Potter News
January 2025
From the Desk of Ms. Cimino
Mr. McShaffrey and I would like to wish all of our families a happy and healthy 2025!
As the cold weather continues, please make sure that your child is sent to school with the appropriate gear such as a jacket, hat, gloves, etc. Students will go outside for recess/gym/gross motor if temperatures permit. If you are in need of any of these items, please contact Ms. Melanson or Mrs. Thompsen.
On Friday January 24 we will be having our photo make-ups for new students and those who need a retake. If you need a flyer please contact the main office. If you are getting a photo retake please send in your original package on that day.
Deal Avenue Reminders
As winter weather approaches and the volume of students being dropped off/picked up increases, it is a good time to review our procedures for the Deal Ave. Walker Door.
All student drop off during arrival time (9:10-9:20) must take place on Deal Ave. This is the best way to ensure a safe arrival for all of our students. Drop off cannot take place before 9:10am as there will be no staff members available to supervise the children prior to that time. Do not drop your child off on Deal Ave. after 9:20 if there is no adult to receive them. Drop off after arrival time does need to take place in the Main Office.
Students in grades K-4:
We strive to have a steady flow of traffic during arrival. Please remain in your vehicle and pull up to the unloading zone (near Door 8). Students should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle for quick exit. Refrain from letting your child out of the car before the unloading zone.
Students in Preschool:
Please pull up past the unloading zone for K-4 (past the crosswalk). Park on the right side of the street and escort your child to Door 5 where they will be met by their classroom aide. Please be patient, and do not park on the left side of the street.
When picking up your child from Deal Avenue at dismissal please stay to the right, pull as far forward as possible in the loading zone, and remain in your vehicle. Your child will be escorted out by a staff member. Please remain in your vehicle and refrain from parking in the back parking lot. Do not exit your car on the right side of the road in the carline. If you must park, please do so past the crosswalk on the right side of the street.
If your child needs assistance buckling or getting into a car seat we ask that you pull forward past the loading zone and park on the right side of the street temporarily.
Even parents picking students up occasionally at dismissal time must use Deal Ave. Please call the Main Office or notify the teacher prior to 2:30 on the day of pick up so that your child will be directed to the Walker Door where you will follow the procedures outlined above.
Please note, all traffic laws must continue to be obeyed at all times. Deal Ave. is a one-way street during arrival/dismissal. No parking on the right side of the street between Red Bank Ave. and the crosswalk on Deal Ave. All parking must be in accordance with the law. Please do not block driveways or the entrance/exit of the parking lot. The parking lot is for staff only, and not to be used for drop off/pick up. Use the crosswalk at all times.
As always, thank you for your cooperation as student safety is our number one priority.
January Calendar
January 6: School Resumes
January 14: PTA Dine to Donate at Diesel's Subs & Wraps in Bayville
January 17: Spirit Day, Dress Your Best for H & M Potter School's Birthday
January 20: School Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21: End of 2nd Marking Period
January 22: Start of 3rd Marking Period
January 23: PTA Family Bingo (Flyer to follow)
January 24: Photo Make-Ups
January 25: Report Cards Posted to Parent Portal
January 27: PTA Meeting, 7pm APR
January 31: Spirit Day, Wear Potter Spirit Wear
PK-4 Principal at H & M Potter School