RFS Family Newsletter
October 21, 2024
Important Dates
11/4 Family/Teacher Conferences
11/5 NO School - Voting day
11/7 Family/Teacher Conferences
11/11 No School/Veterans Day Observed
11/27-29 - No School/Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 due voting day.
Halloween and Fall Celebrations
Halloween is on Thursday, October 31st. Classes will participate in a variety of fall activities this day which may include counting pumpkin seeds, reading spooky stories, and community building activities. Students are invited to wear costumes during the day. However, when selecting a costume we respectfully request that it be school appropriate and considerate of the wide age range of students that attend RFS. No fake blood, gore, face makeup, masks, or pretend weapons. In addition, be mindful of small items such as gloves, crowns, badges, etc. which, if forgotten at school, will make for a disappointing evening.
If your student's classroom teacher is asking for families to send in food items for a spooky celebration please consider sending in healthy items and send in only prepackaged food choices.
Lastly, please limit the amount of sweet treats that you send into school on Friday and the following week. Thank you with your help keeping one of the sweetest day of the year healthier and productive.
Student Council
RFS, Ms. Desilets and Ms. Lavoie are xcited to announce the members of 2024-25 RFS Student Council. Congratulations to the following students :
Rm 22
Leo C.
Henry E.
Fionna K.
Keegan R.
Ashley M.
Ellie M.
Rm 24
Mariah B.
Charlotte B.
Elizabeth H.
Avni M.
Greta R.
Vera S.
Enzo S.
Brooklyn P.
Rm 26
Gemma D. .
Jordan G.
Owen M.
Nora P.
Rm 28
Gavin B.
Nathan KI.
Brody M.
Christian M.
Lauren P.
Daniella R.
Ximena SM.
Mrs. Lavoie and Ms. Deslites were so impressed by the creative and thoughtful applications that these students submitted. Congratulations!
Use the live links below to access information and applications for the free/reduced lunch program
Elementary School Healthy Habits
Kindergarten News!
We are having a busy, fun October in kindergarten! All kindergarten classes are currently learning about shapes. One day, room 5 finished a math lesson early, so theyhad time to make shape pictures. It was fun!
As part of our study of the five senses, during a recent With &Wisdom lesson, students in some classes were able to go outside on the Nature Trail and explore using four of their five senses.
To help reinforceletters and letter sounds, students searched for magnetic letters in the sand. When they found the letter, they had to name the letter and its sound. Students have been working
hard and doing well learning the letters and sounds. We wish you a happy fall!
First Grade News!
This past week first graders have begun to dive into their Geode books. What are Geodes you ask? Geodes are a series of books that are accessible to our learners and go hand in hand with both the first grade phonics and reading programs. They are authentic readers that also provide students with knowledge about science and social studies topics they otherwise may not study. These books help students utilize the skills they have learned in our phonics program while they read. One of the stories in the first module of Geodes is titled, The Story in the Cave, where 4 boys who were searching for their lost dog stumbled upon a hidden cave in France. There they find ancient, mysterious images on the walls and ceilings that sparked excitement and curiosity. After reading the story the students participated in their own cave drawings. Using flashlights they crawled under tables with crayons and while laying on their backs, created their own drawings in the "cave".
Fourth Grade News!
Students have been discussing what it means to have a great heart, both literally and figuratively when studying literature. They've studied Greek and Latin roots, including cor and cardi (heart). They've also focused on analyzing famous quotations.
Andres Institue of Art
Fourth grade students went to the Andres Institute of Art. Students hiked and viewed a variety of sculptures from artists around the world. It was a beautiful day. Thank you to all the volunteers who joined us!
Unified Arts Schedule
MSD policy for Volunteers
All volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings: Training Directions.
PFA News!
RFS Lunch
Students may bring their lunch or buy hot lunch.
Meal Prices:
$3.25 Grades K-4
Grade A Milk Assortment Served with All Meals
Parents may add funds to their students' My School Bucks account. More information regarding My School Bucks can be found on the District's website: https://www.sau26.org/Page/6187. Information can also be found in the beginning of the year paperwork that will be sent home.