Faculty Newsletter
October 1st - 6th
Important Information
- Please remember to update grades once per week.
- If students are failing your class, please be sure to request them during seminar time to help ensure they bring their grade up.
- Please check seminar request sheet as soon as kids get to class and send them to the appropriate teachers.
- Please read the announcements every morning out of PowerSchool
- 7:30 AM HS SAT Meeting on 10/2 - list and times for each student have been emailed
- 7:30 AM MS SAT Meeting on 10/4 - list and times for each student will be emailed
- Homecoming activities next week so please plan accordingly! You are encouraged to dress up! Please remember we will have a pep assembly on Friday!
Homecoming Attendants and Candidates
Freshman -
Kierstyn Blaufuss
Anthony Detwiler
Sophomores -
Faith Mildfelt
Lucas Herman
Juniors -
Madison Bridges
Austin Coffman
Senior Candidates -
Katie Janes
Megan Speaks
Emily Hermreck
Charlize Robertson
Matthew Cubit
Danny Kirkland
Damon Higbie
Joshua Born
Seminar Time
I commend you for the steps you have taken to get information out to students concerning Student Led Conferences (SLC). Melissa and I have started to get around to classrooms this week to answer questions. I know you have received some negative feedback from students and I will do my best to shoulder the most of it when I visit your seminar class. Hopefully I can answer any serious questions that students may have and help provide focus for this to be successful.
A reminder to everyone on what I hope to see when I visit seminar classes. My vision is that I will witness teachers and staff milling around the room and interacting with students, looking at grades and reminding them of missing assignments. I hope students are completing homework, working on SLC items, studying for upcoming quizzes/tests, completing interventions for reading/math, Career Exploration, teacher/student interview/reflection of Career Interests or reading.
What I am hoping I don't see is constant, wide-spread casual conversations, with little to no academic/career exploration work being completed.
Energy Bus Rule #7 - Enthusiasm attracts more Passengers and Energizes them during the Ride.
- Effective drivers tap the power of their hearts by getting excited about being alive, by filling up with loads of positive energy, and by being optimistic about life.
- When you live and work with enthusiasm, people are drawn to you like moths to light.
- When you are enthusiastic, you project an energy that convinces people to get on and stay on your bus.
Staff Supervision for the Week
- Bus drop off - Moews
- Student Parking - North
- Commons - Spears
- Cafeteria - Stegner
Lunch Duty
- Commons - Brown, Hampton, Percy
- Lunch Line - Kuhlman, Dunbar, Carey
- Cafeteria - Winkleman, Huber, Lowry
Afternoon Duty
- Bus Pickup - Messerschmidt
- Student Parking - West
Viking Treasure Pathway
- Karrie Matile
- Kelli Brown
- Kim Kraft
- Melissa Oram
- Lea Stegner
- Deb Hampton
- Lynn Percy
- Terri Titus
- Kyle Matile
- Aaron Cubit
- ???
Quote of the Week - "Arrogance is worse than ignorance."
Upcoming Events
- JV FB @ West Franklin
- FASFA Information Night 5:30-6:30
- Homecoming Dress-up Day: G.I. Joe/Army/Green Day
Tuesday 10/2
- HS VB vs Chase County
- 7:30 HS SAT Meeting - Board Room
- Homecoming Dress-up Day: Blue and Gold Day
Wednesday 10/3
- Cross Country Team Meal
- FFA Greenhand Conference
- Homecoming Parade in Rantoul starting at 6:30
- Homecoming Dress-up Day: Viking Warrior/Purple Day
Thursday 10/4
- MS VB @ Lyndon
- Cross Country @ Pleasanton
- MS FB @ Lyndon
- Homecoming Dress-up Day: Superhero/Red Day
Friday 10/5
- FB vs Osage City
- Homecoming Activities beginning at 6:30
- Homecoming Dance from 9:00ish - 11:30
- Homecoming Dress-up Day: Pink Out Day
Saturday 10/6
- HS V VB @ Uniontown
- HS JV VB @ Osawatomie