MTSD Momentum Newsletter
May 29, 2024

2024-2025 School Year Budget Update
Zero-Based Budgeting & Community Survey Results
Thank you to all staff members, families, and community members who participated in the MTSD Community Survey regarding the budget crisis and possible operating referendum. Please click here for a presentation of the survey results. You’ll see that survey results are broken down into three categories:
All Respondents: Includes 1,117 residents who completed the survey.
Comparison Group: Includes 484 residents who are not current parents of preschool or school-aged students, employees, or students.
Weighted Group: 30% weight given to affiliated community members, 70% weight given to non-affiliated community members (the comparison group).
Notably, 47% of respondents in the weighted group would “definitely-probably” support a $30 million referendum over the course of four years. 64.5% support using funds to maintain facilities and equipment, and 64% support using funds to maintain competitive salaries and benefits for employees.
As a next step in the zero-based budgeting process, the district’s administrative team will be presenting a draft budget at the MTSD Board of Education’s next meeting on Monday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the Range Line Community Center conference room. All are welcome to attend in-person or virtually via Zoom.
Lake Shore Middle School Announces New Principal
The Mequon-Thiensville School District is pleased to announce that Mr. Jeff Haubenreich (Haw-ben-rich) has been selected as the next principal of Lake Shore Middle School. The MTSD Board of Education approved the appointment at their regular business meeting on Monday, May 20. Mr. Haubenreich will begin in the role this summer, following the resignation of Mrs. Alli Rudich, who is transitioning to the Cedarburg School District as its Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
Mr. Haubenreich has most recently served as an associate principal and prior to that, as a world languages teacher and curriculum chair in the School District of Menomonee Falls. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and Spanish from UW-La Crosse, a master’s degree in education from the University of Kentucky, and an additional master’s degree in educational leadership from Concordia University Wisconsin.
MTSD Spring Family Survey Results
MTSD regularly seeks engagement opportunities with all stakeholders to build strong relationships and trust across the school community. One of the methods used to engage stakeholders and gain input to inform decisions includes the use of surveys. To inform our continued planning and improvement as we approach the end of the 2023-24 school year, we asked all of our families to complete the Spring Family Pulse Survey. The purpose of this short survey was meant to gain input regarding our families’ experience with MTSD, perceptions regarding communication and safety, and our students’ educational experience thus far in the school year.
We are pleased to report that the overall results were very positive and the overwhelming majority of respondents are grateful for MTSD’s quality of education, excellence of our teachers and staff members, and sense of community and positive environment. Key takeaways include:
502 total responses, representing 14% of students at MTSD
Family Net Promoter Score: 52
92% of respondents feel well-informed of important updates from the district
92% report that their child feels safe at school
69% report that their child sets goals for the school year
88% agree that the skills their child is learning in school will help them to be successful in life
75% report that their child always or usually feels challenged by their classes
A comprehensive survey report will be posted on the MTSD website soon. Thank you for everything that you do to make us Proud to be MTSD!!
Chromebook Information for Incoming 9th-Graders
As we approach the end of the 2023-24 school year, we are already planning for the technology needs of our incoming freshmen - the Class of 2028. Please know that all incoming 9th-grade students will receive a brand new Chromebook on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 3, 2024. It is not necessary to purchase new laptops or Chromebooks for your incoming freshman student.
Not only do MTSD-issued Chromebooks meet all of the academic digital needs of our students, but they are used for all future standardized testing, including the pre-ACT, ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) assessments. Again, please do not purchase a new laptop or Chromebook for your student, as the Homestead-issued Chromebook will serve them well.
Pertussis in the MTSD
Pertussis outbreaks have recently been reported in North Shore communities and in the MTSD at Lake Shore Middle School and Wilson Elementary School. The Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department has requested that we share the following information with all school families and staff members.
What is pertussis? (Whooping Cough)
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) is a contagious bacterial illness that affects the respiratory tract. It is spread by exposure to respiratory droplets from an infected person through coughing.
What are the symptoms of pertussis?
Early symptoms can appear similar to the flu such as:
Runny nose or sneezing
Occasional or mild cough
Low-grade fever
Later symptoms include:
Persistent cough
Coughing fits which make it difficult to breathe or cause vomiting
How soon do symptoms appear?
Symptoms usually appear between 7-10 days after exposure, with a range of 5-21 days.
What should I do?
Please monitor for the symptoms listed above for the next few weeks. If a person is showing symptoms, especially a new cough, contact your healthcare provider and notify the school office. Please let them know about concern for possible exposure to pertussis prior to your visit. Please do not go to a clinic without calling the clinic first. This is in order to not expose other people or staff at the clinic or urgent care to pertussis. Remember this is an illness that can be spread through the air. Please wear a mask if you visit a hospital or clinic.
If you have questions regarding pertussis, please contact Tres Mansfield, Director of Student Social, Behavioral, and Health Services, at wmansfield@mtsd.k12.wi.us.
Calling All Seniors! Participate in the Annual Grad Walk! 🎓
Before you walk across the stage, walk the halls of your elementary and middle schools one last time! Wear your cap and gown as you take a stroll down memory lane while inspiring elementary and middle school students and teachers!
The Senior Walk is scheduled TOMORROW, Thursday, May 30, 2024. The middle school walk will be from 2:55 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. The elementary school walk will be from 3:25 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Seniors can sign up for the Grad Walk using the Google form sent via email by Mrs. Porter, or sign up in the HHS Student Office.
Weyenberg Library Survey
The Weyenberg Library wants to hear from parents and educators about what services or programs the library should offer. We're asking interested parents and educators to participate in a 45 - 60 minute focus group. If you are interested, here is the link to the survey.
MTSD is represented on the Weyenberg Library Board of Trustees by Dr. Amy Abbott, secondary Talented, Advanced & Gifted (TAG) Coordinator.
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one working meeting, one closed session, two policy committee meetings, one legislative committee meeting, and one regular business meeting this month.
May 6 Working Meeting & Closed Session
The Board heard a Zero-Based Budgeting update from Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services & Operations and Don Sovey of School and Municipal Advisory Services.
The Board heard a presentation on a proposed solar panel project related to Homestead High School from Kyle Thompson, Director of Maintenance & Operations.
The Board heard a presentation on a forthcoming increase in district facility rental fees from Kyle Thompson, Director of Maintenance & Operations.
The Board engaged in a Board Governance check-in.
The Board convened into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of Deliberating or Negotiating the Purchasing of Public Properties, the Investing of Public Funds, or Conducting other Specified Public Business, whenever Competitive or Bargaining reasons require a closed session (teacher negotiations).
May 8 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #6235 - Fund Balance, #3139 - Staff Discipline, #9210 - Parent and District Support Organizations, #6920 - Fundraising on Behalf of the District, #6910 - Gifts, Planned Giving, and Bequests, #0155 - Organization - School Board Committees
May 16 Legislative Committee Meeting
The committee engaged in planning, review of 2023 WASB Resolutions, and next steps in legislative advocacy.
May 20 Regular Business Meeting
The Board took action to approve employee transactions, including the hire of Mr. Jeff Haubenreich as the next principal of Lake Shore Middle School.
The Board approved the HHS Student Debate trip to Des Moines, IA from June 16-June 22 for the National Speech & Debate Tournament.
The Board heard the Treasurer’s report, PTO report from Donges Bay PTO representatives, the Superintendent’s report, and Legislative Committee report.
The Board heard public comment regarding impacts on a proposed schedule change for middle school band.
The Board took action to approve the 2024-2025 calendar of meetings.
The Board took action to approve the Homestead High School Solar Panel Project.
The Board heard a presentation of MTSD Community Survey Results from Perry Hibner of the Donovan Group and engaged in subsequent discussion.
The Board took action to approve the creation of a district fundraising guide.
The Board heard first readings of policies #6235 - Fund Balance, #3139 - Staff Discipline, and #0155 - Organization - School Board Committees.
The Board recognized anonymous gifts made to the Homestead High School National Honor Society Banquet and the Homestead High School Boys Volleyball program, both in the amount of $1,000.
May 22 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #6235 - Fund Balance, #3139 - Staff Discipline, #0155 - Organization - School Board Committees, #TBD - Parent Rights in Relation to District Programs/Activities and Student Privacy, #TBD - Library Materials Selection, #0111 - Official Description - Name, and #0111.1 - Official Description - Legal Status of the School District.
All Mequon-Thiensville community members, MTSD families, and staff members are encouraged to attend meetings of the MTSD Board of Education. As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website. For detailed agendas and PDFs of Board presentations, please visit BoardDocs.
M-T Recreation Department News
Register for Summer Programs
This guide highlights all SUMMER activities, classes, and sport camps for preschool, youth, adults and families. You will also find information on Summer Camp, Summer Academy, Kids' Campus, and 4K Wrap Care. Don't miss out on all the great classes we offer. REGISTER NOW!! Classes fill up very quickly!!
Click here for SUMMER Activity Guide
Click here for Online Registration Page
AM Fitness & Swim Announcement!
During the week of 6/20/2024 - 6/14/2024, MTSD Building & Grounds will be doing maintenance on Door #21. The entire parking lot will be closed and all access to the pool and fitness center will be blocked through Doors #20 & #21. We will still be open, but ask that everyone enter through Door #8 near the Highlander Walkway.
Summer Academy Registration Deadline Extended!
We've had an amazing turnout of students taking courses for the upcoming summer, but there is still room for more! Registration for both sessions of Summer Academy has been extended until Friday, May 31! Classes that are still open will be available, but those that are full have been taken offline. For more information about Summer Academy and to view the course guide, please click here.
Questions about Summer Academy? Email Beula Sundararajan at bsundararajan@mtsd.k12.wi.us.
📣 MTSD is Hiring! 📣
We encourage all community members to regularly check our certified and support staff listings on WECAN. Current highlighted positions include:
- Office Assistant - Oriole Lane Elementary School
- Computer Science Teacher (beginning in the 2024-25 school year) - Homestead High School
- Long-Term Music Teacher (beginning in the 2024-25 school year) - Donges Bay Elementary School
- Special Education Teacher (beginning in the 2024-25 school year) - Homestead High School
- Assistant Gymnastics Coach - Homestead High School
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, MTSD Instagram account, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram:
Find us on LinkedIn:
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
Annual Online Registration for 2024-25 School Year Begins
Saturday, June 1
An email with registration instructions will be emailed to all families
Retirement Open House Honoring Dr. Deborah Anderson
Monday, June 3 @ 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Cafeteria
Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, June 3 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Conference Room
Last Day of School!
Thursday, June 6
NO SCHOOL - Staff Inservice Day
Friday, June 7
Lakeshore Chinooks MTSD School Appreciation Night
Thursday, June 27 @ 6:35 p.m. - Kapco Park
Ticket vouchers available in your school's front office!