Bulldog Bulletin
March 31, 2024
Dear Bulldog Families-
I hope that you had a wonderful week off and a really great weekend. I was able to spend time "spring cleaning" my home this break. My daughter had her break the week before, so it was nice to have some quiet time to myself.
This month there is a lot of testing that will take place the first couple weeks of April. When students return from break, they will take their last STAR test of the year for both math and ELA. Students have taken this test twice already this year and the teachers have used this data to support their instructional planning. Beginning the second week of April, we will engage in our state testing. Below is the CMAS testing schedule and students' day to day schedule. While the data that we receive from testing is so important, we also realize that testing is only a small portion of our time together. We are wanting to get the testing completed and get students back to learning their grade level standards as soon as possible. With that said and since we are trying to compete testing in one week, please ensure that your student is on time to school each day of testing. Once testing has started, students will not be permitted to leave the testing environment other than to use the restroom. Please make sure that all appointments or events that would prevent your child from being on time to school or needing to leave early take place outside our testing days.
We are looking forward to welcoming your child back to school for the final 8 weeks of the school year. I can't wait to hear about their breaks! We are going to make this a great week!
In partnership,
Julia Scott
Galileo Middle School Vision: "Galileo students will engage in purposeful, authentic, integrated core subjects with real-world connections."
Mark Your Calendars
Tuesday, April 2nd
- STAR Testing: Math
Wednesday, April 3rd
- STAR Testing: ELA
Friday, April 5th
- Grade Level Meetings
Tuesday, April 9th
- CMAS Testing Day #1
Wednesday, April 10th
- CMAS Make Ups
Thursday, April 11th
- CMAS Testing Day #2
Friday, April 12th
- CMAS Testing Day #3
Monday, April 15th
- CMAS Make Ups: ELA and Math
Tuesday, April 16th
- CMAS Testing Day: 8th grade ONLY
Wednesday, April 17th
- CMAS Testing Day: 8th grade ONLY
CMAS Schedule
CMAS Schedule Month of April
Bulldog Schedule April 9th, 11th and 12th
Bulldog Schedule April 16th and 17th
Please reach out to shirley_moorhead@d11.org if you need support or more information.