Preschool Press
March Newsletter
Spring has sprung! This crazy weather is keeping us on our toes! Please continue to send hats, gloves, boots, and warm jackets. It’s better for the kids to have options for what to wear outside than to be cold and have wet shoes while trying to play and learn.
Thank you to our families working to complete and return Read and Respond sheets with your student. Reading books to your child is important for language and vocabulary development. Prioritizing a routine at home that includes time for reading every day will help your child prepare for kindergarten.
Our 4K students have been working hard on their cooperative challenge, “Asking for Help,” without being prompted by an adult. Students have been motivated to ask for help when needed in hopes of earning a tiny fish to put in their class fishbowl. Once the class fishbowl is full, they earn a BIG FISH to add to Curiosity Cat’s BIG Bowl. Our preschool students' goal is to fill up the BIG bowl so we can go swimming together to celebrate. The emotional regulation goal “asking for help” is a Getting Along Together curriculum skill focus for preschoolers.
Thank you for your continued partnership in playing and learning,
Jenni Callen
4K Coordinator
Curiosity the Cat
Ms. Salm's class adding fish to Curiosity's bowl
Success For All (SFA)
Preschoolers have been soaking in tons of new knowledge about transportation, farm animals, veterinarians, pet stores, zoo animals, dinosaurs, and so much more! Over the past few weeks, students had fun playing in pretend “plan & play” scenarios in their classroom while pretending to be farmers, zoo keepers, paleontologists, and veterinarians. Through play, our students are learning about the world around them, future jobs they could have, and how to care for animals and other people.This hands-on learning helps our students engage with their peers and learn important social emotional skills to benefit them for years to come. I encourage you to “pretend play” with your child at home. You don’t need fancy toys! Just use your imagination while letting your child pick what to play and what should happen next. Preschooler brains are growing every single day. Their creativity and intellect is demonstrated through their ideas and imaginative play.
In our next unit we will be learning all about plants and new life in the springtime!
Please remember to turn in your “Read and Respond” sheets weekly. Students who turn them in, completed, will earn a ticket for a free slice of pizza or salad from Kwik Trip! Our students have been so excited earning this incentive. Keep up the great work of reading every night with your student!
Wonderful Words: Try incorporating these new vocabulary words into your daily conversations.
Unit 11 “Transportation” : go, transportation, air, wheels, travel, jet, train, ship, horse, truck
Unit 12 “Baa Baa, Moo Moo, Woof, Meow” : animal, pet, bite, feather, mammal, barn, egg, wool, plow, veterinarian
Unit 13 “Wild and Wooly” : zoo, wild, zookeeper, map, endangered, extinct, huge, carnivore, bones, museum
Stephanie Rosado
4K/TK SFA Facilitator
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events:
March 25- 29: Spring Break- No School
April 3: YMCA to School Forest
April 4: RV & Lakeshore 1/2 day to School Forest
April 5: RV Full day & TK to School Forest
April 18: Swimming Day At RV (teacher assigned time and date coming soon)
April 19: Swimming Day At RV (teacher assigned time and date coming soon)
April 22: RV & Lakeshore 1/2 day to Library
April 23: RV Full day & TK to Library
April 29: YMCA to Library
May 7: ALL MPSD 4k & TK Students to Blue Royal Farms