Oregon ACTE Newsletter
Summer 2022
Oregon ACTE Scholarship Awarded
500 scholarships at up to $2,500 each
The Career & Technical Scholarship Program is funded through the generosity of Horatio Alger Association Members, Jim F. Dicke II and Dennis Washington. Scholarships are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit postsecondary institution in the United States. Deadline is June 15. Details here: https://www.acteonline.org/horatio-alger-scholarship/
CTE Highlights from around Oregon
Bend High School CTE Program Promotional Video
Eddyville Shop Class Students Craft Community Projects
Sisters Students Launch High Altitude Balloons
Warrenton underwater robotics team to enter world competition
System Overload wins first in division (The Dalles/Wasco Co)
Clackamas CC CTE Licensure Prep Program Update
Registration Open
Registration is open for Summer & Fall Term 2022. Visit Getting Started at Clackamas for information about enrolling. CTE Licensure Prep courses offered are:
Summer Term 2022
ED258 - Multicultural Education
ED169 - Overview of Students with Special Needs
Fall Term 2022
ED130 - Comprehensive Classroom Management
ED220 - Intro to CTE in Oregon
ED113 - Instructional Strategies for Reading/Language Arts
ED114 - Instructional Strategies for Math
From Amanda Bastoni, National ACTE IAED Coordinator
ACTE is committed to Inclusion, Access, Equity and Diversity (IAED) in all that it does. As such, we recognize that we have work to do and that IAED is a continuous process to ensure every member has access to the many benefits of membership, that all members feel included in programming designed for them, and that our membership reflects the diversity of our CTE educators across the country. In order to approach this important work authentically and with fidelity, we need to hear from you. Please take the next 10 minutes to complete this optional survey, so that we can know you better and provide the professional development and resources our CTE communities need.
Remember, the goal is for this work to be designed for and guided by our members. All questions are optional, and none of your personally identifying information will be shared; only summative data will be used to help design more meaningful IAED programming. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to IAED Coordinator, Amanda Bastoni.
Click here to take the 2022 IAED survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SMLSPQV
High School Work Based Learning: Best Practices
CTE Learn Featured Course: Creating WBL Programs – Next Steps
This new course, presented by Kelli Diemer, ACTE’s membership director, covers the key components of a work-based learning (WBL) program. You will learn about expected outcomes for students, employers, and the school as well as risk management strategies that can be used to ensure a comprehensive program with minimum liability.
We encourage you to take advantage of the CTE Learn's 180+ for-credit course offerings. Make your purchase on CTE Learn or any of the state portals within the CTE Learn network.
Upcoming Webinars
Mark your calendar for these upcoming free webinars, covering innovative best practices and inclusion, access, equity, and diversity in CTE.
- RECESS: Relax, Exchange, Connect, Explore, Share, Sit (and Listen) on June 20 at 7:00 p.m. ET
- Global Competence as a Lens to Create Inclusive Learning Environments on June 21 at 10:00 a.m. ET
Sign up here: https://www.acteonline.org/webinars/
Open CTE Teacher Positions in Oregon
For more information about CTE Licensure for any of these positions or to add a position to the list, please contact:
Megan Helzerman - CTE Licensure Specialist at Clackamas Community College
meganh@clackamas.edu or (503)594-0967
Have a great summer!
- Alan Kirby, President, North Santiam SD, CTE/Pathways Coordinator
- Caitlin Russell, VP, IMESD, CTE Regional Coordinator
- Heather Ferrin-Myers, Treasurer, Director of School to Career, Washington Co. Chamber
- Lisa Klingsporn, Secretary, PPS, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
- Lee Kounovsky, ECCO High School (Eugene)
- Kristin Gunson, former Oregon ACTE president
- Luis Juarez, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Regine Childs, High Desert ESD
- Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Dean
- Art Witkowski, ODE
- Tom Goodhue, Executive Director (contact, tgoodhue@ocweb.com)
Instagram: @oregonacte
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OregonACTE