Springton Lake Middle School
Every Student. Every Day. No Matter What.
Springton Lake Middle School
Email: RSalladino@rtmsd.org
Website: https://www.rtmsd.org/2/home
Location: 1900 North Providence Road, Media, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 627-6500
Twitter: @SpringtonLakeMS
June 16, 2022
We Crossed the Finish Line!
Hello, everyone!
Well - WE MADE IT! Wednesday marked the close of the 2021-2022 school year. A year that was again unpredictable and unprecedented, came to a positive, successful, and fun conclusion this week. On Monday, students had opportunities to be with their classmates in more relaxed settings. Our 6th grade students participated in team activities, and all students had a chance to attend our yearbook-signing party. On Tuesday, we celebrated our graduating 8th grade class with our annual Recognition Ceremony. On Wednesday, we concluded the year with our Deal or No Deal game show that was back for the first time in three years. Students appeared to have lots of fun and many students kicked-off the summer by winning a prize!
Thank you for all of your support, encouragement, and kind words throughout the year. It means a lot to know that we have you in our corner and that you appreciate what it takes to bring nearly a 1000 teenagers together under one roof each day. It's not always an easy task, but we love our students and we will certainly miss them this summer.
We hope that this summer is filled with fun, relaxation, and great memories for your family. Though the school building is suddenly quiet, our attention has already shifted to planning for next school year.
While this will be the final edition of our weekly newsletter for the year, there is still a lot of important information included - thank you for reading. Expect a few periodic updates over the summer - especially as we get closer to September 6th - the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Have a wonderful summer!
Dr. Sal
Final Report Cards
Final report cards for the year have been posted to Home Access Center (HAC). Even though summer is here, please take an opportunity to review your child's grades and progress and share this information with them. Grades for the 4th marking period, as well as final course grades for the year, are indicated.
Summer Reading
The reading lists for the Summer of 2022 have now been posted to our website. All students - rising 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades - are expected to complete a summer reading assignment. This activity has been created to keep students reading and engaged with learning during the summer months. Students will have an opportunity to use and apply their summer reading assignment in the Fall during their Language Arts classes. Also, for the FIRST TIME this year, our school is excited to announce our One School, One Book initiative. As part of the summer reading, ALL middle school students will be expected to read one common book. This year's book is Restart by Gordon Korman. We hope that the shared experience of reading this book will accomplish the following goals:
- Model peer-to-peer kindness and empathy
- Develop an awareness of different cultures and/or perspectives
- Identify characters that display traits of positive leadership and/or "upstanding"
**Please note - the website link noted above will only work through June 30th. On July 1st, RTMSD is transitioning to a new website. The summer reading will be accessible on the new website, but at a different web address.
Student Volunteers for the Summer
Over the course of the summer, we will be looking for student volunteers who would be interested in helping with the teacher interview process. As part of our hiring process in Rose Tree Media, all finalists for a position are required to teach a demonstration lesson. These lessons work best with actual students. In addition to participating in the lesson, students share their feedback with the hiring team. We are looking to compile a list of students who would be interested in this opportunity. Each time, students are generally needed for a few hours and refreshments are provided. In fact, we are looking for students who just recently completed 6th grade to help us on Tuesday, June 21st from 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM. If your child would be interested in this opportunity at any point this summer, please take a moment to complete this brief interest form. Thank you for your consideration.
In an effort to align the student dress code across the two secondary schools, and in an effort to make the guidelines more inclusive and gender neutral, we are sharing a draft of revised language for your review and feedback. Please take a moment to review the proposed dress code and offer your thoughts. Because our Student Handbook is due to the printer by the end of next week, we are asking for you to share your thoughts by Sunday, June 19th.
Students have the right to dress in a manner that makes them comfortable and allows them to focus on their academic and emotional growth. Springton Lake Middle School’s standards for student dress shall be gender-neutral and shall not infringe on a student’s cultural norms or traditions. The following prohibitions are necessary to maintain a safe and productive school environment:
Clothing may not display or promote violence, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, weapons, discriminatory messages, sexually suggestive messaging, or hate speech
Undergarments and areas of the body that are typically covered in public settings should not be exposed when a student is at rest or performing the typical actions of a student in a classroom setting
Clothing that interferes with the orderly operation of the classroom, hallways or other school settings
Students who violate the prohibitions listed above shall be discreetly reported to administration, and administration will discuss the issue with the student and their family in a respectful manner. Administration will work with the student’s parent/guardian to make a determination regarding the appropriateness of the clothing in question, and a remedy to the issue if it is deemed inappropriate.
Dress code violations that also violate other Springton Lake Middle School rules or RTMSD policies may result in discipline that is consistent with that infraction of the code of conduct. For example, a shirt that displays words that would result in discipline if said aloud will lead to that same discipline for being displayed.
Certain academic settings, including but not limited to physical education, science labs, technology education, and family and consumer science classes may require more restrictive or specific dress standards as determined by the teacher and administration.
Lost & Found - LAST CALL
The Lost & Found is overflowing with hoodies, jackets, dress shoes, water bottles, lunch boxes, and more! Despite our best efforts, students claiming lost items this week were minimal. The Lost & Found is on display in the Main Lobby and will remain there through Wednesday, June 22nd. After that time, items will be removed and donated. Parents and students are welcome to stop by for one final perusal. The building is open daily from 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM.
Course Verification Letters
Parents/Guardians of rising 7th & 8th-grade students will be receiving a course verification letter in the mail the week of June 20th. This verification is not an actual class schedule. Instead, the verification provides a listing of some of the courses for which your child will be scheduled. In order for us to create an accurate class schedule, is it important for you to review your child’s music and world language selections. The master schedule is created with this data. Changes to music or world language courses will not be possible once schedules are created and published in August.
The deadline to request a change is Thursday, July 14, 2022.
Please email Mrs. Kelly in the Guidance Department.
School Calendar for 2022-2023 Approved
The school calendar for next school year was approved by the Board of School Directors at their meeting in March. The first day of school next year will be AFTER Labor Day - Tuesday, September 6th. Students in grades K-6 and 9 will report on this day. The first day of school for ALL students will be Wednesday, September 7th.
Summer Programs in RTMSD
Registration is now open for summer programming in the Rose Tree Media School District. Take a look at the brochure for a complete description of courses and program options for students for the month of July.