Concord Chronicle
News & Announcements | July 9, 2021
Bath Time
Most Christians will be familiar with the events recounted in the gospels leading up to what we now call “The Last Supper.”
One of these events was when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in what is perceived as a supreme act of humility by the Suffering Savior. The Roman Catholic Church has institutionalized it as a sacrament to be performed during Holy Week. You can read the story here in John 13:5-10.
The surprising thing in the account is the dialog that takes place between Jesus and Peter. Peter asserts that he is not going to let Jesus do this menial task. Jesus replies that if Peter refuses then Peter will not be his disciple “…unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
Peter in his usual impetuous style overreacts by insisting that his head and hands be included in the washing. Verse 10 has Jesus’ reply: “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.”
I think it’s important that we examine what Jesus said in verse 7: “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” And try to understand the significance of the interaction. To do so we need to understand the customs in Roman-occupied Israel at the time.
One of the legacies the Romans left, wherever they conquered, was a system of public baths. Romans loved to wash their whole bodies at the public baths and of course this doubled as a social meeting place to keep up with all the latest news of the day. Local communities also enjoyed this custom and the opportunity to be fresh and clean for the day. Although the Romans are also rightly famous as road builders, roads in that day suffered from a huge drawback — dust! It got everywhere feet went. I’m sure you probably grew up in a household where the rule was to take off your shoes before coming indoors, but even if you didn’t you know of households that had that rule! Don’t bring the outside dirt inside!
In Jesus’ time they didn’t have enclosed shoes as we do, but only open sandals, assuming you could afford anything on your feet. As a result if you journeyed outside the home your feet would be filthy by the time you reached your destination.
In the same way as we use hand sanitizer in these times of COVID, the people of the first century would sanitize their feet by washing off the dust — or rather, their host would provide facilities for doing so. In a mark of respect, a host might order a servant to wash the feet of a guest rather than having them wash their own feet.
By washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus deliberately takes on the rôle of a servant greeting his master’s guests. Peter reacts to this role-reversal by first forbidding it and then misunderstanding it. Peter’s pride was getting in the way!
As with so many of the acts Jesus did, this foot washing was to be symbolic of a greater truth.
When we become Jesus-followers we are completely cleansed from sin as if we had gone to the baths. But walking around in the world, inevitably its dust gets attached to us. Jesus’ message seems to be this — this doesn’t mean you have to start all over again at the beginning of your relationship with him, you just have to get additional cleaning or sanitization of the affected parts! As Jesus said: “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet.”
As we grow in Christ, it’s important that we don’t get discouraged if bits, or even the dirt, of the world attaches itself to us. We should just ask the Holy Spirit to do his sanitizing work to keep us healthy disciples who are still enjoying the fellowship of our Lord. Take note of the warning, however. If we don’t allow for sanitization, we cannot be part of that fellowship.
Don’t let your pride get in the way!
Blessings on you and yours,
Jim Black
This Week's Schedule
9:30 am - Combined Sunday School Class
11:00 am - Worship Service - In-Person and Facebook
MONDAY - FRIDAY: Press Play Musical Vacation Bible School
8:30 am - Registration
3:00 pm - Students go home
6:00 pm - Men's Bible Study - In Fireside Room
THURSDAY: No CAMEO this week due to VBS.
SATURDAY: WMI Roadshow (see full schedule attached)
9:00 am - Registration
4:30 pm - Wrap Up Concert
5:00 pm - Box Dinner and Head Home
Please send Prayer Requests and Prayer Concerns to Marion Black.
Press Play Musical Vacation Bible School Program Areas
Upcoming Events: August
6 - First YouthForce Meeting (see flyer attached)
6 - Western Youth Institute (online)
6-8 - Walmart Stuff the Bus Campaign
13 - Western Youth Institute (online)
14 - Back to School Event & Boy Scouts' Yard Sale
20 - Western Youth Institute (online)
27 - Western Youth Institute (online)
28 - Divisional Band & Songsters Rehearsal
29 - Volunteer Recognition Sunday
Back to School Giveaway
We will also have a collection bin at Walmart in Martinez. Feel free to bring supplies down or order online from our registry: https://www.walmart.com/registry/registryforgood/6dee4d89-c65d-4559-be76-a5b7f9cf807c/view.
If you would like to assist with the packing and distribution of the supplies, please let Major Ann know.
Save the Date: Senior Luncheon
The Del Oro Divisional Senior Luncheon will be Friday, September 10th, at the Concord Corps. Registration and activities start at 10:00 am, lunch will be at 11:30 am, and the event will end approximately at 1:00 pm.
The cost is $10 per person and the deadline to send in our registration is Monday, August 30th. Please let Major Ann Jones if you would like to attend.
The theme is, Mary Poppin’s “Jolly Holiday.” We encourage wearing costumes or attire to go along with the theme.
Food insecurity as a result of Myanmar’s constitutional crisis is being addressed by The Salvation Army. Medical supplies are also being provided in communities where access to healthcare items has been disrupted because of the prevailing political situation.
On Feb. 1, 2021, military leaders placed Myanmar, also known as Burma, under a state of emergency due to alleged irregularities with November’s general election. A number of political leaders have been detained, and most Burmese people have been subject to overnight curfews and unreliable or restricted access to the internet and mobile telephone networks, with some social media platforms blocked. While much of the protesting against the military’s intervention has been peaceful, there have also been instances of civil disobedience and violence, especially in the cities of Yangon and Mandalay, and the administrative capital Nay Pyi Taw.
Many banks, markets, shops and hospitals have closed because of the tense situation. This has resulted in a shortage of essential food and medical supplies as well as limited access to protective equipment to guard against the spread of COVID-19.
The Salvation Army has continued to operate throughout the state of emergency, and has identified several specific areas where needs are particularly great. In the Northern districts of Kalay and Tamu, approximately 1,700 individuals will be provided with simple food parcels of dal, rice and cooking oil. First-aid supplies such as bandages and acetaminophen tablets will also be distributed, as well as face masks and bottles of hand sanitizer to help control COVID-19.
A similar distribution is underway in the Southern and Central districts, including Matupi. Here, The Salvation Army’s operation is prioritizing vulnerable groups such as elderly people and single-parent families.
The scheme is currently expected to run until the end of September 2021, providing a robust and resilient supply of nutritious basic food and health/hygiene materials.
Psychosocial support is being provided on request through a visitation program by Salvation Army officers and trained volunteers. Many individuals have witnessed extreme violence, bomb blasts or have had their personal safety compromised. Affected community members may not have had an outlet to process their emotional response or share the grief of losing loved ones during this complex and lengthy emergency.
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay.
Caring Magazine, July 7, 2021
The Salvation Army Concord Corps
Email: annmarguerite.jones@usw.salvationarmy.org
Website: https://www.salvationarmyconcordca.org
Location: 3950 Clayton Road, Concord, CA, USA
Phone: (925) 676-6180
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/saconcord