CVE Friday Flash
January 31, 2025
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
This is a friendly reminder that Parent-Teacher Conference registration closes on Tuesday, February 4th, at 9:00 PM. Our teachers are excited for the opportunity to connect with you and share updates on your child’s growth in academics, social development, and other key areas.
These conferences are a valuable time for us to celebrate progress, discuss goals, and collaborate on ways to support your child's continued success. We truly appreciate your partnership and are striving for 100% participation—your involvement makes a huge difference!
Please see the details below to complete your registration. We look forward to meeting with you soon!
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Jan 31st: Family Winter Dance 6PM - 8PM
- Feb 3rd - 7th: ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 4th: Conference Sign Up Link Closes @ 9PM
- Feb 4th: Kids Heart Challenge Begins
- Feb 6th: Parent / Teacher Conferences (4-8PM)
- Feb 11th: Parent / Teacher Conferences (4-8 PM)
- Feb 10 - 14: ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 24 -28 : ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 17 -21 : ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 25: Family Author Night: Erin Soderberg Downing (6-7:30PM)
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
THANK YOU to all who donated socks for the "Love for LA" sock drive. Socks will be sent to school in the LA area impacted by the recent fires.
Centerville Parent Teacher Association (CPTA)
Join us on Friday, January 31st for our second annual family winter dance!
Winter Dance Info
- When: Friday, January 31st
- Time: 6PM - 8PM
- Volunteers: We are looking for some volunteers to help make the night a success. Sign up HERE
Sign Up TODAY! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Centerville Elementary School!
Quack, Quack! The Heart Heroes are coming back! Our school is participating in Kids Heart Challenge, kicking off on 2/4/2025 and it’s time for you to sign up your student to become an official Heart Hero.
Sign up TODAY
Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started and complete Finn’s Mission.
All Students who register before the kick-off on Feb. 4th will receive a Game Show Grab Bag.
All Students who complete Finn’s Mission will be recognized at the All School Assembly on Feb. 4th and receive their Finn’s Mission Heart Hero cape!
Thank you for your support, together we are building a Nation of Lifesavers!
Family Author Night
Join us for Centerville's Family Author Night on Tuesday, February 25, from 6–7:30 PM! Hosted by the Centerville PTA, this free, family-friendly event features Erin Soderberg Downing, author of over 75 books for kids, tweens, and young adults. Come enjoy an evening of fun and inspiration as Erin shares her passion for reading, writing, and storytelling. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to connect with a celebrated author and dive into her creative world!
Lost & Found
- Our collection of Lost and Found items is steadily growing.
- Items will be placed on tables for parent viewing during conferences or parents may sign into the kiosk and view items during school hours.
- Lost items with names will be returned to students.
- Items will be donated after conferences.
Parent / Teacher Conferences - Now Open
· Conference Dates: February 6th & February 11th (4-8PM)
· Registration Opens: Friday, January 24th, at 6:00 AM
· Registration Closes: Tuesday, February 4th, at 9:00 PM
· How to Register: Click THIS link.
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principals Chair: Evana Vang
Pizza Winners
Lyanna Johnson
Raegan Wyse
Elliemae Wicklander
Vincent Boukal
Ava Nelson
Charlee Clochie
Leroy Vang
Morgan Swanson
Araiyah Helm
Max Lewke
Vivienne Suon
Riley Dornfeld
Valentina Hernandez Campos
Hank Kriegler
Prize Winners
Lucy Pike
James Palkovich
Natalia Kidd
Jameson Fabyanske
Maddie Sayre
Avery Krall
Ryker Wicklander
Melly Erkenbreck
Brock Kriegler
Tanner Kisskeys
Callie Cardinal
Felicity Westholter
Everett Kiewell
Luke Carlson
Community Education
Beginning Chess (gr. 2-5) After school at CVE! Join us after school to learn the exciting game of chess. We’ll learn about each piece, strategies and have a fun tournament on the final day of class including prizes. Beginning Chess is held Thursdays, after school beginning February 13.
More happening soon:
Feb. 11- Youth Cougar Choir (gr. 3-5)
Feb. 14- Spark Equestrian Day Camp (ages 6-12)
DASH Multi-Sports Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Feb. 17- Intensive Sewing Class (ages 8-13)
Ninja Day Camp (ages 5-13)
Feb. 22- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-10)
Feb. 25- Multiplayer Minecraft: City Builder (gr. 1-5)(virtual)
Mar. 20- Volleyball Intro Skills and Games (gr. 3)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Annual District Survey
We want to hear from you! Reminder to parents/guardians to complete the school district’s annual survey. The survey is short—takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is open until Sunday, February 9, at 9:00 p.m.
Survey—English, Somali, Spanish
School Board Hosts Listening Session in February
In ongoing efforts to gather feedback from stakeholders, the School Board hosts Listening Sessions quarterly. The sessions provide the opportunity for community members, staff, parents, and students to meet informally with board representatives and the superintendent to discuss topics in the schools. The next Listening Session be held on February 10, 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in the District Office Board Room. More information can be found here.
Centennial Preschool registration opens February 3
The Centennial School District offers high-quality part-day and full-day preschool experiences designed to prepare students, ages 3-5, and their families for success in kindergarten. Our 4-Star Parent Aware rated program teaches both academic and social skills using a “learning-through-play” philosophy. Full-day classrooms are located at each of the elementary schools in the Centennial School District; part-day classrooms are at the Early Childhood Center. Registrations received between February 3 – February 23 will be included in the placement lottery. Registration will remain open after the lottery for remaining seats. Program information and registration can be found here.
Register online or in-person at one of our preschool registration events!
- Landings of Lexington, 9400 Lexington Ave, Tuesday, February 4, 10 am-noon – community room
- Centennial Square, 3200 89th Ave NE, Wednesday, February 5, 4 pm-5:30 pm – community room
- Centennial Library, 100 Civic Heights Cir, Tuesday, February 11, 10 am-noon – entry vestibule
- Centerville Elementary, 1721 Westview St, Thursday, February 13, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm– room 110
Know of a family interested in attending Centennial Schools?
Centennial is now accepting open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for grades kindergarten - 12. Preschool open enrollment begins in February. More information can be found here.
Spring College Fair
Centennial High School will host a Spring College Fair on Monday, February 24 from 5:30 pm-7 pm in the West Gym. Visit with representatives from regional colleges, universities, community colleges, and technical colleges. This event is open to all parents and students in any grade level as well as the Centennial community.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800