This week at Connections!
September 3, 2024
Dare we say that Fall is in the air?!?
There is something about the crisp morning air that makes this time of year something to look forward to! Let's all hang on to that sunshine and warmth as much as possible this month!
We have a number of outdoor events coming up, so be sure to check out the links below for all the event information for all of our locations!
ATTENTION! Rollover Funds
Connections Rollover Funds for Allotment
Wednesday, September 4th is the deadline for Rollover Funds. If you were enrolled with us for 23-24 and have NOT yet enrolled for the 24-25 school year, please call us today to schedule your re-enrollment appointment!
Xinlan Tanner
Congratulations to Connections student, Xinlan Tanner! She applied to the MIT Weekend Immersion in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program last spring and was accepted to attend! She is excited to attend and proud to represent the Connections Homeschool program during her time at MIT in October!
High School Eligibility
High School Eligibility Grade Reports are DUE to your advisor by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH!
Any high school student participating in a high school sport!!!
High School Eligibility Check will take place on Monday, September 16th!
The Connections Homeschool program is excited to offer students the opportunity to serve on our Student Council.
The Student Council is open to students in 7th -12th grade. This is a great opportunity to explore ways to serve your school and community as well as make new friends. Students can gain experience in leadership skills and help be a voice for their school.
During the school year, we assist with community service projects and various school functions. Participation in this program is a great opportunity to gain experiences that can help students in their pursuit of scholarships and community awards.
If you are interested in participating in this organization, please complete the attached form or stop by our table at the Soldotna Back to School barbeque on September 13th. All applications should be submitted to Kellie Davidson by September 20th. Applicants will be notified by September 24th regarding acceptance into this organization.
Our first meeting will be on September 27th. The location will be determined as we get closer to the meeting date.
Click HERE for the Student Council application.
The following information is for the Soldotna area. Other areas information will be available soon.
MAPs is a standardized test given fall and winter to students in 3rd through 10th grade. Parents and teachers can use the MAPs test to monitor student’s progress in Math, Reading, and Language. We are able to administer this test remotely; students can participate online at home, so there’s no need for students to come into the office to participate. Parents may opt out if they don’t want their child(ren) to participate. Results will be available within a few days after testing is completed.
For the fall testing window of MAPs, we will have the following sessions available. Students may complete only ONE SUBJECT during a test session:
September 10 (Tuesday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
September 11 (Wednesday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
September 12 (Thursday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
September 17 (Tuesday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
September 18 (Wednesday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
September 19 (Thursday) 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
If you would like to have your child participate in this assessment at home, please sign up for a different session for each subject. (For example, Math on Tuesday at 9:30 am, Reading on Tuesday at 1:30 pm, Writing on Wednesday at 9:30 am) Please click the link to sign up online MAP registration , or contact your advisor or the main office to sign up for a session.
Below you will find links to directions to proctor this test at home. Please review the instructions prior to testing days as there are items that need to be completed ahead of time to ensure a smooth testing day.
Troubleshooting help:
If you have any questions, please reach out to your advisor!
Homer and Seward area testing information will be coming soon!
mCLASS is a universal screener and assessment system that measures a child's literacy and math skills. It's used for students in Grades K-5 and provides information that can help teacher and parents understand a child's development and identify areas for support.
Consider signing up your K-5 student(s) today.
Any questions, please contact Sarah Milam at or call the office 907-714-8880.
Homer- Outdoor Club's first adventures!!
Calvin and Coyle Trail
Plant Identification along Eveline Trail!
Back to School BBQ & Socials
Seward Welcome Back BBQ
Wednesday, Sep 4, 2024, 11:30 AM
Branson Pavilion, Ballaine Boulevard, Seward, AK, USA
Homer- Back to School Social & BBQ
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 11:00 AM
Karen Hornaday Park, West Fairview Avenue, Homer, AK, USA
Back to School BBQ- Central Peninsula
Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 PM
Soldotna Creek Park, States Avenue, Soldotna, AK, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Our PreK Program, Ready Set Connect, kicked off last week in both Homer and Soldotna! Enjoy these cuties ready to dive into learning!
What's Happening at each Connections Location?
Click the link for your area to see what each Connections location has coming up AND the community events for each area.
Our school went through the process of getting reaccredited through Cognia. We received our official Certificate of Accreditation stating that Connections Homeschool Program has met the criteria for educational quality established by the Cognia Global Commission and an accompanying letter which is attached below.