Friday 14th February
Rawhitiroa School Triathlon / Biathlon
Thursday 6th March 2024
9.00am - School as usual
10.50am - Assemble for Biathlon
11.00am - Start Biathlon
Senior event
Junior event
1.00pm (approx.) - Sausage sizzle courtesy of the Rawhitiroa Home & School
2.00pm - Students are free to go home
Please ensure students bring to school all the gear required for their chose events - bike, helmet, running shoes, togs and towel.
Parents are more than welcome to come along and watch. We will also need parent helpers for marshalling and cooking the BBQ. If you are able to help please let us know below.
Please return entry forms by next Monday 3rd March. Entry forms are coming home as a hard copy.
Please note this is a school day. All children are expected to participate in the event.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards