Roadrunner Ramp Weekly
News from Arbor View Elementary School: March 4, 2022
A note from the principal
I'm sure you have heard who our Chicago Bears surprise was: #58, Roquan Smith!
It was such a fun day! They played football with him, competed against him, and did a lot of jumping jacks with him. He held a question-and-answer session for the fourth graders where they learned about his path, perseverance, and staying positive. The students asked the best questions! He read a story to classes and asked students all sorts of questions while reading.
Everyone at Arbor View was in awe of the time he spent here. He genuinely engaged with the students. While I tried to keep him on schedule, many times it was hard to get him to stop answering kids' questions! I think he could have stayed all day! He was so gracious with his time, and we are so thankful for the memories. Whether the students and staff members were Bears fans or not, it doesn't matter; they are all Roquan Smith fans now!
Thank you for "Bearing" with our surprise on Wednesday!
Emily Burnett
5 Essentials survey closes Friday, March 11
Families have the opportunity to help us build even better schools by providing feedback through the 5Essentials online survey. The survey closes March 11. The survey can be completed at: More info:
Spring Book Fair will be here soon!
The Scholastic Spring Book Fair will be held Tuesday, March 15, and Wednesday, March 16. On Tuesday, students will come with their class to preview the book fair and create wish lists. On Wednesday, students will come with their class to buy books.
Using the proceeds from the fair, all students will have the opportunity to choose a free book of their choice ($5 or less value)! We will also have evening family shopping from 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Volunteers are needed both Tuesday and Wednesday during the day and evening to assist with creating wish lists, running the register(s), and helping students find books.
Please check out the sign-up genius link to see dates/times volunteers are needed.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Stephanie Furlong and Andrea Manderino, Book Fair co-chairs
Art Smart
Evie Binder- Mrs. Carlson
Addie Scott- Mrs. Clarey
Anagh Goyal-Mrs. Cufaude
Arbor View PTC
Twitter: @arborviewptc
Volunteer needed
The current coordinators of this fundraiser will soon be leaving Arbor View, but they will be happy to train the new person before they go. Anyone interested, please email Lisa Loftsgaarden at Thank you!
Yearbook orders due soon
Arbor View will be ordering yearbooks soon. Orders are placed only for those who have purchased a yearbook in MySchoolBucks. If you have not purchased a yearbook or do not know if you have, please go to and log into your account to buy one. Thank you!
News from CCSD 89
Masks now recommended but not required on the bus
Enjoy student musical performances, breakfast at Music Café on April 9
Music Café tickets are $6 each, or four for $20. ($8 at the door) A ticket gives access to the Music Café throughout the morning, plus a beverage and one breakfast item. For more information or to buy tickets, go to:
COVID-19 reminders
- The latest on CCSD 89 mitigation status is available at:
- Keep students home when they are COVID-19 positive or or have COVID-19 symptoms. Info:
- COVID-19 notifications will now be sent weekly, but daily information is available at:
- You can submit your vaccination records through:
Resources for talking with your kids about Ukraine
Children of all ages often become aware of world events and process that information in different ways. Please monitor your children for signs of distress. If your student is struggling, school social workers and psychologists can assist. If you are looking for help on how to discuss these issues with kids, there are resources here:
State special education surveys will be sent home in March
Some families of students with disabilities will be receiving a survey in the mail from the Illinois State Board of Education. The annual survey gathers feedback on ways to improve special-education services for students across the state. The confidential surveys will start arriving in homes on March 1. More info:
Upcoming events
March 16: Parent Series: 14 conversations to have by 14, noon and 7 p.m.
March 17: Parent Series: un programa de empoderamiento para padres, 7 p.m.
March 21: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
March 22: Parent Series: Celebrating women’s athletics, 7 p.m.
March 25: MORNING ATTENDANCE (School improvement)
March 28-April 1: NO SCHOOL (Spring break)
April 6: Registration opens for returning students
April 6: Parent Series: Education for diverse democracy, 7 p.m.
Backpack fliers
Healthier food choices your family will love (March-April)
College of DuPage Free Tax Preparation (February – April)
St. Paddy’s Day concert and sing-along (March 5)
Glenbard South Floral Symphony (March 9)
People’s Resource Center Career Fair (March 10)
“Talk Saves Lives” intro to suicide prevention (March 10)
Glenbard South middle school volleyball clinic (March 17)
Butterfield Park District Breakfast with the Bunny (April 9)
Glenbard South Dance Clinic for 6th, 7th, 8th graders (April 19-21)