session Presentation
There will also be a Community College Night hosted at Mount Carmel High School on February 4th. Time and details will be posted closer to the event date.
The US Marines will be on campus Thursday December 12th during student lunch to host a Pull-Up Bar Challenge. Stop by and and see how many pull-ups you can do and compete
If you have an interest in connecting with one of the military branches please stop by the Nighthawk Center to discuss with Mrs. Reich.
Volunteer hours are not a requirement to graduate from Poway Unified. Many clubs like National Honor Society may require volunteer service hours but it is not mandatory for graduation. There are still many great reasons to volunteer. Giving your time to different organizations builds community pride. The tasks you complete while volunteering can build skills and expand your resume. Colleges also like to see applicants with diversified experiences that reflect their passions as well. The last reason you may want to consider volunteering your time is that it just feels good!
- College Entrance Exam page on our Counseling website.
- For the latest updates on SAT exam registration and information, please visit the College Board website.
- For the latest updates on ACT exam registration and information, please visit the ACT website.
Counselors continue to support seniors with the college application process. If you missed any of the college information presentations, College Information Sessions, Common App Presentation, College Information Night , UC Application Presentation, CSU Application Presentation you can find the links to view the power point slides and videos by clicking HERE
FAFSA opens December 1st
Did you know that in order to be considered and eligible for merit aid, many universities require that you have a FAFSA on file? Even if you do not believe that your family income qualifies for need-based aid, it can qualify you for tuition reduction, grants, and merit-based aid. File your FAFSA no later than March 2nd, the earlier the better! The official government site, fafsa.gov.
GPA's for CAL Grant verifications have been electronically submitted for all seniors unless you have opted out.
Cash for College” Workshops for Students & Families: Students and families can receive information about applying for financial aid, answers to frequently asked questions, and a walkthrough of the FAFSA and California Dream Act Application.
- Upcoming webinars:
- January 23rd at 6:00 pm–7:15 pm: register here
- February 6th at 6:00 pm–7:15 pm: register here
- February 12th at 5:30 pm–6:45 pm: register here
- February 18th 6:00 pm–7:15 pm: register here
- February 24th at 5:30 pm–6:45 pm: register here
- March 3rd at 5:30 pm–6:45 pm: register here
There are multiple places to search for scholarships. Counseling will try to post local scholarships here and on our counseling page. You can also find a monthly scholarship spread sheet and resources on our Counseling Scholarship Page as well as by logging onto Naviance (scholarship tab).
Attention: High School Seniors!!! Scholarships Available!
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Choir San Diego is seeking recipients for this year's Visual & Performing Arts Educational Grants. Are you a serious artist? Do you need money for college? Apply Now! Applications and information can be found at https://mlkccsd.org https://mlkccsd.org/