Highland Park Family Newsletter
May 10, 2024
Amazing Bulldogs,
Field Day was a huge success! It was lovely to see our students and families smiling all day long!
Thank you Coach Blair, Coach Smulski, and all Specials Team for organizing such a fun filled and energetic event! Huge thank you to our sponsor Cash Construction for purchasing the field day shirt for all students and staff. Kudos to all our classroom teachers and supporting staff for ensuring students had fun and maintained safety. Thank you to all parents who were able to support us during this fun filled day.
Next week we will have Career Day on Friday, May 17th and our 5th Grade Dance. We are looking forward to learning all about careers and professions and celebrate our 5th graders in the evening. All students must be accompanied by a parent or chaperone. This dance is exclusive to 5th graders.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating Mother's Day with your family. Whether you are a mother yourself or honoring a maternal figure in your life, may this weekend be filled with with love, joy, and laughter.
With Thanks,
Lizbeth Ruiz
Highland Park Elementary
Career Day Friday, May 17th!
5th Grade Dance - Friday, May 17th!
All students must be accompanied by a parent or chaperone
End of the Year Awards
Chromebook Device Sale or Return Information
PfISD will be providing the opportunity for students to purchase their Chromebooks. Our existing Chromebooks have been in use for 4 years and are scheduled for replacement this summer as part of our 2022 Bond Technology replacement plan.
Students who currently have a Chromebook device assigned to them, and would like to keep their current device for personal use, will have the opportunity to purchase it for $20.00. The purchase includes their current Chromebook and their current charger. The device purchase is “as is”, in its current state, and does not include repairs or replacement of any damage, missing parts, or missing chargers. Once the device is purchased, it will no longer be supported by PfISD. The device will be returned to its factory settings at the end of the school year and no longer managed by the district.
All students will be required to bring their device to school in order to update inventory as either sold or returned. Now is a good time to check with your student to ensure they have their device. Students not purchasing their device will be required to return their Chromebooks and chargers at the end of this school year.
Please watch for our Highland Park specific communication via this newsletter with detailed information regarding the sale and collection process and timelines coming next week.
Library News
Elementary Report Card Dates
- 05/29- 4th 9 Weeks Ends
PfISD Summer School Program
Pflugerville ISD’s summer school programs are designed to help students improve their academic foundations as well as provide acceleration and enrichment throughout a four-week summer program.
Our campus is in the process of sending out invitations for the following two programs. If parents reach out to you with questions, please refer them to Ms. LeDay or Ms. Ruiz.
- Elementary Emergent Bilingual Program: Current Prekindergarten 4 years old and kindergarten students are invited to attend this program. Registration Information will be sent by the student's campus. This program provides students opportunities to engage in meaningful linguistic and academic experiences to prepare for the next grade level.
Elementary Math and English Language Arts/Reading Program: Current Kindergarten - 5th grade students demonstrating a need for improving their foundational skills are invited to receive math and reading instruction. Invitations will be sent to students from their campus.
Don't forget....
- Career Day Friday, May 17th
- 5th Grade Dance - Friday May 17th
Next Meeting Wednesday, May 21st at 6:00
- Website (www.hpespto.org) designed to be an information hub and a quick way to get some Bulldog Swag. There is a list of events we are hosting like Movie Nights, School Dance, and more. We're building ways to support our teachers. There is info about themselves and their "Amazon Wish-lists" so dive in
- Volunteers - Want to help but don't know how? After checking out our website, reach us at volunteers@hpespto.org. We can find a place where you'll fit right in. You can get a head start by applying in the district as an official volunteer. It only takes about 5 minutes.
- Join the PTO Facebook - Where Bulldogs WOOF! https://www.facebook.com/highlandparkelementarypto
Have a co-worker who really matters and whom you want to recognize? Let’s recognize our HPES Bulldogs, no kudos is too big or too small! If you have any kudos you’d like to share, you can submit kudos here: HPES Bulldog Weekly News Kudos or the PfISD Pfamily Pflyer: Click here to submit your staff shoutout!
We had some wonderful and heartwarming nominations submitted for Teacher of the Year and Humanitarian of the Year and want to share those with you. It is a wonderful feeling to be recognized by your peers. We will share 5 of each at a time in each newsletter.
Campus Kudos:
- Coach Blair, Coach Smulski, Ms. Kalala, Ms. Reyes, and Ms. Ross: Thank you for organizing an fantastic Field Day! It was a huge success, and students, staff, and parents had a wonderful time!
- Front Office Staff: Thank you for supporting with checking in all parents. We had over 300 parents signed in in addition to the many walk ups. We know this is on top of your regular duties and we thank you!
- Classroom Teachers and Support Staff: Thank you for monitoring and participating with your students during Field Day! We hope you get some rest this weekend!
PfISD Employee Express:
- Mrs. Cathy Duong of Highland Park Elementary (via Jenn Boulay): Mrs. Duong is not your average teacher. She's always there for her students, not just in class but also when they need someone to talk to or a boost of encouragement. Her kindness and enthusiasm make everyone feel important and capable of achieving anything. As a parent, it's incredible to see how Mrs. Duong makes learning exciting, even during tough times like STARR testing. She turns challenges into opportunities to grow and celebrate achievements. Her creative teaching style makes every lesson feel like an adventure, leaving a lasting impression on her students. Mrs. Duong isn't just a teacher; she's a guiding light and a true partner in parenting. Her genuine care for each child goes beyond the classroom, shaping their futures and giving them the confidence to overcome anything. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Duong for her unwavering dedication and support. She's made a profound impact on the lives of our children, and for that, we are truly thankful.
Remember, one small positive thought or compliment can change a person's entire day. :)
Highland Park Elementary - No Place For Hate Designation
We are proud to announce that Highland Park once again earned the "No Place for Hate" Designation this school year. Our campus strives to provide a safe, nurturing, and inclusive school environment to all students and staff.
Upcoming Events
2023-2024 School Year Calendar with grading periods, student holidays, etc.
May 13- PSST Day
May 14- 4th 9 Weeks AR deadline
May 15- All Library books due
May 17- Career Day
May 17- Library- Bluebonnet Breakfast & Trivia:
May 17- Million Word Club Celebration
May 17- 5th Grade Dance
May 20- PSST Day
May 20- AR End of Year Celebration
May 21- GT Showcase 8:00-10:00- Library
May 21- Pegasus Graduation: 7:50 Gym
May 21- 2nd Grade Awards: 1:30 Cafeteria
May 22-4th Grade Awards: 8:30 Cafeteria
May 22- 3rd Grade Awards: 1:30 Cafeteria
May 23- 1st Grade Awards: 1:30 Cafeteria
May 24- KG Graduation: 8:00 Back Patio
May 24- 5th Grade Graduation: 10:00 Back Patio
May 24- PK Graduation 1:45 Cafeteria
May 27- Student/Staff Holiday
May 28- End of Year Classroom Parties
May 28- Senior Walk at 8;30
May 29- Last Day of School, 5th Grade Walk ,Early Release at 12:00
May 30- Planning/Prep/Check Out
Back to School Procedures
HPES doors will open at 7:05 a.m. for bus riders and 7:10 a.m. for car riders and walkers.
Bus riders will enter the building through the 100 hallway doors adjacent to the bus loop at 7:05 a.m. Upon entering the building they will make their way to the gym where they will wait to be dismissed to class.
Car riders and walkers will enter the building through the front entrance at 7:10 a.m.
Walkers and car riders that arrive early will wait outside (back up plan for weather)
Upon entering the building car riders, walkers, and bike riders will go to either the cafeteria or the main hallway.
Students eating breakfast will be asked to go to the cafeteria
Parents/Guardians will be allowed to walk students into their classroom on the first day of school without a Raptor sticker. Beginning August 15, ( Day 2) parents wanting to walk their child to class will need to check in the front office by signing into our Raptor security system.
Breakfast: Parents are welcome to eat breakfast with their children. Breakfast is served from 7:10-7:35 in the cafeteria. Parents will need to sit with their students at the stage tables or the three round tables in the foyer. Please only invite your child to eat with you. Inviting your child's friends is not allowed. With close to 750 students, we are limited in space and kindly ask that you save this treat for special occasions. Parents will need to sign in the raptor system in the front office.
Lunch: Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children. Please check with your child's teacher for specific class time lunch. Parents will need to sit with their students at the stage tables or the round tables in the foyer. Please only invite your child to eat with you. Inviting your child's friends is not allowed. With close to 750 students, we are limited in space and kindly ask that you save this treat for special occasions. Parents will need to sign in the raptor system in the front office.
All staff will follow general dismissal procedures. All teachers and EAs will work together until 3:10 to ensure students have safely departed.
- Notify the office no later than 11:00 if you need assistance determining how a student gets home.
- Updated Bus #’s: Gen Ed-210, 287, 202, 223, SPED-425
- Updated Daycare: EDP, Children’s Courtyard, Capital Gymnastics, Emmanuel Lutheran, Little Angel’s, Rise Martial Arts, Best Kids and IQ Viet My Daycare
- Each teacher will be responsible for dismissing their students on time. Teachers will be responsible for walking bus riders, walkers, daycare, parent walk-up, and car riders to their dismissal destination. Please wait to exit until your hallway is called: 100 hallway, 200 hallway, 300 hallway, and 400 hallway. Listen carefully for the announcement of when your hallway is dismissing. Please do not try and get a head start. This will cause congestion and chaos in the hallways.
- We will begin dismissal at 2:35 to allow additional time on the first day.. All non-classroom staff will move to the Kinder hallway to assist in getting all of the students out of their hallway. Once they are moving, as you come to your assigned duty area you may drop off to conduct your duty.
- There will be additional car riders the first few days. Please join in to assist when you become available.
- Be sure to communicate verbally with other staff members to ensure proper supervision in all areas.
- If you see any area of need, either assist or notify someone of the need.
- NO ONE SHOULD BE IN THEIR ROOMS OR THE WORKROOM WHILE DISMISSAL IS STILL ONGOING. THIS IS AN ALL-HANDS-ON-DECK SITUATION! (Of course, this does not apply to Pegasus staff, who will still have students.)
Birthday Celebrations/Campus Celebrations
Student birthdays will be announced and celebrated over morning announcements. Students will also sing Happy Birthday in the classroom.
Parents will have an opportunity to purchase a birthday announcement to be displayed on the school marquee through PTO.
Parents may bring cupcakes/treat to celebrate their child's birthday. However, notice must be given 24 hours in advance. Cupcakes/treats may only be passed out the last 30 minutes of class.
Student treats (i.e., store bought cupcakes) cannot be served in the cafeteria during lunch. Treats cannot be a full meal (i.e., pizza) Teachers must receive parent permission prior to students eating store bought cupcakes/treats due to student food allergies.
For classroom food activities such as party days or food-related learning activities, parents will need to complete an allergy permission form stating which foods their student is allowed to eat or handle. If this form is not returned prior to the event, the student will not be able to participate in the activity.
We appreciate the care and time that the teachers and allergy committee members have given to this very important matter. We are dedicated to keeping our kids safe here at HPES and believe that this will help achieve that for all our students.
Stay Informed
Here a few ways to stay informed. Follow us on Facebook @HighlandParkES and on Twitter @HighlandPark_ES. School communications will also be sent out through school messenger via email. On Tuesday’s an HPES folder will be sent home with flyers and information. Please be sure to look out for the folder on Tuesday’s. Additionally, please sign-up for our mailing list at You will receive a monthly campus newsletter through the mailing list. You can also find a copy of a newsletter like this one in our campus webpage under “Principal’s blog”.
Communication Guide
Senior Admin. Associate: Anita Moreno– anita.moreno@pfisd.net
General questions regarding scheduling, procedures, teacher information, leave requests, substitutes, purchase orders (for your classroom/students), monthly and bi-weekly payroll, supplemental pay, staff travel, events, field trips, website updates, FB page, maintenance orders, after-hours events, fundraisers (any collection of money), Picture days, etc.
Registrar: Miriam Ruvalcaba – miriam.ruvalcaba@pfisd.net
Student records, registration, residency questions, attendance, transfers, withdrawal, cumulative records, and folders, grade-book, etc.
Student Support Clerical Support: Yaira Torres- yaira.torres@pfisd.net
Schedule LPAC and 504 meetings, and gather student grades, relevant classroom, and health data.
Nurse: Lauren Hohle- lauren.hohle@pfisd.net
Shot records, allergy information, distribution of medication, general student health, Section 504, and SpEd as related to health, etc.
Instructional Coach: Brianna Thompson- brianna.thompson@pfisd.net
General questions regarding master scheduling, campus procedures, curriculum, resources, SWAT, professional development, mentoring, lesson modeling, and virtually anything teachers need regarding curriculum and instruction.
Counselor: Anna Vazquez – anna.vazquez@pfisd.net
Student care and concerns, parent and student support, Credit by Exam, Gifted and Talented information, assessment, and Section 504
Assistant Principal: Pamela LeDay–pamela.leday@pfisd.net
Primary contact regarding discipline, LPAC, and SpEd. Additionally, virtually everything you would contact Ms. Ruiz for. It is a good idea to copy Ms. LeDay on emails sent to Ms. Ruiz because both of them are able to respond to questions or concerns.
Principal: Lizbeth Ruiz – lizbeth.ruiz@pfisd.net
Any and all topics not covered by the staff members listed above.
Please feel free to email or call us if you are needing support. We look forward to passionately serving the families of Highland Park Elementary!
Highland Park Elementary School
Website: https://www.pfisd.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=37
Location: 428 Kingston Lacy Blvd, Pflugerville, TX, USA
Phone: 512.594.6800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighlandParkES/
Twitter: @HighlandPark_ES