Pirates Post
Week of September 9th
Message from Principal Drew...
Students that have not completed the process to acquire their Chromebooks need to do so immediately. Parents must sign the AUP and submit payment for insurance and any missing parts in order to get their child's Chromebook issued to them. Students without a Chromebooks are at risk of falling further behind every day. Once again, if you have not already received your Chromebook it is critical that you take the necessary steps to do so as soon as possible.
Seniors that have not received the meningococcal vaccine will not be able to attend school or any school functions after September 24, 2024. An updated shot record must be provided to the school nurse. The vaccine can be found at your primary care physician or the local health department.
Parents we need your help in providing the very best learning environment for every child at our school. Cell phones are a huge distraction in class and hinder your child's ability to learn as well as those around them. We are asking all students to place their phones in pocket holders as they enter each of their classrooms each day. Their phone is returned to them at the end of class each period. We ask that you speak with your student(s) to express the importance of their compliance with this practice and the impact it can have on their learning. Together we can make sure that every child has the best chance to learn every day.
Picture day is this Tuesday for all students. Seniors will take cap and gowns photos on this day. Be sure to wear your best smile for your photo that will be in the yearbook.
Yearbooks are currently on sale for $65 through the end of September. With this promotion, students can also get 4 free icons added for personalization. Yearbooks can be purchased on jostens.com .
This week at PCHS:
Monday - FCCLA will meet in Mrs. Mountjoy-Riddick's room at 7:30, Soccer will host Camden
Tuesday - Picture day for all students. Seniors will take cap and gown photos on this day as well. Caps and gowns will be provided to all Seniors for these photos. Volleyball will host Tarboro at 4:30.
Wednesday - Volleyball will play at Currituck at 4:30.
Thursday - FCA will meet in the gym at 7:30, cross country will run at NECP at 4:00, Volleyball will play at Gates at 4:30.
Friday - Football will host Northside at 7:00 PM
Upcoming dates of interest:
9/10 - Picture day for all students/cap and gown photos will be taken for Seniors on this day
10/18 - Optional teacher workday - no school for students
10/21 - Required teacher workday - no school for students
12/16-12/20 - First semester final exams
PCHS Highlights...
Math: Students of the Week...
Mrs. Baker - Jax Taylor (PreCal)
Ms. Gregory - Landyn Gutierrez (Foundations of Math)
Mrs. Riddick - Rihanna Roscoe (Math 3)
Mrs. Tynch - Raymond Carter (Math 1)
Academic Success: Student of the Week...
Donny Lawson completed 2 Apex courses!!
Drama Club: The Drama Club Met on Wednesday, September 5th, and elected new officers...
President: Kendra Graham
Vice President: Shelby Lowe
Secretary: Jocelyn Jennings
Treasurer: Benjamin Lowther
Court Jester: Dustin Seabury
Congratulations to our new officers! If you would like to join Drama Club our next meeting will be Wednesday, September 11th from 3:15-4.
NCVBCA Student-Athlete Players to Watch List
Yearbooks are currently on sale for $65 through the end of the month. With this promotion, students can also get 4 free icons added for personalization. Yearbooks can be purchased on jostens.com.
Direct, Blunt
Merit Challenge
Picture Day
Students...Check Your Email Each Day
Attention Seniors
Message from Nurse Goetsch...
All seniors must receive the meningococcal vaccine. Proof of vaccination must be received no later than September 24. Please see the nurse if you have any questions.