Comet Chronicle, Jr.
January 29, 2021
Five Tips to Help Kids Enjoy Reading
1. Cultivate a strong reading habit yourself
There is no better way to convince a child to love reading than if you love reading yourself. So help yourself fall in love with reading again: nonfiction, poetry, on the bus, before bed—and remind yourself why this is such a worthwhile habit to invest in.
2. Speak with joy
Kids can sense when we’re faking it. The shot at the doctor will hurt; the carrots are not going to turn you orange. Building off the joy you have for reading, children will sense a genuine appreciation for books pouring out of you. And—as the student’s “teacher”—it is our job to model this joy, to make the joy so magnetic that the student wants a piece of the action, too. Some phrases to help you exude this include:
- One thing I love about reading is…
- I love stories like this, because they help us understand why…
- This one time, I was reading and I discovered…
- That’s why I like books, because they help me to…
- I love how I can learn about so much through books…
3. Don’t force it
Notice how a lot of the “speak with joy” phrases point back to the “I”? It is an invitation for the student to come into your world of loving reading. There is no way to “force” a child into book appreciation. However, when we model the joy of what books can do in our own lives, it opens up a world of wonder where the student can see him or herself as a strong reader, too.
4. Tie it to their interests and goals
Similar to adults, oftentimes children will not root into an idea without an answer to the long-term question, “Why?” Seeing the bigger purpose helps a learner understand why little lessons matter in the moment. If a student loves “being a veterinarian,” ask him why he thinks reading is important to this dream (going to school, reading doctor’s manuals, learning about different kinds of puppies…) and let the child see you are on his side. When kids understand that we are their advocates, learning changes. Any way you can, make them see that you are helping them read because you want them to be able to pursue their own individual goals and interests.
5. Make a habit of reading
The best kind of learning is the kind that seeps itself into our bones. If every time my mom pulls out onions and says, “Mmmm!” holding up the sauté spoon like a golden scepter, I am going to become curious. Children thrive off of routine, and it sets them up for optimal success. When children know that reading is promoted by adults as not just a one-time event, but a habit—they will start to see the value that is placed upon it in your eyes. Over time, they will look forward to it as a stable comfort, no matter how unpredictable the rest of their world is. By establishing bedtime or just-after-school-time as “the” reading time, the grown-up in the child’s life creates the expectation that says to the student: this matters. Reading is here to stay.
-Mrs. Wheeler, Literacy Specialist & Mrs. Vanderboegh, Title I Teacher
School Social Work Scene
We are currently working through Unit 3: Emotion Management of our Social Emotional Learning curriculum, Second Step. Our students are learning about how to recognize and calm down strong feelings. Losing control of our emotions is something that happens to everyone. Children and adults alike can “flip their lid”. Why does this even happen? It has to do with how our amazing brains work. Let’s take a closer look at the parts of the brain and how they can work together to help us keep a lid on things.
Imagine that our brain has an upstairs and a downstairs. The upstairs brain is our thinking brain. It helps us think logically, act with kindness, and think about how others might be feeling. It’s also the problem-solving part of our brain. It helps us think of possible solutions to a problem and decide which one is best. The downstairs brain is our feeling brain. This is where our emotions and memories are created and stored. It also controls the things in our bodies that we don’t have to think about like breathing, as well as our automatic reactions to certain situations like pulling our hand away from something hot to avoid being burned.
Our upstairs thinking brain and downstairs feeling brain are in constant communication. Our brain sends messages from section to section all the time about what our bodies feel and need. If our emotions get too overwhelming and our downstairs feeling brain decides that the situation might be dangerous (even if it isn’t), it triggers our fight, flight, or freeze reflex. Our emotions start to bubble up and then suddenly everything boils over. We flip our lids. This can look very different, like a scary angry reaction, crying, shutting down, or running away from the problem.
When our lids are flipped, our thinking brain and feeling brain can’t talk to each other. Our emotions have become too strong and we can’t think clearly and can’t solve the problem in a calm and rational way.
So what can we do to stop us from flipping our lid? It all starts with realizing we’re about to flip our lid, and then calming down so it doesn’t happen. Maybe you felt your stomach rumble or you felt your face getting hot. Did your heart start to pound or your hands start to clench? Were you frustrated? Disappointed? Angry? These types of strong feelings are all indicators that you might be close to flipping your lid. If you feel this start to happen it’s a good idea to walk away or take some deep breaths before you flip your lid.
Learning more about the brain and how it works can really help us to understand our emotions and to be calm and respectful problem solvers. When we listen to our bodies and our brains we can turn the challenges of being a kid (or an adult) into opportunities to learn and grow.
You can access more information about our Second Step program and Social Emotional Learning (as well as other great resources) on our School Social Work Central page on our website!
❤ ~Mrs. DeMercado, School Social Worker
Tubing at Five Pines
Face Masks
This year, due to COVID and the restrictions in place, you will be able to order a CES yearbook online at: www.geskusphoto.com/?YB=4042. Ordering online will help to keep down the exchange of paper and money between GPI, the students and the school. The cost of each yearbook is $10.00. Online ordering will be available up until the yearbook goes to print (we will let you know when that happens). After the yearbook is printed you will still be able to order a yearbook, but there will be a shipping fee and it will be mailed directly to the address you provide when ordering. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Outdoor Recess
If there are snow gear that your student needs, please reach out to your child's teacher and we will do all that we can to support!
Dropping Off and Picking Up Reminder
- Pull all the way forward so that we can unload/load as many students as possible. This will make the process more smooth and efficient.
- Do not attempt to make a left turn into the car rider lane. Traffic is often backed up down S. West St. for drivers making a righthand turn into the lane. Instead, join the back of the line and make the righthand turn.
Late Start Wednesday
24 Hour Rule
Mask Care
School Messenger
CARE Expectations
- Come ready to learn
- Always respectful
- Responsible
- Exceptionally safe
Stay Connected!
- Follow us on Facebook.
- Make sure the office has your email address on file so we can communicate via SchoolMessenger.
- Read the Comet Chronicle, Jr. (twice a month).
- Read your classroom newsletter.
A Common Question
One of the most commonly asked questions is: “How long will someone have to quarantine if there’s a case of COVID-19?" Our response is:
“The health and safety of our students, families, and staff is and will always be our primary concern. We have been working diligently over the past several months to prepare for the safe return to school for our students and staff—implementing sanitization and social distancing protocols across the district. In the event of a COVID-19 situation in one of our buildings or classrooms, we will work with the Berrien County Health Department to assist in contact tracing to determine who needs to quarantine and for how long as every COVID exposure is unique. Ultimately, the BCHD will provide specific guidance related to quarantining and isolation.”
Coloma Elementary School
Inspire to Achieve - Empower for Success
Email: jklein@ccs.coloma.org
Website: https://ces.coloma.org/
Location: 262 South West Street, Coloma, MI 49038
Phone: (269) 4682420
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colomaelementary