The Rattler Round-Up
1st Six Weeks Edition
September, 2020
We've made it through the 1st Six Weeks!
This year we wanted to share the GREAT things happening across the district each six weeks. We hope you enjoy our newsletter, The Rattler Round-Up!
We set our mission with the fundamental purpose of defining that with students, sharing examples of what it looks like, and celebrating all the ways we are living it!
Wednesdays in September during PE kids are participating in Erase Kids Cancer Walkathon, Miles for Madailein, thank you Mrs. Ives!
Lynda Foster organized Pen Pans with Granbury Nursing Home.
4th Graders are serving others by creating quilt squares to make a quilt to be auctioned off at benefit to give back to Madailein.
Renee Hawthorne was chosen to serve on the TEA Special Education Expert Group.
Students are being recognized for living our mission with Rattler Raves!
Three truck loads of water were donated for local First Responders, thank you to everyone who donated!
The staff and students are thriving in adapting and learning new situations!
- 8th grade students use their engineering skills to design air propelled cars.
- 7th grade band has been working diligently to be ready to join the THS marching band one day.
- 6th grade students save the day by completing a breakout science activity, then in math they compete in engaging math games.
- Mr. Tidwell took the "woot woot" cart around campus to show TJH teachers and staff how much their hard work is appreciated.
- We love the spirit on campus, both students and staff participated in dress-up days!
A total of 34 Juniors and Seniors have signed up for one or more of six different Dual Credit courses provided on campus in conjunction with our staff and Weatherford College.
40 students have signed up for the SAT and 32 students have signed up for the ACT. These tests are given on campus during the school day. District-paid TSI Testing for Juniors/ Seniors:Oct. 19-22nd. TSI for all sophomores will be:November 16th-19th.
Project Wisdom Announcements have begun. These announcements are a way for our students to participate in sharing words of wisdom from a variety of influential people. Teachers are assigned a specific week and will send a specific student(s) down to read the announcements and it is a way for them to feel involved and to speak wisdom.
FAFSA Night - We are partnering with Weatherford College Financial Aid office to bring FAFSA Night to our campus in October. Financial Aid gurus will be going step by step with our parents and students on how to complete the FAFSA.
Student Council has volunteered to Adopt a Highway (US 377) by our campus. Volunteers will be cleaning up the highway for our wonderful town.
Key Club will be starting at THS. Mrs. Click and Mrs. Parker have graciously volunteered to sponsor this club. Key Club is a part of the Kiwanis Club and is a great way for our students to understand servant leadership and possibly earn money for college.
Eleven of our THS staff members have received their Remote Learning Certification from the Texas Computer Education Association!
Our FFA successfully held their annual membership drive. Despite COVID and a rainy day, the sponsors, students, and FFA alumni pulled together to make this drive-thru event a smash!
THS Engineering students designed, created, and 3D printed model rockets that they were able to launch!
FCCLA has kicked off their membership year! So far, Mrs. Raybon has 6 students signed up for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been meeting each Tuesday morning in Mr. Griffith’s room, with an average of 15-20 attendees each week. This week, they had a Zoom Guest Speaker from the Tolar Church of Christ.
Our ag mech program will now be equipped with individual welding hoods and protective equipment for each student.
Technology Department
- For the past few years we have added to our infrastructure, we increased our bandwidth, partnered with Region 11 for Fiber, and added wireless internet access points in all classrooms. As a result, we are prepared for our current situation.
- All Junior High and High School students have been issued a chromebook to utilize while at school.
- In June we purchased 100 chromebooks and 35 Verizon hotspots to provide for our remote learners if needed.
- We purchased Pro Zoom accounts for all teachers to assist them in teaching remote learners.
- We participated in the TEA Operation Connectivity Program, allowing us to purchase an additional 100 chromebooks with 50/50 matching funds provided by the state.
Curriculum Department
- During this past summer teachers spent days working on their year-at-a-glance documents. You can access these documents on our website under the "Academics" tab at the top of the page.
- We adopted curriculum for English Language Arts/Reading in grades 9-12. Grades K-12 all adopted Houghton Mifflin Harcourt as the publisher.
- We purchased MAP Growth for grade 3-8 as an assessment tool for measuring achievement and growth in mathematics and reading.
- We purchased Dreambox for grades K-8, an online math learning tool made to engage students in meaningful math learning that prepares them for success in Algebra 1.
Child Nutrition Department
Tolar ISD Child Nutrition Department is pleased to announce starting today, September 21, 2020 we will be serving breakfast and lunch to all students at No Cost.
USDA passed a waiver until December 21, 2020 that provides funding for all students to enjoy a breakfast and a lunch across the states at no cost to the families.
*Please be advised that any and all charges prior to September 21, 2020 must be paid in full as soon as possible. You may do so by going online at www.EZSchoolPay.com or sending the funds to school with your child.
Transportation Department
Linda Basinger - Transportation Director
Stay Informed
Tolar ISD Website
Tolar ISD App
District Facebook Page
Travis Stilwell - Superintendent
Email: tstilwell@tolarisd.org
Website: www.tolarisd.org
Location: 305 South Oak Street, Tolar, TX, USA
Phone: 254-835-4718
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TolarIndependentSchoolDistrict/